


Immigration USA







Hispanics. ~ 18%
→ biggest immigration group
- often come for economic reasons, illegally cross the Mexican border came for Obam
Hispanics. ~ 18%
→ biggest immigration group
- often come for economic reasons, illegally cross the Mexican border came for Obam
Hispanics. ~ 18%
→ biggest immigration group
- often come for economic reasons, illegally cross the Mexican border came for Obam

Immigration Hispanics. ~ 18% → biggest immigration group - often come for economic reasons, illegally cross the Mexican border came for Obamacare, escaping crimes, • often unwilling to assimilate continue to speak Spanish + live in enclaves to establishment of bilingual classes forms a problem for the unity of the nation. Blocks came to America through slavery in 1619. Slavery stopped in 1965 after the civil war Blacks were given citizenship in 1868 Lo discrimination in the South continued لاما - • today: Population structure - 1896 separate, but equal" doctrine doctrine was rejected in 1954 ● beginning of civil rights movement Lo black population wono discrimination was abolished Lo equal status in all social matters was announced 2/3 blacks are middle class 1/3 lives in slums Asians: ~ GY - most rapidly growing minority group integrate well into the American life - among the best students Indians (Native Americans) -1.2% $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 PETER G Income varies widely across racial and ethnic groups in the PETERSON FOUNDATION United States MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME BY RACE/ETHNICITY OF HOUSEHOLD HEAD (2018 DOLLARS) $60,000 $50,000 separate, but equal 1896 LD could use the same facilities but were segregated into race (bathrooms) Lodidn't exactly hurt the 14th amendment $40,000 Race/Ethnicity of Household Head All races/ethnicities $30,000 Asian White, not Hispanic Hispanic (any race) Black 2017 Median Household 2018 Median Household Income (2018 dollars) Income $62,626 $63,179 83,376 87,194 69,851 70,642 51,389 51,450 40,324 41,361 Asian White, not Hispanic All Races Hispanic, of any race Black -2.9 million, ~ Book live on reservations - were nomads with no private properly + no exploitation...

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of resour. - expelled by the whites + put in reservations - were almost exterminated by warfare/European diseases/Suicide - military action btw. Indians + whites ( 1860-1890) ended with the massacre at Wounded knee (1890) us government wanted to assimilate Indians into America - Pailed -after many protest actions (Red Power movement) to granted self-determination on the reservations + preservation of their own culture 1988 1994 2000 SOURCE U Ses Can Burea Cument Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplements 2006 2012 2018 POP.ORG 1880 1882 1924 1965 1990: 1996 1924 1954 1865 1916 1990 Lon today Immigration 4 Immigration was unrestricted 40 Chinese labourers were excluded quota system was introduced Quota system was abolished fixed annual number of 290k immigrants with special skills now limit +700k immigrants a year illegal immigration reform → casier to deport inegal immigrants. Immigration policy immigration lowered Eischnower's operahon welback" - mass deportation of Mexicans President Johnson lifted restrictions Trump, the wall' Turner thesis - Quora System green card + President Reagan 2.7 mio immigrants made legal Bush increase of legal immigration by 60% 64% (usmio) foreign born people + 20 miu illegal prope frontier arca that forms the border brw civilisation wilderness. area moved from east to west all across America between 1800 and Chunting, farming, mining) frontier formed the American democracy American Spirit: individualism Quora system. - Asians Indians weren't allowed to immigrale -after population census. 27. of group was allowed to immigrate each year American spirit was formed through the wilderness of the West L absence of institutions Claw courts, army) extreme self-reliance Self-made man Americans see themselves as separated from European values the frontier is never reached, Americans will always expand the frontier and look for new challenges hones) + hard work restlessness bravery lale 19, Why and when die these immigrant groups come to America ? Russians: Pales Cubans Vietnamese mostly from 1110- 1810 due to persecution (Jews) and poverty starvation which nationalines are understood by the expression. 1170-1914 because of poverty attracted by the high wages + job opportunities for unskilled people (mining) Since 1980, rises every decade, escape from communism - 2011 Great Depression in the 1830s at the end of the vietnam war (1975) Amenca evacuated - 125k Vietnamese, as the humanitarian crisis intensified more refugees were admitted to the us Nations which have a Polity: Policy: Which issues characterize the Situation of Hispanics in America in the recent years 2 • high number of immigrants - hope to start a better life highest Asians Polines: which ethnic group has the highest / lowest mcdian income 2 lowest Blacks ~K in a year Hispanics" ? cultural historical link to Spain peopic from Latin America that speak Spanish -87h in a year society state considered as a political unil set of ideas what to do / plan what to do Social Stratification: inequality America divided in 5 paris 20% quintile income stratification pretty big 2nd poorest ethnic group bad reputation - drug related while wealth almost 12 times higher man black wealth forms economic + social class lowest quintile! ~ 22.1k annually 1980 231 higher income - higher education politically more active degree Hispanic Black while - Asian inequality is ok, surgeons getting paid more, ok good to live in society where working hard benefits peopic highest quintile: Status your born in 2017 1,3 mio > 117k annually hard to get on lop, environment in early years shapes you most