


Cartoon Analysis







= combines a drawing with a text, often picks up one current news event
institutions /developments in society and politics
= combines a drawing with a text, often picks up one current news event
institutions /developments in society and politics

CARTOON ANALYSIS = combines a drawing with a text, often picks up one current news event institutions /developments in society and politics 1) Introduction (Einleitung/Hinführung) available informations (author, date, first publication source) name issue /target group II) Description (Beschreibung) describe the cartoon in detail include the contents of captions / speach bubbles/ thought bubbles/... and their relationship to the picture III) Analysis (Analyse) or criticizes people/ examine the elements (characters /text/ objects) and explain the message they convey !Do the characters represent well-known people or a particular IV) Evaluation (Einschätzung / Meinung) group ! cartoon effective? which elements are responsible for sucess? own opinion 1963 COLORED ALABAMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS WHITES ONLY IV) Useful Phrases It consits of... / is divided into ... 2011 The cartoon archieves it's aim of ... NO LATINOS NEW ANTI-IMMIGRANT LAWS JIM CROW IS DEAD, ALABAMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS LONG LIVE JIM CROW! The cartoon was drawn by... and it was Published.. response to..., it shows/deals/comments on... www. OTHER WORDS ORG The cartoon stands for represents / is a caricature of..., it shows the irony / contrast / misunderstanding /.. ILLEGALS it was created in there is a caption / speech bubble /... next to... is a symbol for ..., In my opinion, the cartoonist is (not) succesful in presenting /criticizing..., it's convincing / confusing / unfair /... electio •Trump (Republican) vs Biden (Democrat) Elephant (= intelligent, dangerous) civil war: seeing the elefant" Donkey (strong, wild, work animal) ↳jackass"→ to mock candidate, but image got turned role of the coronavirus /economie racial equality ·separation black...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

people are treated like slaves Civil Rights Act movement ·large gaps in equality at colleges Iblacks have weaker educational offerings →low graduation rate significant change in middle class · affirmative action gun control family visiting gun shows = completly normal mass shootings defend family, 2nd many children died, school shootings THEMEN amendment, economic (gun industry) police brutality I bem targing a person because of a stereotype unarmed, innocents get shot Micheal Brown, George Floyd cultural problem, police get away with everything • black people are victims BLM: movement that eight racism and criminality goal is to draw attention (social media) immigration run across the border, 4 days in dessert ·border patrol with helicopters, night shifts immigrate for Jobs, better life, escape (war), money us think they are terrorists 60% of service industry are migrants • old /new immigration immigration act: open doors, more diversity → Hispanic, Asian, Black, white, Native Americans American Dream → freedom, opportunity, optimism, hard work, partriotism melting pot + salad bowl