


Book presentation "The Hate U Give"







#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"
#1 New York Times Bestseller
Non-Violent Social Change
"Absolutely riveting!"

#1 New York Times Bestseller ANGIE THOMAS Non-Violent Social Change HONOR CORETTA SCO11 KING AWARD THE HATE U GIVE "Absolutely riveting!" JASON REYNOLDS INTZ AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN YOUNG A KVENN T YOUNG ABOCK INTERATURE HONOR BOOK "Stunning." JOHN GREEN ASINCIATION Author: Angie Thomas Biography Angie Thomas was born in 1988 in Georgetown, Jackson, Mississippi. She still lives there. At the age of six she witnessed a shootout. The next day her Mum took her to the library to show her "that there was more to the world than what [she] saw that day"¹. This was the beginning of her love of writing. As a teenager she used to be a rapper and her greatest success was an article in the Right-On Magazine. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from majority-white Belhaven University. In 2017 she ished her novel "The Hate U Give", which won numerous prizes. In 2019 the book "On The Come Up" followed. Also this year the film adaptation of the bestseller "The Hate U Give" with Amandla Stenberg in the leading role was released. Why? In 2009 the unarmed black man Oscar Grant was shot by a police officer. Angie Thomas was especially angered by what was said about him. She says: "They are put on trial sometimes, for their own death."² She was inspired by both that incident and her own childhood. But Tupac also...

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played a major role. Once he gave us his definition of THUG LIFE. He said: "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody. Meaning: What you feed us as seeds, grows and blows up in your face."3 The title of the book also comes from this definition. She began writing the book in 2009 as a short story in response to the Oscar Grant case and other deaths. In 2015 she returned to this topic and decided to make it into a novel. Angie Thomas wants especially children from her "community" to identify with her main character. She also wants to bring some variety to the literature. Many books are about white main characters. People should think about this "black-white" topic and question everything instead of just listening to it from one side. Another book: On the Come Up ANGIE THOMAS LON THE COME UP ¹ Hirsch, Afua: Angie Thomas: the debut novelist who turned racism and police violence into a bestseller 2 Hirsch, Afua: Angie Thomas: the debut novelist who turned racism and police violence into a bestseller 3 Mackaveli TheDon: Tupac Speaks From The Heart Summarize the plot The novel "The Hate U Give" deals with police violence and the power to speak out, but also about the development of Starr. DL It is about Starr, who witnesses one of her best friends being shot - unarmed - by a policeman. Throughout the story she knows his name (Officer Brian Cruise), but refuses to call him that. From beginning to end it is "One-Fifteen", his badge number, so that he is just a number for her and not a human being, because what he did is not human for her. In the beginning Starr is afraid of the policemen and doesn't want to talk about Khalil, her friend, but with time she becomes more courageous and starts to speak up for Khalil in small steps. Again and again encouraged by her mother, her father, her big brother and Kenya, her brother's sister. But also the bad words about Khalil make her speak for him. Starr lives in two worlds, one at home in Garden Heights and the other in her school, which is mainly attended by "white people". She talks and behaves differently. Starr has two best friends at school, Maya and Hailey. While Maya herself has foreign roots, Hailey does not understand it and consciously or unconsciously drops racist remarks. As the book progresses, therefore she destroys the friendship between herself and Starr. Also Maya takes Starr's side and breaks with Hailey. Her boyfriend Chris also goes to this school. He is her "normal", because with him she can be as she really is. With him Starr is just Starr. Starr's dad wants a black boyfriend for his daughter, which is why she didn't tell him about her "white Chris" for a year. Her mother knew about it and her uncle Carlos, who was a surrogate father, while Maverick (her dad, also known as Big Mav) was in prison. When her dad finds out about Chris, he is of course disappointed and angry, but in the end he slowly starts to accept him, because he is always there for his daughter. In her fight for justice for Khalil she meets Ms Ofrah from "Justice for Us". She becomes her lawyer and encourages her again and again that the voice is her greatest weapon. She uses this weapon especially after hearing an interview with Officer Cruise Senior, because "One-Fifteen" himself will never speak out in public about the incident. Development of the plot There is no real development of the plot. It is rather a development of Starr's character or nature and a development of her relationships with different people. The most important thing is the development of the character of the main character, because that is what the story lives on. This development influences every further decision of Starr and with it the continuation of the book. The conflict and the solution The conflict in the novel is that police violence and racism are part of everyday life in America. They are observed in everyday life, for example while shopping, as if they were criminals. But the police also treat black people differently from white people. And this difference in dealing with each other is the main theme of the book. There is no solution to this problem, because it is still topical. In the novel it ends with Khalil being blamed for his own death and Officer Brian Cruise being acquitted. Important Characters: Starr Amara Carter hald harra 16-year-old Starr Amara Carter lives with her family in Garden Heights. She has a little brother and a big half-brother. She has a very close relationship with her uncle Carlos, because he was her "father" while Maverick Carter was in prison. Her parents do not want them to go to a school in Garden Heights, so they send their children to Williamson. She has two best friends there: Maya and Hailey. Her boyfriend Chris also goes to school there. Once she is in school, she is a completely different person. She watches how she moves and speaks differently, because she doesn't want to be considered the girl from the ghetto, or the "angry black woman". Besides Maya's boyfriend Ryan, she's the only black girl that age. No matter what she does, she's considered cool. Starr grew up together with Khalil and has seen her best friend (10 years old) being shot when she was 10 years old. Now that her friend has been shot by a cop, she is a completely different person. She doesn't put up with everything you can tell by the fact that she and Hailey are becoming estranged. If Hailey said anything, they jumped. If a comment was made with a racist undertone, it was laughed at. But after the incident Starr does not accept this anymore. In addition, there are bad words about the "thug" Khalil, which is why she ends the friendship with Hailey. Her boyfriend Chris on the other hand is her "normal". With him she can be as she is. He is always there for her and even if he is white and rich, he doesn't care in the sligh where Starr comes from or that she is black. But after the death of Khalil she thinks about this difference again and again. I think she is an emotional person, because the fight with Hailey and the differences with Chris put a lot of strain on her. But Starr is a person who can give a lot of love. She loves her family more than anything else, which is shown by the fact that she does not listen to anyone in different situations to protect her loved ones. But she also needs people in her environment to encourage her. Without her mother, her father, Uncle Carlos and Seven, she probably would never have had the courage to speak for Khalil. Khalil Harris Khalil Harris died when he was only 17 years old. He had a little brother, David, and lived with him and his grandmother, Ms. Rosalie, in Garden Heights. He went to school there, too. His mother is a drug addict, which caused him a lot of pain. Also, the family had hardly any money to buy food, let alone pay the rent. There's a hierarchy in Garden Heights. There are different gangs. There are King Lords (different groups, each with a leader), who are above the Garden Disciples. All two descriptions deal with drugs. King Lords can be recognized by the grey colour, Garden Disciples by the green colour. Nobody else should drive a grey car, if he does not want to put himself in danger of his life. To help his family he sold drugs for King (leader of a King Lord group). This proves that he is a very self-sacrificing person and even puts his life in danger for his family. That he was a drug dealer also plays a role in the court. At Khalil's funeral King shows up with his Minions and wants to put a bandana in the coffin, which would mean that Khalil was a King Lord. From DeVante, also King Lord under King, Starr later learns that King offered Khalil to become King Lord, but he refused. To save his face, King pretends that Khalil was a King Lord. Also from Devante she learns that Khalil had stopped dealing. But his mother stole from King. That's why King wanted to kill Brenda. As much as Khalil told himself that he hated his mother because she was never there for him, it didn't help, he cared about her. He started dealing again to pay off his mother's debts, to protect her. This proves once again what a compassionate and self-sacrificing person he was. Other Characters: One-Fifteen (Officer Brian Cruise) Officer Brian Cruise is the officer who shot Khalil. His badge number is One-Fifteen. According to his father, since he never spoke, One-Fifteen was afraid for his life when he stopped the two teenagers for speeding. He also thought the boy was carrying a gun. In the end it turned out to be just a hairbrush. After the incident, his family's life and his own were threatened. Even Uncle Carlos, himself a cop, wanted to give him a piece of his mind, which ended in a fight with bruises. Maverick Carter WEX OFFICER ACCUSED OF SHOOTING KHALIL HARK Maverick Carter was King Lord himself and in prison for it. As a result, he missed the most important years in the life of his daughter Starr. After his time in prison he stops selling drugs and teaches his children everything they need to survive as residents of Garden Heights. He is an important support for his daughter. Maverick named her Starr because she was his light in the dark. He is also a helpful person. For example, he helps DeVante to get out of gang life and hides him from King. Lisa Carter FOFLE Lisa Carter is from Garden Heights, but wants to move away to protect her children. Seven Maverick Carter Seven Maverick Carter is Maverick's son. During a fight with Lisa, Seven was created. He is lesha's son and wants to protect both her and his two little half-sisters from King. He was kicked out by his mother for endangering her relationship with King. Since then he lives with his father. He was there a lot before and feels more comfortable in this family than at home. If someone at school thinks of Lisa as his mother, he doesn't correct this, because he is ashamed of his own mother and she never shows up at school. Sekani Carter Uncle Carlos Nana King lesha Sekani Carter is Starr's little brother. As soon as he sees a camera, he wants to get in front of it. It's the typical younger brother. He teases his sister, but loves her very much. Uncle Carlos is a surrogate father for Starr and he loves his sister's children as much as he loves his own children. Together with his wife Pam, his children and his mother, he lives 45 minutes from Garden Heights in the suburb, near Williamson. Carlos is a cop and would do anything to protect Starr. Starr's grandmother is called Nana. She moved out of Garden Heights against her will to her son and has a very demanding personality, which gives her daughter-in-law Pam a lot of stress. But she loves her family more than anything. King is the leader of the King Lords, so he is not to be messed with. He has two daughters with lesha, who he beats regularly when he is in a bad mood. Also his daughters have to take a beating every now and then. lesha has two daughters with King and a son with Maverick. She always comes across as King's whore, who doesn't care about her own children when they are beaten by him. But in the end, she brings her two daughters to safety with Seven (her son), because she doesn't want King to beat them in his very, very bad mood while she takes all the punches from him. Kenya & Lyric Brenda Harris Brenda Harris is Khalil's drug-addicted mother. Because of her, he returned to selling drugs. Ms. Rosalie DeVante Natasha Kenya and Lyric are the daughters of lesha and King. Lyric is still very young, while Kenya is in Starr's age. The two always "argue" about their common brother. But in the end it is Kenya who gives her the decisive push in the right direction so that Starr finally speaks for Khalil. STUS FOR ISTICE Khalil's grandmother, Ms. Rosalie, regularly looked after Starr, so she and Khalil grew up together. Devante is a King Lord and has stolen from King, so King wants him dead. Before asking Maverick for help, he takes his family out of Garden Heights to keep them safe. Natasha was killed when she was only 10 years old. She and Khalil and Starr were best friends. Starr had to watch her get shot. Ms. Ofrah Hailey Ms. Ofrah is a member of the "Justice for Us" organization and is Starr's attorney. She supports her and encourages her that "her voice is her greatest weapon". Officer Cruise Senior Officer Cruise Senior is One-Fifteen's father. He speaks for his son in an interview and presents his view. Except as a representative of his son, he plays no role. Hailey is one of Starr's white friends. They used to be very close, but Hailey always wanted to get her way and she didn't care about others. This also leads to the fact that she destroys their friendship by (maybe not even badly meant) inconsiderate comments. Maya Ryan Chris The Family Maya is also one of Starr's white friends. She has Chinese roots herself and knows the impact of Hailey's comments and actions. This is also the reason why she ends her friendship with Hailey and forms an "alliance of minorities" with Starr. Ryan is Maya's boyfriend and the only black kid in the same class level. Therefore, many in the school expect Starr and Ryan to be a couple. Chris is Starr's friend and her "normal", with him she can be herself and doesn't have to pretend to be someone else. Chris is white and rich and would do anything to not lose Starr. Officer Cruise Senior One-Fifteen Hailey Aunt Pam Maya Ryan (only black guy the same age) Chris Ms. Ofrah Expected to be a couple Uncle Carlos surrogate father Brenda Nana +Khalil Starr Lisa Carter Ms. Rosalie wants her dead Stole from him Sekani Wants to pay off debts Seven +Natasha (got killed with 10) Kenya & Lyric lesha Maverick Carter King Help DeVante wants him dead Key to the symbols: Mum Dad Garden Heights "Other World" Life in both Worlds Not given Love Marriage Best Friends Former best friends They are together and I think she Loves him, but he beats her shot him Personal opinion I decided to create a folder, because I think I would cry when I talk about it. I cried a lot while reading, because this topic moves me a lot and makes me sad. Despite everything I love the book. I think there are two developments taking place at the same time, which makes it even more exciting. One is of course the case itself. You ask yourself all the time if "One Fifteen" gets a punishment or not. But also the development of Starr makes the book so exciting. You notice how she can't bring herself to stand up for Khalil in the beginning, but as the novel progresses, she becomes more and more self-confident and realizes that this is the only way to experience his - and her - side and maybe get Justice for Khalil. THE HATE THE HATE GIVE NEVER BE QUIET THE HATE U GIVE FIND YOUR VOICE NEVER STOP DOING RIGHT U GIVE Message? The message of this book is to never be quiet when injustice is done. You must find your voice and stand up for justice. So one important thing:NEVER BE QUIET. Literatur: Blaue Seiten: Interview mit Angie Thomas: https://die-blaue-seite.de/interview-mit-angie-thomas zugegriffen am: 22.04.2020 Hirsch, Afua: Angie Thomas: the debut novelist who turned racism and police violence into a bestseller: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/mar/26/angie-thomas-the-debut-novelist- who-turned-racism-and-police-violence-into-a-bestseller 26.03.2017; zugegriffen am: 21.04.2020 Thomas, Angie: About: https://angiethomas.com/about zugegriffen am: 22.04.2020 Thomas, Angie: The Hate U Give Video: Mackaveli TheDon: Tupac Speaks From The Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roR6h03kw71 19.04.2012; zugegriffen: 22.04.2020 12:41 20th Century Studios: The Hate U Give/ Official Trailer [HD]/ 20th Century FOX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MM80kVTOhw 25.06.2018; zugegriffen: 30.04.2020 09:27