


13 reasons why reading log







3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got
3. How Hannah tried to cope
She tries to forget about the
rumours and how Justin behave in
this situation, after they got

R € A D I N G L O 3. How Hannah tried to cope She tries to forget about the rumours and how Justin behave in this situation, after they got closer G 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Tony, Tony's father, Clay's mother, Justin Clay in his garage Eisenhauer Park 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections he can't believe it 1 it was frightening to him that Hannah made these tapes 3 he thought he would never hear her voice again is extremely shocked about what Han- ah said R E A O S 4. Hannah's message she gives reasons, why she creates the tapes N she wanted that everyone knows the truth about her S W H 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt for her the rumour based on a kiss ruined her memory that she hoped would be special she is also hurt by Justin that he didn't tell anybody how it really was Y a #1A Quotes "In the end, everything matters" (p.20, L. ^^) Betrayal is one of the worst feeligns" (p.20, L.12) "Because our lies matched. It was a sign." (p. 25, L.32) ".., but I need room. Room to breathe." (p.27, LL.3-4) "It reminded me of innocence." (p.29, 1.2) DO 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time he did not take her for granted he thought he would never hear her voice again realises again how attractive and beauti- ful Hannah was R E A D I N G L O G 3. How Hannah tried to cope She tries to see...

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the situation from an other perspective and gives the Listener advice how to make it better. She knew the list was a joke but a joke can hurt too. She described as "survived" (P. 44, L. 1) 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Clay, Alex, Justin, Hannah, Ms. Stumm, man behind the counter Hannah's old house, school, Blue Spot Liquor 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He thinks that it's not fair what Alex did to Hannah 1 He also questioned himself what he did. that Hannah was hurt and one of the reasons she commits suicid. 3 Every place Hannah has mentioned in her tapes has an influence how Clay is feeling, when he visits it. He has Visions of her doing something. R E A S O N 4. Hannah's message "If you touch a girl, even as a joke and she pushes you off, leave...her ...alone. Your touch does nothing but sicken her. "(p.50,11.26-28) "Did it hurt? No. But that doesn't matter does it? Because the question is, did he have the right to do it? And the answer I hope is obvious." (p. 47, 1. 1-3). S W H 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was hurt, because someone grabbed her ass, because someone wrote her name on a List, where she was in the hot column. She is also hurt, because Alex sow her upset, but he didn't react and that's what Hannah hurt Y A #1B 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He tries to forget about every memory with her He asks himself questions like "what if..." he is very insecure Sometimes he imagines Hannah in front of him and then he realises that she is gone Quotes ="This tape is about how people change when they see your name on a stupid List. "Ip. 41,L. 18-19 "One big, fat, happy joke." (p. 44, L.4) "Then the jerk let go and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm only playing, Hannah. Just relax." (p. 49, L.6-7) "First his words- then his actions." (p. 49, L. 18) Here's a tip. If you touch a girl, even as a joke and she pushes you off, leave... her.. alone Don't touch her. Anywhere! Just stop. Your touch does nothing but sicken her." (p. 50, 1.24-25) R E A D I N G L O G 3. How Hannah tried to cope She tries to accept what happen. ed and how Jessica tried to cope with it, but Hannah didn't understand how Jessica reacted and why she didn' believe her 1 3 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Jessica, Ms. Antilly, Alex, Justin, Mr. Porter city bus, Monet's garden café & Coffeehouse 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He is confused and has never known this whole thing between Hannah & Jessica He is also a little bit stressed and don't know what happens next He also wants to change what happened in the past and want to change things R E A S O N 4. Hannah's message Everything you are doing to a person leaves traces, no matter if it's inside of the person or outside. Every person has feelings and you don't know how they are feeling about everything, so you have to be careful about what your saying or doing. S W H Y 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was hurt by Jessica, that she rather believe about the rumours than the truth Hannah has explained She never thought that Jessica would cheat on her #2 A BAR 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He is unsure if he is doing the right thing by hearing all the tapes At some point he will threw away all the tapes and wants to go on, as if never anything hap- pened Quotes "You can't rewrite the past." (p.57, 1.4) "I don't care that he picked you over me." (p.60, 1.18) "You can hear rumours, but you can't know them." (p. 61, 11.4-5) But I see it every morning when I get ready for school. "Good morning, Hannah" it says. And every night when I get ready for bed. "Sleep fight." (p.62, 11. 26-28) R E A D I N G L O G 3. How Hannah tried to cope She also observes Tyler and did everything he did to her she watched through a window and saw everything. Tyler did in his room. 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Clay, Hannah, Tyler Down, the girl behind the counter Monet's garden Café & Coffeehouse 1 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He tries to imagine what Tyler has to feel, if he hears about himself 3 He is very tense, because he can't beliere that Tyler did or does things like this Clay called Tyler an idiot to do such terrible things like these clay didn't expect it from Tyler R A O E S N S 4. Hannah's message I think Hannah's mesage is clear. Be safe with every person you meet before you trust them. Be safely about everything you tell others. Sometimes you have guests you won't have, so it's always better to keep at first more distance and then get closer. W H Y 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was exposed by Tyler that he didn't accept that it was her privacy. it was her safe place and after everything Tyler did it wasn't hers anymore and she felt not safe in her own home A #2B Quotes In honor of Hannah, I should order a hot chocolate." (p. 64. L. 1) "1 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He can't believe what Tyler did to her He does not really know how exactly to feel, if it's angry or sad He wants to know more about her and it feels so amazing to him finding a photo of her with a smile Sometimes you need to be quiet when you're all alone." (p.68, 11.10-11) 11 You fill in the gaps ? Because every story I'm telling leaves so many unanswered questions." (p.71,11.21-22) " My house? My bedroom. They were supposed to be safe for me. Safe from everything outside. But you were the one who took that away." (p. 79,11. 19-21) "After your visits, I twisted my blinds shut every night. I locked out the stars and I never saw Lightning again." (p. 79, 11. 16-17) R E A D I N G L O 3. How Hannah tried to cope Hannah tried to hurt Courtney just Like Courtney nurt Hannah, by forcing Courtney to take that picture with her together and not alone. she let her feel the same way as she felt. G 1 3 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He has no words for what courtney did to Hannah He can't believe how a so friendly and smart person can cheat on someone just for their own image R 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Courtney, Tyler, Skye Miller, Marcus Cooley Monet's garden Café & Coffeehouse, bus, Party at a students home E 4. Hannah's message A S O N Not every person is a good one. Some of them just want your success or popularity for their own. They cheat on you to get what they want without taking regard. S W H Y A 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was hurt, because courtney just used Hannah for a better image and not for becoming friends Jessica only cheated on Hannah and nobody wants a person who takes what you need and then pushes you away D #3A 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He felt sorry for Hamah, but he also liked how she react at the party He is getting closer why Hannah recorded the tapes and wants everybody to understand why She committed suicide and she had good reasons for that. Quotes "In fact, I don't even dislike you. But for a time, I thought you and I were becoming friends." (p. 83, 11 28-29) Good-bye. And good-bye was exactly what you meant." (p. 90,11. 16) "With Hannah's words ready at the push of a button, it feels wrong to smile like this. But it also feels nice. It feels like the first time I've smiled in months, though it's only been hours." (p.92, 11. 13-15) "I did not want to act like everything is okay, because it wasn'4." (p. 100, 11.29-30) R E A D I N G L O 3. How Hannah tried to cope She pushed him back and mode clear that doesn't want anything from him G 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Marcus Cooley bench, School, Rosie's, Theater 1 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He realises that Hannah had enough reasons for committing suicide It's getting too much for him and he don't know how to handle this More and more often he tries to calm down and takes a deep breathe 3 4. Hannah's message ■ R E " A 11 S Boy's not always mean it so, they just playing. They often forget how somebody feels at this moment. Actions and even words are enough to hurt somebody very deep O N S 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was hurt by Marcus, that he was just joking and didn't really want to go on a date And when Marcus tried to get closer she didn't want it, because she knew that Marcus is just playing W H Y A #3B 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He blames himself that he should have Quotes Because you never wore makeup, Hannah. You didn't need it." (p. 103, 11. 5-6) "The wonderful about a yearbook photo is that everyone shares the moment with you.... forever." (p.106 1.34- p. 107 1.2) been there more for Hannah He thinks that if he noticed that Hannah was hurt, he could have helped her, but now he can't do anything. This time, for the first time, I saw possibilities in giving up. I even found hope in it." (p. 107,11. 25 - 26 "From the longest time, from almost day one at this school, it seemed that I was the only one who cared about me." (p. 121, 11. 19-20) "I'm listening to someone give up. Someone I knew. Someone I liked. I'm listening. But still, I'm too late. " (p. 122, 11. 26-28) R E A D I N G L O 3. How Hannah tried to cope She wanted also wanted to be a part of something. She I wanted that her classmates discuss with her and her problems, so that she finds a way out of it G 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, zach, Mrs. Bradley, Tony Rosie's Diner, School 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He can't believe that Zach did these 1 things He also feels more and more close to Hannah and understands her behaviour from the last months more and more He does feel he get to know the real Hannah 3 R E A O S N 4. Hannah's message Peer communications was her safe heaven at school, but they are always people who can make it to your personal nell. S W H 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She feels dissapointed, that no one was interested in her. Her thoughts, feelings... She wanted to share her suicide thoughts with her class Y DO #4A 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time At first he said Zach is one of the good guis, but then didn't like what Zach did. He wants that Zach puts oneself in Hannah's position and that if maybe they would've discussed it in class, Hannah wouldn't has been dead. Quotes [.] Peer Communications was my safe heaven at school "(P. 128, 11-11-12) And the more I thought, connecting events in my life, the more my heart collapsed. "Ip. 133, 11. 11-12) 11 "My world was collapsing. I needed those notes. I needed any hope those notes might had offered." (p. 137, 11. 12-13) "Because in there, I admitted that I was at a point in my life where I really could have used any encouragement anyone might have left me. Encouragement... that he stole." (p. 139, 11. 22-25) "But deep dow, the truth was that the only person saying that was me. Deep down, those were my words." (p. 143,11. 14-15) R E A D I N G 3. How Hannah tried to cope He tried to ignore them when they talked about her poem in the hallways She tries not to let it in to her her and makes jokes about it. She tries to keep distance the poem between and herself. 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Ryan Shaver Rosie's, community room at the public library The poem: I meet your eyes you don't even see me You hardly respond when I whis per hello Could be my soul mate two kindred spirits Maybe we're not I guess we'll never know My own mother you carried me in you Now you see nothing but what I wear People ask you L O 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections For Clay it's difficult to process everything Hannah says. is mentally not in a very good mood. It breaks his heart, hearing again the poem from the mouth of Hannah. G how I am doing You smile and nod don't let it end there see me for my soul! alone 1 3 . Put me underneath God's sky and R know me don't just see me with your eyes Take away this mask of flesh and bone and E 11 A 4. Hannah's message Trust nobody if you're not only about 100% sure to give this infor- mation to an other person. If it helps you to cope with the inform- ation write them down or smth... Every person can give the information to others and it's not anymore private. Be careful. S O 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was hurt by Ryan because she gave him something that had a lot of feelings in it, her deepest thoughts and he destroyed that poem that meant a lot to Hannah She thought she could trust him, but instead of trust he used her for what he wants. N S W H Y 313 #4B 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time Quotes If you could hear other people's thoughts, you'd overhear things that are true as well as things that are completely random." (p.144, 11. 17-19) He linked the things that happened at And honestly, there is no better way to explore your emotions than with poetry" (p. 145, 11. 13-14) Maybe a therapist would have helped, Hannah." (p. 145, 1.25) And that's why, right at this moment, I feel so much hate. Toward myself. "(p.149, 11. AA-12) "I needed a break from myself." (p. 149, 1. 19) l'decided to use poetry to make myself happy." (p. 149, 11. 23-24) school with Hamah's statements He feels bad for Hannah and what she had to go through school He is also very sad. He said he don't wanna hear her poem, because the he starts to cry and he don't wanna cry in the dinner R E A D I N G L 3. How Hannah tried to cope It was hard for her to sent Clay out instead of talking to him. to trust somebody is very hard for her with the tape she wanted to get away from that guilt she felt until she recorded this. O 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Clay, Hannah, Tony Tony's car, Cottonwood G 1 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He is happy that he is on the tapes, because Hannah wants to apologize and not because he did something wrong The whole cassette is very emotional to him and means a lot to him. A load falls from his shoulders ↳> in the tapes before he makes himself Grazy for what reason he could be an the tape and now he feels kind of free. 3 R E A O S N 4. Hannah's message I think she wants us to show that we should spent a lot of time with the people that we love until there is no time left. Take all of your courage and show the others how you feel about them, because you don't know Ihow long they are still here. S W H Y 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt Hannah was neither exposed or hurt from Clay, maybe from Justin because he came into the room after Clay left. 313 #5A 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time At first he don't know what to think that he is on the tapes until the moment comes where Hannan apolagizes for her acting He miss her very much and wishes that he could tell her that he liked Hannah Quotes Clay honey your name does not belong on this list." (p. 163, 1.21) Everything... affects everything." (p. 164, 1.28) 10 "And for the first time in a long time, I felt hope." (p. 167, 11.6-7) It was simply the calm before the storm. "(p. 167, 1.13) 11 All you really have... is now." (p. 168.1.13) "But unlike everyone else you were the whole reason I came." (p. 169, 11.6-7) "1 The last time I cared what anyone thought about me was that night. And that was the last night." (p. 174, 11. 11-12) I was hoping you'd tell me to stop again. To stop leaving!" (p. 176, 1.3) R E A D I N G L O 3. How Hannah tried to cope She talked to Justin and said that they are both are guilty for what happened and that's their fault. G 1 3 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections It's difficult for him to understand why Tony knows all about this too The story shocked him and he is very confused what happened after he left the room. R 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Tony, Justin Foley, Jessica Davis, random guy (friend of Justin) Cottonwood E A O S 11 4. Hannah's message Make it better than me and take action if you see anybody. raping on someone. No one Should get raped and if you I have the chance to Stop Something like that, do it! N S W H Y A 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was hurt because the idea that someone rape someone while this person doesn't know about it, because she was drunk, makes her feel very terrible She was also dissapointed, because she had the chance to stop it #5B DO 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He couldn't believe that Hannah had to go through all this things too and alone He feels guilty that he didn't went back to check up on Hannah and seeing if she is really ok Quotes "Hannah wasn't my first kiss, but the first kiss that mattered. " (p. 180, 1. 19) "I wanted the world to stop.... to end." (p. 184, 11.14-15) He did. But you... and I... we let it happen. It's our fault." (p. 187, 11. 14-16) R E A D I N G L O 3. How Hannah tried to cope She walked through the streets hoping that she will cry more less and calm down and realising what happened G 1 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Tony Jenny Kurtz, the seniour who died Stop sign, Cottonwood 3 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He can't believe that this all happened in this one night He is shocked that Hannah had to feel the guilt for the accident He also had flashbacks of the night and remembers that he only felt so alone and Hannah had other problems than understanding what happened between them R E A S O 4. Hannah's message She shows us that every miserable Little mistake you make, can hurt somebody else, no matter how. N She wants us to show not to wait for anything, but take action and handle the things that get broken S W H Y 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She was hurt by Jenny that she didn't call the police, because she was the one who crashed the sign She could't believe that because of Jenny's and Hannah's action, someone else died 313 #6A 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He loves Hannah with his complete heart while hearing the tapes he suffers with Hannah. He feels all the pain that Hannan felt too. Quotes 11 And once again, I could have stopped it... somehow." [p. 198, 1.11) "But on that day, with all of you at afuneral, I began thinking of my own." (p. 200, 11. 11-12) 11 Maybe you didn't know what people thought of you because they themselves didn't know what they thought of you. D I wanted life to stay right there.. on pause " (p. 201, 11. 33-34) "The thought of disappearing like that - so simply - made me so happy. (p. 203, 11.10-11) R E A D I N G L O G 3. How Hannah tried to cope Everything Bryce did to Hannah was just an other excuse for her to let everything behind her, because no one cares about her. 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Bryce Walker's, Courtney Crimsen Courtney Crimsen's house 1 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections He is happy that the tapes are nearly over I Can't believe that Hannah did this without really thinking of it 3 E 4. Hannah's message R Quotes Me E 11 A S O N S W H 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt She is hurt that the people still believe the rumours and only takes her for the things they want. They only use her and don't have any feelings for her Y #6B 13 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time He is angry that Hannah did because She wanted another reason to die. ..giving up... on me." (p. 204, L.6) "Because every time something bad happened, I thought about it. It? Okay, I'll say it. I thought about suicide." (p. 204.11. 12-14) "The only difference being that I'll know it's the last day." Ip. 206, 11. 10-11) "When you were done, Bryce, I got out of the hot tub and walked two houses away. The night was over. I was done." (p. 213, 11. 7-9) R E A D I N G L O 3. How Hannah tried to cope Hannah wanted to see if anybody cares about her and sees what she is thinking about to do. G 1. Person and place associated to the chapter Hannah, Clay, Mr. Porter Eisenower Park, School 6. Clay's present reactions and reflections During the talk between Mr. Porter and Hannah, Clay wants that Mr. P does something that Hannah knows someone cares about her 1 Clay wants that Mr.P sees the warning Signs, Hannah gave with her words. 3 R E A S K O 4. Hannah's message Not everybody in your enviro- ment cares about you. But some of them cares about you, although they can't Show it to you. N S W H 2. How Hannah was exposed or hurt she was hurt that no one cares about her so much. Nobody sees the warning signs Hannah made She was hurt, that everybody just let her go. Y #7A 313 5. What Clay observed and how he felt for Hannah at the time At first he is shocked that Mr. Porter knows about all of this too At the end, he wants Hannah to be alive and he feels so sorry that Hannah never let have helped herself with everything she got through. Quotes Right now. I feel lost, I guess. sort of empty." (p.217, 1.5) "1 "I need everything to stop People. Life." (p.218, L.11) "I think I've made myself very clear, but no one's stepping forward to stop me." (p. 224, 11. 6-7) (1 A lot of you cared, just not enough. And that... that is what I needed to find out (p. 224,11. 10-11)