


East is East







Summary of the plot
- East is East is a powerful and humorous British movie
-> about a conflict of generations and cultures
-> located in Sa

Summary of the plot - East is East is a powerful and humorous British movie -> about a conflict of generations and cultures -> located in Salford, Great Britain - George Khan, a pakistani immigrant - his second wife Ella, an english woman -> they make their living by a tiny fish and chips shop - George expects his family (his wife and seven children) to follow his strict Pakistani Muslim ways -> on dress, food, religion, and living in general - But his children, with an English mother who have been born and brought up in Britain, increasingly see themselves as British and start to reject their father's rules Analysis Examine to what degrees the Khans have integrated into British society George is an outsider twice over; not fully inside the Pakistani community and not fully accepted by his white neighbors While George is obsessed with maintaining traditions of his culture, his children increasingly see themselves as British and reject Pakistani customs. Kids eat pork when the father is away Taric has a british girlfriend and refuses to marry a Pakistani woman ● Nazir is Gay and has a boyfriend, he fled an arranged marriage with a Pakistani woman ● ● They speak English, not Urdu • They see themselves as British ● The children feel more connected to Ella than George Comment Comment on...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

George's attempts to influence his children's future. ● George is quite controversial, he wants his children to behave as he did not; to marry Pakistanis; though he left his Pakistani wife for a white woman (Ella) ● He also uses violence against his kids when they disobey him ● His attempts are very egoistic as he doesn't accept his children's desire to be English ● E.g. He arranges marriages for his children against his wife's and his children's wishes and sends them to irdu classes, also keeps threatening to bring his first wife to England. George has many connections with Bradford which is seen by him as a place where he would find it easier to bring up his children a more traditional way. He even looks for prospective brides for his sons there. ●