


Cartoon Description mündliche Prüfung







Cartoon Description
Step 1 Introduction
give available information on the context (author, title, date, publication source)
• briefly state

Cartoon Description Step 1 Introduction give available information on the context (author, title, date, publication source) • briefly state the issue and target group Step 2 Description ● describe the cartoon in detail (in order!) ● include the contents of the caption, speech bubbles etc. Step 3 Analysis ● examine the elements (characters, objects and text) and explain the message they convey pay attention to the function of characters (do they represent well-known people or a particular group?) • typical techniques used (exaggeration, irony, puns and word play, symbolism) Step 4 Evaluation state whether the picture is effective and which elements are responsible for its success/failure ● Useful phrases compare the original effect it might have had when it was published give your personal opinion on which topic the picture represents The cartoon was created in response to... ● It shows/deals with/ comments on... ● The cartoon plays on the stereotypical view of... ● ...reinforces the cartoonist's message that... The humor lies in the contrast/parallels... The perspective is from above/below//eye level... In the middle is a ... which the eye is immediately drawn to ● The cartoon (only partly) achieves its aim of (...) The cartoon appeals to me. In my opinion it is quite convincing/confusing. ● The cartoonist skilfully/effectively shows... ● Unfortunately, it remains unclear whether...or...

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