


Abi Lernzettel - The Hunger Games







Katniss Everdeen
age: 16
occupation: hunter, tribute
home: district 12
gender: female
alias: girl on fire
nickname: catnip
personality: dist

Katniss Everdeen age: 16 occupation: hunter, tribute home: district 12 gender: female alias: girl on fire nickname: catnip personality: distrustful of strangers, nice to people she likes, brave, protects those she likes, strong, Katniss is the sixteen-year-old protagonist of The Hunger Games, and the story is told from her perspective. She is fiercely protective of her family and practical, having learned to care for her mom and little sister, Prim, after their father died in a mining accident when Katniss was just eleven. She's described as having dark hair, olive skin, and gray eyes. Katniss is tough, independent, resourceful, fiery, and skilled with a bow and arrow, and yet she also has a compassionate side and deep loyalty to those she loves. This combination of traits turns out to be dangerous for the Capitol and President Snow, as it inspires others and serves as a catalyst that creates bonds among people, including between districts, threatening the government's system of division and control. President Snow cunning and sadistic leader of Panem THE HUNGER GAMES THE PLOT In a dystopian future, the totalitarian nation of Panem is divided into 12 districts and the Capitol. Each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games. Part entertainment, part brutal retribution for a past rebellion, the televised games are broadcast throughout Panem. The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their...

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competitors while the citizens of Panem are required to watch. When 16-year-old Katniss' young sister, Prim, is selected as District 12's female representative, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She and her male counterpart, Peeta, are pitted against bigger, stronger representatives, some of whom have trained for this their whole lives. The purposes of the Hunger Games are to provide entertainment for the Capitol and to remind the districts of the Capitol's power and lack of remorse (Reue), forgetfulness, and forgiveness for the failed rebellion of the current competitors' ancestors. enemies THE CHARACTERS Peeta Mellark 16-year-old boy from district 12 enemies best friends mentor Katniss Everdeen 16-year-old girl from district 12 Gale Hawthorne rebellious 18-year-old boy from district 12 mentor Peeta Mellark Haymitch Abernathy sarcastic, middle-aged drunk from district 12 siblings age: 16 occupation: painter home: district 12 gender: male alias: boy with the bread. nickname: lover boy personality: nice, strong, humorous, good with words, can inspire his audience, very emotional, very particular & distant worldview, Peeta is the male tribute from District 12. He's quietly loved Katniss for years, and is willing to sacrifice himself. for her. He grew up as the baker's son and is built with broad shoulders, accustomed to lifting heavy sacks of flour. Peeta's love for Katniss makes him willing to defy the rules of the Hunger Games and threaten to commit a double suicide with Katniss, forcing the organizers of the Hunger Games to change the rules. In other words, his love of Katniss allows him to show, with Katniss, that the ruling Capitol can be defied. Primrose Everdeen sweet 12-year-old girl from district 12