


Heads of The Colored People by Naissance Thompson-Spires







·blue contacts
·bleached hair (sometimes styled into spikes,
sometimes wispy/fine side swooped bob with long bangs)
·blue contacts
·bleached hair (sometimes styled into spikes,
sometimes wispy/fine side swooped bob with long bangs)
·blue contacts
·bleached hair (sometimes styled into spikes,
sometimes wispy/fine side swooped bob with long bangs)
·blue contacts
·bleached hair (sometimes styled into spikes,
sometimes wispy/fine side swooped bob with long bangs)
·blue contacts
·bleached hair (sometimes styled into spikes,
sometimes wispy/fine side swooped bob with long bangs)

RILEY Appearance: ·blue contacts ·bleached hair (sometimes styled into spikes, sometimes wispy/fine side swooped bob with long bangs) ·ne's a black young men wears a skinny periwinkle suit with skinny black tie cosplays (on that day dressed as Tamaki Such ) Personal information: heterosexual cin a relationship with Paris) interested in manga, anime, comics, cosplay goes to conventions ·attracted to black women ·likes rapmusic sometimes embodies the character he's dressing as, like method acting and having an alter ego - studies engineering Character: imaginative/creative • tolerant self-aware .confident • usually calm (but acted impulsive, unusual and didn't really care about skin color, while embodiyng his character whilst the altercasion with Brother Man) affectionate towards Paris Beliefs and values: open minded hates to be misunderstood by his appearance ("Uncle Tom", ashamed / not liking his culture, black women) • appreciates his culture RICHARD SIMMONS (aka Brother Man, Kyle Barker, cole Brown, Overton Wakfield Jones, Tommy Strawn, Brother Hotep) Appearance: burly (broad body, strong muscles) a black man according to him an intellectual in a mis- leading package Personal information: •nas had many experiences ("too many to name") • wants to make money by selling his work (illegally) has a girlfriend many stage names Character: according to him: non-violent • has a self-published dystopian comic series ("Brother's spawn), and writes poems creative, imaginative • knows much about comics invasive, contradictive, irresponsible, homophobic behaviour (in altercasion with Riley) •proud and seems to be superficial Beliefs and values: ·black people should stick together homophobic KEVAN PETERSON Appearance: wears a black T-shirt that...

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says in white letters, Eff Your Respectabilities Politics Character: -hard working .creative, artistic ·caring he wants to speak out against in- justices against black people and give them more representation Beliefs and values: supports black business and black art Personal information : • has a little daughter: Penny, whom he sees on weekends since him and his wife are divorced Isells his art online, from his car and sometimes from a small suitcase in a barbershop he has an idea for his new project: a full exhibit of heads of the coloured people crender the literary work from Ethiop visually, a superhero (with Paris help) for penny and a collage of black men and women. who where killed by police and other brutalities • makes not much money with selling his designed T-shirts and (3) paintings → also works as a UPS-delivery man to provide for his daughter PARIS LARKIN Appearance: • she's a young black woman (19 years old) • Long silver wig · white-purple dress -gray armor on her arms and legs • heavy black and white eyeshadow (dressed as Eucli wood Hellscythe) • has a toothgap Personal information: dating Riley • working at her part-time job for Hollywood Cemetry Tours ("gravedigger") gets attention when she does cosplay with Riley (lots of times by judgy, racist people) sketch artist ("a collection of heads) character: she has a dark cheeriness nonjudgmental respectful wants to be visible · feels alive when she gets anxious because of racists and while doing ghost tours •· sketches people's faces / heads lighthearted, laughs frequently ·loves anything from the nineties. • also tries to act a bit like the character she's dressed as Years after Riley's death, Kevan and her work together to show Riley's, Richard's and the story of many other victims THE STORY Intention : they are all different and unique personalities constrained by stereotypes because they're black in the end, they were able to combine with the creativity in order to send a message •Riley, Brother Man do not fit the definition of a typical black man (that is defined by racism and police) but where still gunned down and depicted in the press as such they're all different but could still encounter the same fate, just because of society and their skain in the end, they come together an be connected in a way because of the discrimination to their race Press representation : instead of his comic-books, Richard was supposedly holding gang documents,... the pictures that where chosen by the press: Riley dressed as a thug for a party (actually he dressed as nineties Justin Timberlake) and an old mug shot of Brother Man → the pictures didn't say anything about their actual selfes ten to thirteen gunshots "but there might have been marijuane in one of their systems"