


Beispiel Summary, „Just along for a ride“







Summary "Just along for a ride"
The short story "Just along for a ride" written by Dennis Kurumada and published in
1972 deals with a boy fr

Summary "Just along for a ride" The short story "Just along for a ride" written by Dennis Kurumada and published in 1972 deals with a boy friedgroup that drives along the streets with a car in the evening because they are bored. One of them, Phil, has the idea to drive up to somebody and flatten him. The protagonist is the only person who does not like the idea, but they go on. After they found their victim, Steve opens the door and they hit the person that tries to cross the street in the same moment. The figure rolls across the roof and the narrator realises that it was Ken Benjamin, a friend. Because of the fear to get arrested, Dick starts speeding down the street. No one except of the protagonist has the idea to help him. After a short discussion between them they drive away.

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