


Cartoon analysis, American gun culture







Cartoon Analysis
- introduction to the topic
- title, cartoonist, date of publication
The cartoon ...
O was drawn by [name of c
Cartoon Analysis
- introduction to the topic
- title, cartoonist, date of publication
The cartoon ...
O was drawn by [name of c
Cartoon Analysis
- introduction to the topic
- title, cartoonist, date of publication
The cartoon ...
O was drawn by [name of c
Cartoon Analysis
- introduction to the topic
- title, cartoonist, date of publication
The cartoon ...
O was drawn by [name of c

Cartoon Analysis Introduction - introduction to the topic - title, cartoonist, date of publication The cartoon ... O was drawn by [name of cartoonist] O was published/appeared in [newspaper] on [date] O was created in response to [a news item] O shows/presents/depicts/deals with/alludes to/refers to/criticises is directed at/comments on/targets O Description The cartoon consists of/is made up of (several) .../is divided into ... There is caption underneath/at the top saying/stating (that).... The caption reads... The cartoon depicts/shows... In the centre of the cartoon is/are ... The central feature of the cartoon is... One man is saying to ... The woman is asking whether .../ He/She is commenting that ... Describing the cartoon First impression/ Basic information (source, date of publication, cartoonist's name) What is the cartoon about? (theme/issue) What / Who can you see? ■ Describe the scene / action that takes place in a structured way ■ Do not name famous people/ events, just describe what you can see ▪ Mention the words printed in labels, speech/ thought bubbles or captions ■ Description of actions: use the present progressive tense Helpful Phrases The cartoon/drawing / image was drawn / made by... was published in / appeared in... (newspaper) / on...(website) on...(date) / in...(year) ....is not given The cartoon deals with / is about / refers to ... ... was created in response to (a news item)... deals with the recent discussion of... The topic/ subject of the cartoon is... The cartoon consists of/ is made up of ...several...

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pictorial elements / panels The scene depicts/shows... In the center / foreground / background... is shown / can be seen / you can see ... The figure on the left/right represents/shows/is supposed to be ... The...looks as if... The person on the left appears / seems to be ... There is a caption in / on / at... The caption reads/says / states that... The caption is a comment / statement by... The speech bubbles contain quotation marks enclosing the following: ... Analyzing the cartoon ● Analysis Examine the elements of the cartoon and explain the message they convey. What is the cartoon really about? Which person/group does the cartoon focus on? Does the cartoon make use of symbols, irony or other techniques? ● The focus of attention is on ... The most important element in the cartoon is ... The cartoon is about/refers to/deals with/represents/is a caricature of .. ● What the cartoon is saying is that ... Analysis and Interpretation • explain message • explain how it is conveyed o known persons/events - who are they, what's their role in the topic? (use background knowledge) o mimic/gestures, facial expressions, size, colors, position in cartoon, ... o explain symbols (e.g. flags, signs,...) otechniques that are used (irony, exaggeration) ● ... is represented as... The character comes across as being ... This is due to... The body language reveals / implies that... ... is a hidden reference to .../ The... stands for... / is a symbol of... A striking feature of the cartoon is the use of ... The details stress / suggest that... An element in the drawing represents / stands for/symbolizes The character is a caricature of.../ the stereotypical... The humor lies in the difference / misunderstanding / discrepancy / contrast of... The point of the cartoon seems to be... The cartoonist wants to express / point out / convey / criticize / draw attention to ...(an event / a crisis / a trend) His/Her message is obvious / might be that ... Perhaps his/her intention is to show that... It is directed at / comments on / targets (an attitude, a policy...) Although... the real point the cartoon wants to make is... All in all, the cartoonist wants to make the reader aware of the fact that ... The cartoon plays on the stereotypical view of ... .... is exaggerated/stressed/symbolic for ... The humour lies in the discrepancy/contrast/ parallels/ misunderstanding between ... and ... ● Evaluation/Comment Relate message of the cartoon to the text or further material. State whether or not (and why) you agree/disagree with the message. ● In my opinion, ... Personally, I believe that the cartoonist is right/wrong. I only partly/partially agree with the cartoonist's message. In my view the artist is right/wrong in saying/stating ... It seems to me that ... The cartoon appeals (does not appeal to me) because ... America's gun culture → Role of guns is the weirdest aspect of US society from the German point of view For Americans it's a fundamental civil right, represent American identity For others the increasing number of gun deaths matter Years of debates about gun control, one of the most controversial topics (Cartoon relates to the current problem of using guns in the US) Never ending debate, question whether stricter laws are needed or not The Second Amendment to the US Constitution (1789) says: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Connection to the American dream and spirit Every US citizen can be confident and self-determined ➡ The first people who came to the US needed to protect themselves from wild animals and other people, faming and hunting were the most common way of sustaining a family ➡Since possessing a gun was needed in the beginning of the Nation, it became part of the national identity, guns are there to protect their rights and freedom ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● About four in ten US adults say they live in a gun-owning household Most gun owners cite protection as a major reason for owning a gun About three quarters of gun owners say owning a gun is essential to their freedom Gun show loophole is a political term in the United States referring to the sale of firearms by private sellers, including those done at gun shows, that do not require a federal background check of the buyer. FFL: Federal Firearm License O Not every individual providing the gun in a transfer requires an FFL o Only individuals whose principal motive is to make profit via gun sell need it O This potentially enables guns to fall in hands of users who otherwise might no be allowed to own a firearm -> "guns as gift" O Purchase can occur without background check and without breaking the law Gun regulation on federal level Being conditioned by the media leads to an increasing need for protection If the US could reduce gun deaths by one third, 10.000 lives could be saved annually About 80 people die of a gun shot in the US every day, most of them aren't registered Gun control: laws that restrict the sale and use of firearms NRA (National Rifle Association): powerful lobby, campaigns against all forms of gun control in the US, argues that more guns make the country safer, influence members of Congress on gun policy Well-known shootings in the past O Columbine, Colorado, 13 killed O Charleston, South Caroline, 9 killed O Orlando, Florida, 49 killed. Media and film industry have a responsibility in regard to the portrayal of violence Media as fourth pillar of democracy Pro guns Owning a gun is not only a right, also a duty and responsibility to protect family, own life and your property -> irresponsible not to have a gun I I Self-defence, you feel safe American tradition Almost no black market for guns Not as many robberies as in countries where guns aren't allowed Most gun related deaths in the US are from suicides and not from homicides Guns don't kill, people do. We need to concentrate on the values and morals first and on the role the media is playing in glorifying violence. And the lack of respect for the laws. You cant always rely on police to protect you Guns are fun, sport Contra guns in almost every mass shooting is a legal purchased gun involved If everyone has a gun, everyone is able to hurt or even kill someone, even by accident I Private sales/gift of guns don't require a background check and therefore, even people with mental issues can easily obtain a gun If there were no guns, the rate of accidental injuries or mass shooting would probably reduce More than 110 mass shootings in the US since 1982 Most citizens are not trained to confront armed criminals with their guns Police respond to armed crime very quickly Too much gun crime, too many misused guns to harm oneself or others Gang crime with gangs 2nd Amendment isn't modern, reality is a different one, society and life style has changed significantly Guns are now deadlier than they used to be, other weapons could be used Not needed to protect rights, participation in politics should protect your rights Guns don't make fear go away