









trade gets more difficult, have to face trade barriers
Europe is Britains main trading partner
financial advantages
trade gets more difficult, have to face trade barriers
Europe is Britains main trading partner
financial advantages

Brexit CONS OF BREXIT trade gets more difficult, have to face trade barriers Europe is Britains main trading partner financial advantages Britain may lose its influence and suffer both economically and politically unpredictable consequences millions of British workers might lose their jobs - no longer free movement to other EU countries and vice versa GB could become outsider, fewer friends isolation in a globalized world is simply not possible plenty of international treaties/laws Britain is already subject to in this age of globalisation, economies and societies are becoming interconnected and interdependent a completely autonomous country sounds phony - public vote (referendum) with 52% wanting to leave the EU PROS OF BREXIT not bound to the EU rules anymore negotiate trade agreements on their own protecting themselves from trouble if the euro fails protection from overcharging immigration continuing cultivating their traditional special relationship with the US as their close ally getting their sovereignty back EU rules all too often hurt British interests independence and unity less EU taxes and spendings less responsibility for other countries more suited to the need of the UK more local production of food always have felt left out asylum policy, autonomy, commercial agreements are easier without the EU, large sum that is paid into the EU household budget IMPACT OF THE BREXIT at first glance: UK is convinced that leaving the EU would have a beneficial impact on their country (being free and independent from...

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Europe, economic dependence: so-called benefits of Brexit) UK: pride and conviction of their country turns out that: freedom & independence are just a fantasy/wishful imagination, impossible to achieve politicians that su Brexit were wrongly convinced of all those believings their irrational stubbornness anchors solely on the belief that exiting will allow the British to have more control over their own fate (excuse to justify a blatant mistake) UK did not consider possible consequences as their pride and mentality has overshadowed them, blinded by pride overlooked the immediate consequences of separating themselves failed to consider future alternatives lately: disastrous long-term repercussions have begun to surface (UK's downfall) - fallout of Britain's stupidity is evident today: jobs are at risk being lost effects of Brexit may hunt at more ominous consequences didn't take loss of unity with other countries, worldwide loss of power in politics, ecomomy - Brexit could lead to chaos, impossible to escape UK needs EU to guarantee its inhabitants a stable economy, preserve their living conditions UK must do all to reverse itself, remain in EU the Tories (Boris Johnson) are to blame for catastrophe