


Analyse: Beyoncé is a powerfull voice for Black Lives Matter. Some people hate her for it"







English Homework:
The article "Beyonce is a powerful voice for Black Lives Matter. Some people hate her for
it" is written by Andrea Peterso

English Homework: The article "Beyonce is a powerful voice for Black Lives Matter. Some people hate her for it" is written by Andrea Peterson and was published in Washington Post in 2016. It's about Beyonce's commitment for black lives matter. 14.04.2021 The article is divided into 7 paragraphs. The first paragraph is the introduction and deals with a description of Beyonce. It becomes clear that she is a singer with a huge range. She has more than 77 million followers on her Instagram profile. Beyonce posted critical messages about the shootings of black people. The following paragraphs are about her Website and her Music videos. She uses words that are connected to black lives matter movement on her music video, to make a statemen and to make others aware of it. Furthermore her video has a reference to a shooting from 2014. This video shows a young black child dancing in front of a line of police officers. The last paragraph is an extract from an interview with Elle Magazine. Now I'm going to analyse the communication strategies that the author uses to characterise Beyonce. First of all, the heading is eye-catching. Its printed in bold blue letters and the words " Beyonce","powerful voice for black lives matter" are eye catching. Including this heading is...

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"Some people hate her for it". It becomes clear, that some people doesn't support the Black lives matter movement. Beyonce does, and that's the point why some people hate her. In the first sentence Andrea Peterson describes Beyonce as a powerful character. She writes "when Beyonce speaks, people listen" (1.1). That means she has a big influence on other people. She "urging fans to reach out to legislators to demand action on police brutality" (1.8f,) and tries to reach something and to find supporters to join this movement. Andrea P. uses many Questions. This has the effect that the text is more informative and credible. She uses statements from Beyonce (L 11,1.24...). These statements deal with the topic: ,,black lives matter'. She said for example "we are tiered of the killings of young men and women in our communities. It is up to us to take a stand and demands that they stop killing us "(1.1f) "no violence will create peace" (1.24), "sop killing us"(1.31). As a clarification, that Beyonce isn't against police officers and that she has respect for them the author uses a quotation at the end of her article. Beyonce is "against police brutality and injustice."(1. 36f.). She doesn't let the others get her down and she is showing solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement (1. 26f.). This becomes clear throughout the authors choice of words. The paragraphs make it easier to read and the article is thereby clearer and more structured. Furthermore, the division of the topic gets clearer. All in all, Beyonce is powerful, confident, determined, she has solidarity and she stands up for justice. I'm not sure if a celebrity should be politically neutral or not. On the one hand I think they shouldn't because they might influence their audience negatively. Many children and teenagers who follow them are influenced by their opinion and actions and take the side of their political view without dealing with the topic themselves. On the other hand, they should, because they have a huge rage. If they share their political view, it could have the effect to get more supporters. And this could help to change something. All in all, I think celebrities should be allowed to say their political statement, but they have to speak with caution, because it can be seen from different perspectives.