


Immigration Zsf -Kommunikationsprüfung







for (pro)
against (contira)
they do jobs nobody else wants · immigrants take away jobs.
they work hard to make a living, the
for (pro)
against (contira)
they do jobs nobody else wants · immigrants take away jobs.
they work hard to make a living, the

● 4 immigration for (pro) against (contira) they do jobs nobody else wants · immigrants take away jobs. they work hard to make a living, they don't want to work. meet They work hard earn their own money . immigrants makes economy stronger - over-population issues. experiences, • they are a burden on the welfare system • brings a more diversified perspective. It encourage disease transmission immigration helps to create a global Immigrants can crRak wage disparit much • they integrate quickly. foreign culture can help people to Understand other people's traditions • they barn quickly if they are givena go to school (DACA) to more people can share the Amencan. it creates stressors to educational Dream and health resources. diversity →→ Rss racism ·become a drapegoats for all. problems They can give the education back to their home country boost the creative sector diversity is not something that everyone wanis . • they might be terrorists they bring a foreign cutture and the native culture is lost · immorantts don't want to hear the language - they are the problem home countines suffer from braindrain • political reasons - war push facions ecological reasons earthquakes famine severe flooding → consequences of global warming • economic reasons. unemployment lack of career opportunities. bad working conditions 2 immigration 2 pull factors. • personal reasons riage adverture /interest 9 criminality lack of freedom persecution . • ecological reasons water supply . . modern infrastructure beautiful landscape • economic reasons. employment Career opportunities • better working conditions. . political reasons • Safety, rule of low •freedow of speech,... Stability history / general information us is widely known as a country of immigrants. all inhabitans came as immigrants voluntarily or preed colonial immigration personal reasons marriage ・family love...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

for culture lieligion Fill's Island (first immigration station) opens 1892 → 12 million immigrants between 1892- 1954 Trump wanted to build a wall (US - Mexico) 2 O