


Comment - Immigration without integration leads to a disaster







Comment on the statement ,,Immigration without integration leads
to a disaster"
When you hear or read something about immigrration you proba

Comment on the statement ,,Immigration without integration leads to a disaster" When you hear or read something about immigrration you probably stumble across the term of integration. But what exactly is integration, why is it so important and leads immigration without integration really to a disaster? Integration gets mostly described as a process of joining a group of pwople or a culture and should be the first step after moving to another country. To archief this it is neccesary to adjust tot he new country at least to a certain extent. So immigrants have tobe willing to learn the new language, be interestet in the new culture and willing to go to school or find work. It gets problematic, when the immigrants don't integrate into the new environment. Because if they don't want to learn the language and don't want anything to do with the locals, they won't have any friends, and are probably unemployed. So now the immigrants aren't any help for the society and even a burden fort he coutry which for example has to pay umemployment benefits. In addition the immigrants themselfes aren't happy either while living an isolates life without any friends and tasks to follow. Of course you should give them some time to aclimate and process the previous maybe even traumatic...

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events they went through, but after that they should integrate themselfes or accept help from others in order to integrate in the new society. So it doesn't lead to a disaster. (238 words)