


Argumentation × Should Native Americans be allowed to build tourist attractions on their land?







Pro and con texts
→ Notes:
@ Whites can built, why Indians not?
A ↳in USA constitution: every man equal
4) blots of years ago: land owned
Pro and con texts
→ Notes:
@ Whites can built, why Indians not?
A ↳in USA constitution: every man equal
4) blots of years ago: land owned

Pro and con texts → Notes: @ Whites can built, why Indians not? A ↳in USA constitution: every man equal 4) blots of years ago: land owned buildings: bad for environment. by Indians Ⓒ more U Text: Should Native Americans be allowed to build tourist attractions on their land? In my text I'm going to present you my opinion about the question "Should Native Americans be allowed to build tourist attractions on their land". X out As an opening remark I'd like to point in the constitution is written. that every guy is equal. So why should the white people be allowed to build such kinds of attractions and Natives not? Also I want to add, that lots of years ago. the land we today call "USA" was owned by the Natives - so they should ask the Whites whether they can build sth. On their land!? 05/01/17 So in my opinion the Natives should be allowed to build t.a. on their land. *that more buildings could be bad for the environment. ** But on the other hand Addition to notes Ⓒtheir land enot good for animals + nature trash Ⓒlot of visitors: money & jobs for Natives. Ⓒ destroy culture of Natives

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