


describing a cartoon (oral exam)







• pollution of the sea
9 pollution and its effects.
constantly rise
- lack of paying attention
-mismanaged waste disposal
• pollution of the sea
9 pollution and its effects.
constantly rise
- lack of paying attention
-mismanaged waste disposal
• pollution of the sea
9 pollution and its effects.
constantly rise
- lack of paying attention
-mismanaged waste disposal

disadvantages • pollution of the sea 9 pollution and its effects. constantly rise - lack of paying attention -mismanaged waste disposal "people easily throw it away < very cheap -giunt amount of garbage in many products, hard to resist on all - risk to our heath and animals. substitute products such already positive strides as glass 6 offles, reusable Geg.: diarge for plastic bags Gags..... plastic - advantages ← describe - very handy Chandlich) - you can recycle it - Hexible shape -low weight → fast food usually not heathy, fatty, - production is very fast low quality, свечи -usually delicious •Abad production. -mass-producing -usually easy to eat. - not cheap on a regular basis - many places to get it -just profit is in the fore-I ground - bed conditions for animals. breeding animals just to kill them then good to transport a cartoon Introduction: -The image is a cartoon. -The carteon is entitled / The caption says - It was published in.... - It was drawn by challenges / seve- - At first glance the cartoon represents... fits of globali zation 8. First of all the cartoon is colorful // Glack and white. O(The scene is set in a store / restaurant (...) man and three women There are four people 1 3) (the scene is taking place during the day (at night) two / three/... part). (The image is subdivided into 6 The first part dominates the cartoon. It's the in the foreground, who immediately catches the eye of the viewer. woman /... man 6- fall / short, is wearing...

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pants/ jeans / jachet/sweater/-. pointed nose, straight / curly / brown hair look(s) very happy / augry / sad / nervous / confused/ shocked/ depressed /undecided - she is pointing to... / is putting her hand over her head -(He is leaning forward / back) -(He is standing very straight / conservative) - Next to him/her /them ... there is/are. (7 4 kitehen, sewing machine (Nähmaschine) He is sitting chair in front of him is table ou a C₂ Ⓒ the next part is right behind the man lon the left side. →6+7 9 In the upper / lower left/right hand corner is the third part 76+7 1 • the cartoon consists of x speech! thought Gobbles which says), - The man/woman is saying / thinking this Analysis: zation, -The cartoon expresses that.../ the challenges & beurfits of globaliz -The facial expression / posture (gesture in the picture support: the effect. the cartoon is stereoty pical... the -The message of the cartoon might be... / to convey an impresion -the cartoonist criticizes... •The artist wants to make us aware of... -On the one hand,... But on the other hand.... Furthermore, Additionally, Moreover, besides in addition evaluation: - - -In my opinion the cartoon is (n't) convincing be cause - I think the facial expression l... also brilliantly emphazises the problem with globalization !... -Furthermore, I personally noticed directly > that t relate (a little bit) to the picture) → that I have noticed the problem with other propte -(But one point I would criticize because from my point of view... cau Point out the main information a text of After that I was supposed to point out the main points of a text -My text "Title" written by..... and published exploitation / plastic pobution challenges / benefits on... in/at date is about First, the writer empharises/stresses/... Secound, he/she Then he shows. criticizes.. the consequences. he points out Additionally Furthermore, he explains Besides / In addition / Moreover, it's a issue... The writer is worried about -The writs wants to make us aware of the issues / consequences ..... -So overall, the writer points out... deduces that folgert, abreken) rschschließen criticizes...the fact that