


Englisch Abitur GK Zusammenfassung 2023







I. American Dream
2. Independence
Dream of success, fulfilling life, fame
Economic: prosperity, professional success
Social: oppor
I. American Dream
2. Independence
Dream of success, fulfilling life, fame
Economic: prosperity, professional success
Social: oppor
I. American Dream
2. Independence
Dream of success, fulfilling life, fame
Economic: prosperity, professional success
Social: oppor
I. American Dream
2. Independence
Dream of success, fulfilling life, fame
Economic: prosperity, professional success
Social: oppor
I. American Dream
2. Independence
Dream of success, fulfilling life, fame
Economic: prosperity, professional success
Social: oppor

USA I. American Dream ● 2. Independence ● ● Dream of success, fulfilling life, fame Economic: prosperity, professional success Social: opportunity, equal justice, classes society Political: right to vote Religious freedom Truth: American Nightmare: racism, police brutality, terrorism, huge gap between rich and poor, high crime rate, lack of health care 3. Immigration ● History of US begins 42 with Columbus's discovery of America European Colonists, mostly from England British control: mostly from London Revolutionary War (1775-1783) -> declaration of independence July 4, 1776 ● Englisch Abitur 2023 First in mid of 19th century Exclusion of unskilled workers. Handicapped people 4. Equality and Freedom Illegal immigration reform 1996 -> deportation Religious refugees: to practise their faith Political refugees: finding political freedom Economic refugees: searching for better living conditions Dream of a new classless society: individual freedom, equal opportunity and material wealth Salad bowl: mixed people from different countries (reality) Melting pot: mixing different cultures to become American (idealism) Statue of Liberty -> symbol of freedom Manifest destiny -> mission to democratize the world Bill of rights 1791 Civil war moment 1960 equal rights 5. Gun culture 1920 woman gained right to vote Minorities have to fight for freedom and equality, education is a question of money 6. Presidents Protection of the individual right Gun violence -> national crisis George W. Bush (2000-2008) Barack Obama Donald Trump Joe Biden Great Britain I. Definition 2. British identity . 4. Brexit Nigeria 1. ● 3. Constitutional monarchy . Great Britain: England + Scotland + Wales United Kingdom: Great...

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Britain + Northern Ireland ● British Isles: UK + Republic of Ireland National referendum in June 2016 Planned for 2019, took place 2020 Political, identity reasons 5. British Empire - Colonisation Queen Victorias reign ● ● Cliches and stereotypes: tea, bad weather and British food Traditional values: tolerance, respect, being open minded History: pride & strong -> British empire Different nationalities: multiculturalism and UK diversity Brexit: desire to get backstory past 6. Multiculturalism Parliamentary democracy under constitutional monarchy Important part of national identity, royal family as representatives Exploitation Military power and money Commonwealth - Decolonisation Free and equal member states General In the west coast of Africa; used to be a British colony One of the best economies in Africa -> large oil industry 50% Muslim, 48% Christian 250 ethnic groups, 500 languages Rapidly growing population Creation development of a new national identity Improves national identity Chances: open & tolerant society, enriches lifestyle, diversity, greater variety in culture Challenges: racism, language barrier, lack of support, inequality, cultures can't integrate 2. Problems Poverty Climate change -> environmental disasters Starvation Inequality between genders Organized crime, terrorism -> Boko Haram 3. Oil Industry Child labour Female genital mutilation Religious tension Corruption, police brutality There were several ecosystems and great amount of flora and fauna Since 1908 oil companies deforested everything, only oil catastrophe left Nigeria heavily depends on oil industry 4. Nollywood ● Money coming from oil is not used reinvested into health/infrastructure/schools -> mostly in debts Creates workplaces, but bad working conditions, destroys environment 5. The Nigerian Dream Nigeria's dream factory Second largest film producer Began in 1980 6. Boko Haram: Powerful nation without exploitation and dependence Sustainable environment Importance for global economy Using everybody's full capacity -> capacity means stronger ● Means "western education is forbidden" Fighting for Islamic law, rejection of democracy -> formation to an Islamic state Raise attention with violence, gaining more members due to corruption of the government World of work I. Studying and working abroad Language learning, cultural learning, individual growth Gap Year, Volunteerism, Voluntourism Pro: experience global market place, international internship, impress future employers But: expensive, homesickness, adapt to a new culture 2. English as lingua franca Language of international communications 3. Changing world of work Job security, not staying with one employer Changed due to globalization, mobile working, new developments, flexibility Lot of competition More stress -> always available Better work conditions and equipment Minimum wage and living wage 4. Effects of the digital revolution Raising wages for the knowledgeable, opportunities for the emerging world Negative: gab between skilled and unskilled workers, large pool of unemployment 5. Visions of the future: ● ● Better: o Job losses due to technology O Constant competition O Focus on academic work leaves uneducated behind O Social dumping: intelligence = power To be successful in a rapidly changing world of work people have to adapt and learn new things constantly, what makes it difficult for people to keep up with the growing circumstances 6. Job satisfaction: Globalization Worse: . ● I. Definition: Process of increasing global conformity with regard to cultural, economic and technical convergences Access to a bigger job market o Technologies take over simple work -> focus on important work New medical breakthroughs 000 Job contend: interesting & meaningful work, autonomy, resources to do the job Career opportunities: networking, learning possibilities Health and safety: physical comfort, safe workplace Material benefits: earnings, enough work, fair pay Security: job security, certainty of hours Relationships: work/life balance, fit with family/personal priorities, colleagues, fair treatment ● Transfer of goods, capital and services Global togetherness 2. Typical features: Economic globalization: companies produce in countries where the costs incurred are lowest, focusing on profit efficiency and speed Cultural globalization: spreading of cultural characterise, which are expressed e.g., in sports, fashion, music, food etc. 3. Cause: Liberation and international trade Increase of foreign investment Cross-border financial flows Transnational corporate structure (e.g. textile industry) Global markets Exchange of information First and second Industrial revolution Innovation in the technical field -> artificial intelligence, the internet, mobile technology, drones, mobile translation finance... 4. Positive consequences: Innovation is followed by growth in employment -> new jobs, even in developing countries Hopes of spreading democracy, human rights and universal values while conflicts can be prevented 5. Negative consequences: ● 3. Possibility of international relations, fighting racism Significant health benefits Talented individuals influence the market Utopia and Dystopia 1. Utopia ● Global cooperation Exchange of knowledge 2. Dystopia ● Developing countries fear dependence on foreign supports, investment and credit Massive illegal immigration Gab between rich and poor Exploitation because of cruel working conditions in developing countries Increase mobility can promote the spread of a disease (Covid) Sm family siness cannot compete against international competition Increase of global crime Global warming ● Definition: a perfect society in which people work well with each other and are happy, government got everything right Characteristics: Themes: Information, independent thought and freedom are promoted Citizens life in a harmonious state, no fear of the outside world, individuality and innovation are welcome O Society evolves with change to make a perfect world O O Definition: a very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future, after something terrible has happened Characteristics: o Propaganda is used to control the citizens O Information, independent thought and freedom are restricted O Citizens are afraid of the outside world and the government O Individuality and dissent are bad Artificial intelligence virtual realities cloning genetic engineering cyborgs