


cartoon analyse







Léa, 11b
Englisch Fachpraktische Arbeit
In the following text I will talk about the cartoon. The
theme of the cartoon
Léa, 11b
Englisch Fachpraktische Arbeit
In the following text I will talk about the cartoon. The
theme of the cartoon

Léa, 11b Englisch Fachpraktische Arbeit YOUR HOWS! GOOD YOUR'S In the following text I will talk about the cartoon. The theme of the cartoon is about communication in the 2020 century. The cartoon shows two people. The man on the left side is wearing a green t-shirt and the woman on the right is wearing a blue t-shirt. Both of them are looking at their phones. Over the man's head it says "how was your day?" and over the woman's head it reads "good, and yours". Additionally, they are sitting at a table with their meal. I think what the cartoonist is trying to tell, is, that many people today live in their digital/virtual world, so that they hardly communicate with each other. If they talk, then only with smartphones, even when they are sitting together sometimes. Obviously, the two people in the cartoon are chatting with each other about their day while eating and have no interest in having a personal conversation. Furthermore, the cartoon shows the problems that people lose their social contacts and unlearning conversations. In my opinion, the cartoon is easy to understand, because you can see at the first moment what the cartoon is about. I both agree and disagree with the cartoon's message, because many teenagers are on their phones when they are eating with their family or friends, but that people communicate...

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with smartphones when they are sitting together is very unrelated. So, the message from the cartoon is clear, but a little bit exaggerated.