


Dead poets society Kapitel 8







b) what a, .cave" usually represents /stands for
-a cave is a hole in a cliff, hill, mountain, or underground.
- it's. dark, inside
home for

b) what a, .cave" usually represents /stands for -a cave is a hole in a cliff, hill, mountain, or underground. - it's. dark, inside home for animals. similarity and difference Chapter 8 c) how do the cave meetings affect them? homes the usual. p. 47-48 L 12 -in-ground clubhouse Both caves are "rooms with nooks and crannies and both animals and the cave from the book for the boys The difference between them is the point that you need a permission to go in the clubhouse cave and a normal cave is free for everyone. Furthermore the cave from the boys isn't in a mountain.. -nooks and crannies cave for Passionate Experimentation - permission to go inside a home for the boys for themselves neil comes up with the idea of becoming a puck player, of which he is very convinced. He also forged a permit letter from his father and Nolan. He finally knows what he wants and implements it. Charlie comes out of himself. He plays saxophon for the other boys and presents a poem. He makes the impression to really be happy, Knox says he wants to kill himself, if he can't get. Chris. So know he wants to do what he want and goes to call her. After it he is exited because of his succes...

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and knows he does the right. A metaphor he has surpassed himself" Todd manages to achieve something that was impossible for him before the poem d) my opinion on how Keating treats Todd It's a little difficult to evaluate. as Keating initially forces Todd to do something that he. obviously doesn't like very much. But by making him write a poem on his own in the end, it's okay how he treats him. Todd's development First. Todd was shy and has problems to fullfill . Mr. Keatings task. At some point he could say the word as it was expected. Keating was happy with that and managed. to get Todd to write the poetry without realizing it..