


American History (kurze Übersicht)







american history.
-1607 First britisch settlement in "Jamestown"
-1619 Arrival of the first African slaves
englisch - abi
1733 13 sepe
american history.
-1607 First britisch settlement in "Jamestown"
-1619 Arrival of the first African slaves
englisch - abi
1733 13 sepe

american history. -1607 First britisch settlement in "Jamestown" -1619 Arrival of the first African slaves -2001 englisch - abi 1733 13 seperate British colonies -1750s Rising anger and opposition Amon the colonists because of economic acts 1773 Boston Tea Party no taxation without representation" -1774 First continental. -1775 Beginning of war -1776 -1789 Constitution of the United States -1820-1900 westward expansion and isolationism. -1860s 14th & 15th amendment (right to vote for African-americans) -1880s Jim crow -1900-1920 Peak of immigrations -1955-1968 Civil rights movement 9/11-attacks -2008 congress of independence Declaration of Independence (Jefferson) - 4th of July. lows FACTS trade center and pentagon. on the world. Obama is elected. president declaration of independence approved by the Continental congress on July 4, 1776. - made up of the is representatives of the 13 colonies independence of the 13 states Everyone has the same rights. ABOUT: Thomas Jefferson an american Founding Father - main author of the decration of independence the third president of the USA (1801-1809) Spokesman for clemocracy organized the DEMOCRATIC - Republican Party - opposed slavery notey Puritans+ English Protestans in the 16th and 17th Great Depression -after the Stoch market. failed 1929 www.rechner.club ended in 1941 with WWII -poverty in America We hold these thruths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are en- downed by their creator with certain unalien- able rights, that among life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 www.rechner.club

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