


Crooked Letter - Inhaltszusammenfassung







Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin SUMMARY
chapter one
present (Larry)
chapter two
present (Silas)
chapter three
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin SUMMARY
chapter one
present (Larry)
chapter two
present (Silas)
chapter three
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin SUMMARY
chapter one
present (Larry)
chapter two
present (Silas)
chapter three
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin SUMMARY
chapter one
present (Larry)
chapter two
present (Silas)
chapter three
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin SUMMARY
chapter one
present (Larry)
chapter two
present (Silas)
chapter three

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin SUMMARY CHAPTER chapter one present (Larry) chapter two present (Silas) chapter three flashback (Larry) SUMMARY Introduction of Larry Ott - Larry is a loner living in isolation from rest of society works in a garage as a mechanic: business is bad 41 years old takes care of his chicken likes reading books mother with dementia: lives in a nursing home 2 missing girls -> Cindy Walter (25 years ago) + Rutherford girl (8 days ago) -> Larry is suspected having killed a girl -> When he returns home one morning, a gunman in mask is waiting for him and shoots him in the chest Introduction of Silas Jones -> only police officer in Chabot (very small town) -> called "32" = number of his baseball shirt when he played for the town or ,,Constable" = his job title -> he grew up in Chabot and returned to work there -> he knew Larry as a boy but has avoided him since returning to Chabot Dead body is found -> M&M (Morton Morrisette): former baseball player who got injured and is suspected of selling hard drugs -> he was shot in his own house by another drug dealer, police was searching for his body Silas Jones&Larry Ott seem to share a secret -> Silas has resisted Larry's attempts to get back in touch with him (by not answering...

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calls,...) + he beated him when he said a certain thing He is the one assuming there is something wrong, when Larry didn't show up at work -> Silas sends ambulance to Larry's house -> Angie discovers something terrible in Larry's house, she appears frightened Silas and his mother are very poor -> don't own coats or a car -> the cabin where they live is very run down with no basic utilities as e.g. electricity Larry's parents and Alice (Silas's mother) know each other -> Larry's father volunteers to drive Silas & his mother Alice to school (=Larry&Silas first meet) + smalltalk in the car (awkward silence as "Chicago" was mentioned) -> Larry's mother wasn't amused about that and seems to hate Alice ,,Ottomotive" -> business of Larry's father -> Larry started working there with the age of 12 -> his father loves his business and enjoys chatting with his (white) clients Larry is a misfit at school -> none of the kids (black AND white) accept him Larry's attempts to be accepted by the white kids fail miserable -> he wanted to go to the drive-in cinema with some white boys, so he had to insult a black girl first; but the two boys only made fun of him and never went with him to the horror movie Larry & Silas become friends when they're alone: Larry teaches Silas how to shoot chapter four present (Silas) chapter five flashback (Larry) chapter six present/flashback (Silas) chapter seven flashback to 1982 (Larry) chapter eight present (Silas) Silas and French investigate Larry's house after the attack -> Larry has been found, badly hurt but still alive -> he was lying in a pool of blood with one gunshot wound to the chest, holding the gun ->examination of the crime scene by preserving traces Silas remembers the day he spent with Larry in his barn -> they had spent a fun day in the barn It is hard to say whether Larry was attacked or tried to kill himself -> the mystery of where the gun came from (Larry wasn't allowed to own one) -> Larry might have been attacked because of the missing girl -> Larry might have been shot by a crackhead -> Larry tried to contact Silas in order to tell him something important (Monday morning) THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN LARRY AND SILAS COMES TO AN END ONE SUMMER The two boys had kept their friendship a secret -> their parents don't want them to be friends Larry takes Silas to spy on Cindy Walker ->Silas defends Cindy against her step-fathers abusive behaviour: a black boy who dares to challenge the actions of a white man Carl finds out that Larry lent his rifle to Silas and orders him to get it back -> He forces Silas and Larry to fight for the gun -> Larry says something unforgivable to Silas (,,nigger") -> Larry's father behaves weird and insults his son both physically and emotionally SILAS MAKES AN SURPRISING DISCOVERY WHILE LOOKING THROUGH LARRY'S HOUSE Silas looks for more clues at Larry's shop and in his house -> there is evidence that someone has been at Larry's house recently -> Silas searches for clues in Larry's paperwork He finds a photograph of his mother -> unexpected There is a flashback to Silas and his mother's trip south from Chicago to Mississppi -> the journey was difficult: most of their possessions were stolen on the way -> they end up moving into Larry's father's old hunting cabin Silas secretely keeps the photo -> it means a lot to Silas to see a photo of his mother after all those years THE STORY OF WHAT HAPPENED ON THE EVENING CINDY WALKER DISAPPEARED Larry is going to take Cindy on a date -> his mother is very excited about his first date, even his father is supportive -> but she was the one who asked Larry to take her out Cecil (step-father) is violent towards Larry and contemptuous of Cindy -> he attacks Larry Cindy reveals the rel reason why she asked Larry out -> she uses him to get out of the house in order to meet her boyfriend and to tell him that she is pregnant -> Larry is supposed to drop her off in the woods and pick her up at 11pm -> she does not turn up again Larry is suspected of having harmed her -> everyone believes that he has raped and murdered her -> Larry's family is destroyed by the accusations SILAS DISCOVERS THAT LARRY IS HIS HALF-BROTHER Silas tells Angie about his personal life -> upons about about his friendship with Larry -> almost reveals a secret Silas visits Larry in the hospital -> Larry is still unconscious Silas visits Larry's mother Ina Ott at the nursing home -> tries to tell her what happened, bu ecause she has Alzheimer's, she cannot understand him Silas realizes the truth about who his father was -> half-brother of Larry Ott Silas meets Wallace Stringfellow -> Wallace is illegally driving a four-wheeler Silas discovers a grave in the old hunting cabin chapter nine flashback (Larry) chapter ten present/flashback (Silas) chapter eleven present (Larry) chapter twelve present (Silas) chapter thirteen present (Larry) LARRY MAKES A NEW FRIEND; WALLACE STRINGFELLOW Larry discovers that a young boy has been breaking into his barn -> frightens him off by wearing the zombie mask Ten years later that boy (Wallace) returns -> Wallace starts to visit him -> it turns out Wallace has been fascinated by Larry for many years Larry considers Wallace the first friend he had since Silas -> he misses him when he stops visiting Wallace has an unhealthy obsession with Cindy's disappearance -> wants to talk a lot about this topic -> Wallace turns on Larry when he won't admit to killing Cindy SILAS FINALLY ADMITS THE TRUTH ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH CINDY Silas has found Tina Rutherford's body -> Larry, still unconscious in hospital, is suspected of her murder as the body was found in Larry's hunting cabin Silas volunteers to guard his hospital room at night -> Convinced that Larry is innocent, he wants to stop him from confessing -> Larry has a mysterious visitor (probably Wallace) Silas upons up to Angie about his relationship with Cindy -> he has been carrying the guilt about Cindy's disappearance around him for 25 years -> he was the one person being with Cindy on that night -> he thinks that Cecil must have killed her Larry comes out of his coma LARRY HAS WOKEN UP IN THE HOSPITAL AND HAS TO FACE ACCUSATIONS FROM THE POLICE At first, Larry can't distinguish between reality and dream He regains consciousness -> he discovers that Silas saved his life Police is interviewing him -> he reacts violently to the news of how Tina Rutherford died, which makes him seem guilty -> the police (especially French) try to make him confess to the crime SILAS ADMITS HIS PART IN CINDY'S DISAPPEARANCE Silas rushes to the hospital -> he hopes he is not too late to stop Larry confessing -> Larry is glad. to see him He admits that he was the last person to see Cindy alive -> French questions Silas, but does not want to take the Walker case any further -> Silas treis to apologize to Larry, but Larry does not accept it Silas drinks in a bar to forget the events of the day -> he meets Irina again and finds out that Wallace probably sent the snake to her mailbox -> she tells him about her roommate who narrowly avoided being raped by Wallace LARRY REALIZES WHO KILLED TINA RUTHERFORD AND WANTS TO TELL FRENCH In hospital, Larry has time to think about his past -> he is still restarined on his hospital bed -> he realizes that the innocent world he grew up to has changed He thinks of Wallace -> he remembers that Wallace had come to his house one evening after having done something bad and wants to tell it French -> he puts two and two together and realizes Wallace must have killed Tina Rutherford and shot him Larry is not longer to protect his friends": he does not want to be a victim anymore chapter fourteen present (Silas) chapter fifteen present (Larry) chapter sixteen present (Silas) chapter seventeen present (Larry) chapter eighteen present (Silas) SILAS GOES TO WALLACE STRINGFELLOW'S HOUS TO CONFRONT HIM Silas goes to Larry's house -> realizes the driver of the four-wheeler has been back, and wonders if it is the man he stopped on the road Silas goes to Wallace's house -> a run-down house on the cat fish farm -> he talks his way into the house, making Wallace nervous -> Silas discovers Larry Ott's zombie mask on a shelf Fight between Silas & Wallace -> Wallace sets his dogs on Silas, which Silas has to shoot -> Silas has also been shot and is left bleeding on the floor in Wallace's house -> Wallace is able to get away with Silas's jeep LARRY TELLS FRENCH ABOUT WALLACE French is unable to visit Larry -> he is investigating Silas's shooting -> he talks to Larry on the radio French arrives at the hospital -> Larry gives him evidence of Wallace's guilt -> he states that he originally wanted to tell Silas about his suspicions, but decided not to talk to him after finding out the truth about Cindy Walker -> French now also believes in Larry's innocence Larry is left alone -> wonders if he in some way to blame for the Rutherford girl's death because he had to read the signals from Wallace correctly Injured Silas vecomes Larry's roommate SILAS REVEALS THAT THEY ARE HALF-BROTHERS Larry&Silas share a hospital room -> Silas wakes up in the hospital room to find Larry watching the TV news -> the story of the attack and Wallace's death is on the news Silas tells Larry that they're half-brothers -> in a way, Larry has always known -> Silas had longed for a father whereas Larry had been miserable growing up with one ->Carl prefered a son like Silas to one like Larry Larry does not to remain in the same room as Silas LARRY IS STILL REFUSING TO TALK TO SILAS Being popular, Silas has a lot of visitors -> Angie has forgiven Silas for the way he has treatd her, she aslo shows sympathy and understanding for Larry -> Silas gets a lot of praise for his actions French tells the two men that Larry's name had been cleared -> there is now little doubt that Wallace shot Larry and killed Tina Rutherford Silas&Larry are local celebrities -> there are lots of television news teams that want to talk to them Silas leaves the hospital -> Larry decides not to change rooms -> Silas wants to visit him anyways SILAS STARTS TRYING TO MAKE AMENDS FOR THE WAY HE HAS TREATED LARRY Silas gives one interview -> to the local reporter, who he has been avoiding The mayor wants to reward Silas -> he wants to get him a new car and to take on more real police work Larry is still not talking to Silas -> Silas visits him anyways hoping to bring his friendship with Larry back to life Silas goes to Larry's house -> cleaning up with Angie -> he returns the rifle chapter nineteen present (Larry&Silas) SILAS&LARRY MAKE THE FIRST STEPS TOWARDS REKINDLING THEIR FRIENDSHIP Silas keeps visiting Larry at the hospital -> Larry enjoys Silas's visits but does not feel the need to speak to him One night Larry decides to walk out the hospital all by himself -> The hospital volunteer notices and calls Silas, who goes to look for him Silas drives Larry home -> Larry offers to repair Silas's Jeep the next day Larry's house is all clean -> Silas and Angie prepared a lot of surprises for Larry -> the return of the rifle is Silas's way to ask for forgiveness