


Boy Erased







Plays basketball
Goes to collage
feels unsure
Boy Erased
End: he finally truly accepts
Plays basketball
Goes to collage
feels unsure
Boy Erased
End: he finally truly accepts
Plays basketball
Goes to collage
feels unsure
Boy Erased
End: he finally truly accepts
Plays basketball
Goes to collage
feels unsure
Boy Erased
End: he finally truly accepts
Plays basketball
Goes to collage
feels unsure
Boy Erased
End: he finally truly accepts
Plays basketball
Goes to collage
feels unsure
Boy Erased
End: he finally truly accepts

Characters Jared Gay Plays basketball Goes to collage feels unsure religious Smart empathic Writer Boy Erased End: he finally truly accepts himself Independent Later he lives in New York with his boyfriend and educates about conversion therapy. Marshal (Jared's dad) very religious (Pastor) car seller At first he was proud of his son Rejected Jared's homosexuallity Is the reason for Jared going to the programm Doesn't believe Jared Likes to quote the bible Commanding Is also involved with the programm Has a hard time accepting Jared, but is willing to try Nancy (Jared's mom) concerned religious reserved. Tends to just fall in line stays quite caring Regret Is ashamed of her actions courageous Loves her family Accepts Jared Supports his writing Slowly distancing from the Church Viktor Sykes counselor and pastor leading Jared's conversion therapy beliefs you can't be born gay -> it is a choice, you can just stop religious he get's angry easily Has no actual qualifications Forceful behavior he decides when someone can leave He hates his dad (forces the kids to say they hate their father) Is himself gay (marries a man after leaving the program) Henry was at the same college as Jared They went running together Good friends . He raped Jared and others at college and in Chruch Broken mind Thinks something is wrong with him Inner conflict Acting without thinking Cameron has trouble speaking up Is one of the boys in the program Shy personality (rather not outgoing) Doesn't really want to call his homosexuality a sin He seems numb to his feelings Not a good relationship with his father Was physically abused by his father In...

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the end he steps up He commits suicide Xavier born in Vienna Lived in Canada Now is part of the art constellation at Jared's collage He believes in god (but with questions) Had a romantic relation with Jared Love in action Program a conversion therapy program checking the phones, journals Rules: -No smoking, alcohol or drugs - have to stay in a safe zone - Skirts below the knee and bras are to be worn at all times - nothing is to be discussed about the therapy - staff has to follow them into the restrooms - no sexual or physical interactions allowed -no TV shows or films inside the programs they believe you can't be born gay old and young pople in the program Thinks homosexuality can be traced back in the family Motto fake it, till you make it" They belive you can redeen yourself and find the right path again Story Jared grew up a ordinary boy The story begins in the now -> a grey and dark mood Internal monolog from Jared He wishes all this would have never happened, but he is also greatful A switch to the past (before the conversion therapy) At church Jareds father is the pastor Jared first notices Chloe, his future girlfriend A switch to the therapy Jared is signing into the refuge program Nobody but the patients are allowed to view beyond the reception area, they are also not allowed to talk about it, no phones allowed (The program has full control) 12 day long program Jared is happy about the start of the program Back before the therapy Jared and Chloe are a couple. Jared gets a car as a birthday present from his dad (symbol - being proud) They are kissing, but Jared doesn't want to get further. Back in the program you can also live in this program He is in an assessment program College Story (Henry) broke up with Chloe before college Met Henry in the hallway They went to a church party together Henry was very touchy Jared acknowledged a boy who was acting reserved towards Henry After running Henry stayed over Henry raped Jared that night (A scene without music) Jared tried to fight him off Henry is crying after it What is wrong with me?" Henry wants Jared to comfort him Henry also raped a kid from Church too Jared falls in some kind of derealisation state . Jared visits his parents, who got a call blaming Jared for homosexual behavior Jared denies his homosexuality first Jared confesses about Henry raping others His Dad wants to report Henry Jared confesses his homosexuality His Das brings people from the church and Jared actually agrees to cure himself" His Dad wants Jared to test himself for his testosterone levels but the doctor explains that it's not possible to connect homosexuality to science, at least in this way Back to the time of the therapy Jared seems to feel more and more anger Jared is angry at his mom, at men, at himself He confesses that he doesn't believe that the program is going to change him At College (Xavier) met Xavier at an Art Constellation Jared stayed the night with him and they only held hands Back in the therapy . . ● . . • . go back •His mother finally steps up and decides no His mother accepts Jared now Cameron committed suicide . Jared gets frustrated Gary advises him to fake getting better" He confesses to his father about him wanting to get out o the program Cameron is being punished in a kind of show by being beaten by his own father • Jared hat to do his moral inventory He talks back at Victor. : He confesses that he is not angry at his father, he does not hate him He has an argument with Victor and tells him that he hates him. Jared tries to run away - -> he panics and called his mom crying to get him out Victor wants him to stay and talk, Jared wants to go 4 years later They are keeping Jared there The mother threatens to call the police Cameron steps up for Jared Jared finally leaves His father wants him to Jared is in a relationship He has a big friend group He wrote articles about his experiences His dad refuses to read them Mom and dad have a more complicated relationship Dad still doesn't accepts Jared Jared maybe will publish books about his life . His dad finally reads Jareds articles He makes Jared a peace offering by giving him a pen as a gift He still doesn't fully accepts him, but doesn't want to lose him I'm gay and i'm your son" His father will try to change Jared kind of let him in Dad looked hopefully happy