


Englisch Abitur LK Nrw lernzettel







English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World
English Abitur 2023
Topics&Method sheets
English as a lingua franca
Studying & Working in a globalised World

English Abitur 2023 Topics&Method sheets ● ✓G Topics VE English as a lingua franca Studying & Working in a globalised World Globalization global challenges • economic, ecological & political issues • Chances & risks The UK • Traditions and change in politics & society • the UK in the European • Historical & political context [ Monarchy, Brexit,...] • multicultural society & its consequences 1 American Dream • Historical events [declaration of Independence,...] • American myths & realities: freedom and equality Nigeria ● Postkolonialism Political, economical, social meaning • Development Visions of the future- Utopia & Dystopia • ethical issues of scientific & technological progress METHODS • Comprehension • Summary Analysis Analysis of a non fictional text (Speech, article) Analysis of a fictional text (short story, excerpt from a book) • Characterization - relationships, development • Comment/ Discussion • Recreation • letter/email, letter to the editor speech script: talk, public/formal speech, debate statement • newspaper/internet article • (written) interview • Mediation Themen - Inhalt Aufgabenstellungen - Aufbau Vokabeln zu den Themenfeldern, Glossar Alte Klausuren Probeklausuren Standartsicherung 2 ● English as a lingua franca English as a lingua franca • Form of English, a globally spoken language by non native speakers • Grammar & rules not as necessary as normally • Communicative competence as a priority • Sense of identity through accents English as a lingua franca • sense of identity . . Accents • Native background & culture still there Easier to learn for non native speakers • Communicative competence is important, not being 100% correct • Cultural and linguistic exchange between people from...

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all over the world Intellectual people are seen with their competences & skills instead of having disadvantages because of language • English around the world... Historical reasons • Political reasons • Economic reasons • Practical reasons • Intellectual reasons Entertaining reasons Benefits • more than 750 mio people are speaking english, moreover more are currently learning • Benefit for business & computing • teachers in school benefit from the interaction with enthusiastic students • Success in schools. • More schools English as a lingua franca • controversial . Grammar and english tenses are neglected • Mistakes are okay - could let to a language decline • Cannot be used in articles,... • Not established enough • articles might be a problem: many countries do not have articles, they might start to use articles and the other way around • Hybridisation Danger • Wrong proper pride • Feeling of supremacy • not speaking english- huge disadvantage Not being part of global market 3 Benefits • people can understand one another regardless their cultural • An a-powering tool • Globish Pro Accessible, easier demonstration Includes bigger group of speakers Saves time Independent language Simplified form of English • Less words, no strict demonstration of grammar & rules "Packet version" Common ground Danger • prejudice • Stereotypical behavior/ point of view • America as a representative of the English language All dialects can be understood • languages all over the world die • Native languages • Spread of english language instead • Cultural & linguistic aspects will be gone, no diversity • Values, opinions will die with the languages • People suffer and are forced to let their language die The next generation not learning native/mother language • Sound like foreigners in their ancestors language • English seems superior to other languages in the education system • Racism towards people speaking foreign languages Contra Too simple for complex meanings, e.g business No space for literature or art Native speakers have to downgrade & learn purpose Mc donaldlisation Lack of differentiation Lack of complex vocabulary Culturally insensitive, loss of diversity 4 Anglicisms, loss of german language because of the more common & easier words in English "German might be fully replaced by the English" Yes, because... English as a lingua franca Easier to access for foreign English speakers • Grammar more simple, for instance no capital letters Able to communicate in different countries, whereas german multidimensional Anglicisms already replace a lot of german words, it is more modern Biographies in a multicultural world, Workfield Important development in the field of work • Choosing a career Coping in the workplace: WORK-LIFE BALANCE Digitalization & automation: positive & negative consequences • Globalization: -new ways of communication, global market • Technologies take over r jobs - not staying with one employee • Current challenges in the world of work: brighter variety of jobs - feeling of independence & autonomy • Not necessarily traditional environment of work • Struggle to cover costs Migration, brain-drain & brain-gain Sensitivity to cultural differences, empathy ● ● • Work-Life balance • Important for physical & mental health Equal priority - Opportunity to decide when to do what • Healthier state of mind, especially no burn outs • Ways to improve... • Acceptance, there is no ideal work life balance; being realistic instead of idealistic; achievements over time • Passionate work, a job you love to work at • Priority of health = no overworking, instead prevention Unplugging quality time, sport activities • Take a vacation, a break • Make time for yourself & your loved ones • Set boundaries & work hours • Set goals & priorities is not ● 5 Variety of jobs • College degree, university Pro gain new experience helps to develop as a person -learn to evaluate things critically Specialised knowledge --> enables you to work in a specific job enjoy learning & getting to know more about a subject you love might enable you to earn more money later Pro - Apprenticeships work experience --> helps you to get a good job - no student debut - salary - company might provide a community - new friends gain experiences - impress future employers changes mindset Contra - learn new language - independence/ responsibility -open- minded - adapting, new norms expensive - putting of your adult life - It will only make you happy if you really want to do this -> not a good option if you feel forced to do this etc. - there are jobs that you have to study for - No guarantee that you will find a job Contra Do schools provide what we need? • Schools need to teach beyond traditional teaching methods • Focus on confidence, determination, responsibility, decision making & leading as a need for students • Studying abroad Pro - not the same social life as people who go to uni - less social life no extra qualification - snobbery (other people might think you are not smart enough) - school was anti- apprenticeship ->prejudice Contra expensive - homesickness - loneliness - possible bad connection to host family you have to adapt to a new culture, language and mentality 6 • Working aboard Pro - new possibilities - multicultural & more diversity challenge helps to grow - different ways of doing business experience global market place - cross-cultural communication bigger competition - more innovation - international internship - Contra Visions of the future international collaboration makes intellectual exchange easier - access to a bigger job market when technologies take over simple work, we can focus on creative tasks & more important ones - new medical breakthroughs - end of poverty and hunger - - gap between rich & poor increases hidden costs of living abroad traditional working might disappear - loss of jobs unemployment harder to find jobs - reduction of demand on unskilled labor - leave family - homesickness - loneliness. - as technologies are cheaper & more efficient than employees they would (and already do) cause job losses - unemployable class that is unable to adapt - constant competition focus on academic work leaves uneducated behind social dumping Intelligence power = 7 Globalization • Definition Globalization means the global interactions from countries, cultures and moreover how the earth develops in categories such as politics, economy and the Environment through communication process of increasing global conformity with regard to cultural, economic and technical convergences -transfer of goods, capital & services simplifies communication & interaction with foreign speakers due to the lingua Franca English • economic globalization: companies produce in countries where the costs incurred are lowest, focusing on profit efficiency & speed cultural globalization: spreading of cultural characters, which are expressed e.g. in sports, fashion, music, food etc. • Globalization is caused through... • first industrial revolution & second industrial revolution were characterized by inventions such as the light bulb, the automobile or the steam engine • Old structures were renewed, society was transformed • the third great wave is characterized by innovation in the technological field, which include artificial intelligence, the internet, mobile technology, drones or even mobile translation • Finance & education are also affected, as there are now cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, as well as numerous opportunities for education and training in all possible directions on the internet • ECONOMY • Textile industry Sweatshops in Bangladesh • Industrial revolution - workers leave subsistence farms & work in manufactories - western companies buy clothes in Bangladesh - Result: 80% of Bangladesh's total export • Reasons for Western companies: cheapest place to produce, low minimum wage, as a consequence horrible working conditions & exploitation 8 • Code of conduct as an example of failed goals • Human rights, labour, Environment, Anti- corruption, respect & no racisms - Code of Conduct • Way of solution: Buy clean clothes Exploitation • Low minimum wage • Working hours: No breaks, From morning until night shifts • Horrible working conditions, an awful atmosphere • Women get sexually harassed, raped • Health aspect: Unsure conditions e.g Rana Plaza Consequence: deseases • Human rights are violated • Human dignity • chemicals are toxic • Fire: No exit because of being locked up • Dusk • pressure to produce more • Drug abuse to work longer • Unskilled workers and their families become dependant from the factories • people stay uneducated, no chance to even • Almost no unions • Economy in general global trade • constant exchange of development • export/ import, brain-drain & brain-gain ->easier access to other countries • economic independence • outsourcing of labour and productions Opportunity • Workers earn at least a small amount of money • With the knowledge of the textile industry, they can work in higher wage industries • -> Chance • Independency • Empowerment of women • Opportunity to earn money & have a position in their families •Providing jobs • Countries become more efficient • Becomes more attractive for investments • Technological opportunity • Infrastracture Economic improve • Export • Taxes can be used for new investements(smaller companies) • Workers can save up money and send it to their families • Earn more money then they would on their farms • For western buyer: Production of cheap clothing, companies cut costs 9 ECOLOGY • Global warming • Caused by humans, affecting human beings Increase of average temperature in atmosphere • Through this: e.g heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, loss of biodiversity • Caused by deforestation, burning fossil fuels, mass production, EMISSIONS • Action & prevention significant • Plastic waste • Plastic dumped in the ocean, usually single used plastic • Consequences for animals & their health, littering, water pollution • Solution: recycling • Air & Land pollution as a consequence of global warming & plastic waste • CULTURE & SOCIETY • traveling • fashion/ beauty standards literature, music, films • migration • custom traditions, values, beliefs • food religion -> exposure language -> converting is more usual diversity of people, languages • studying abroad • sports • Media: social media, internet, technology • POLITICS • international alliance & cooperations • trade as warden investment policy • updates about every original decision from all over the world global challenges (Covid-19) + opportunities (vaccine) • cold war -migration • worldwide movements (BLM) 10 Pro Globalization - employment -> many new jobs, even in developing countries - hopes of spreading democracy, human rights & universal values while conflicts can be prevented - possibility of international relations, fighting racism - significant health benefits talented individuals influence the market - global cooperation - exchange of knowledge, brain-drain & brain- gain Contra Globalization - developing countries fear dependence on foreign supports, investment & credit - erosion of national cultures massive illegal immigration - gap between rich & poor - exploitation because of cruel working conditions in developing countries increased mobility can promote the spread of disease ( e.g. Covid19) small family business cannot compete against international competition financial crisis of a state can cause international damage increase of global crime > Winners & losers: industrial countries vs. Development countries, global players vs. Small companies/ local companies • NGO's -non-governmental organizations gained publicity over recent decades • promote interest of the poor Examples: Greenpeace, Oxfam In order to prevent negative consequences: support of NGO'S 11 Effects of Covid- 19 Technology +communication via digital devices • +working from home -coordination/management/timing Economy -suffering companies . -crash of stock market ● -gap between big & smaller companies • Tourism • -trust issues/migration +less people travel positive impact on environment -> less CO emissions, animals negative impact on countries that depend on tourism (Mallorca) -risk of overcrowded places once traveling is possible again Society • -isolation • - depression, mental health issues • +crime went down ● -delays in import/export -less orders -fear of economic crisis • Medicine ● -people fear democracy, wrong decision making -loss of jobs +medical cooperation -health system is dying +rising awareness for potential outbreak of viruses -> higher standards • Politics ● -trade war -high pressure +political cooperation +crime rate went down -increasing racism (China) • + changing school system (digitalization) 12 The American dream • Definition • There is a variety of possible definitions, individual way of defining • About working on yourself- self fulfillment, achieving goals & success Improving life position/status, happiness, safety • Personal aims such as family, freedom, health • Social background - idea of equality/ multicultural society, classless society • Link to American history range of hopes & beliefs connected with ideas in the Declaration of independence concept of a better, richer & happier life for all citizen of every (James Truslow Adams, 1931) Slogan: "from rags to riches", "from dishwasher to millionaire" Symbols: Statue of Liberty, American flag Anybody in America, regardless of their circumstances of birth/place in society can fulfill their dreams & achieve success as long as they work hard Often combined with the analysis of political speeches 13 6 Concepts of the American dream 1. Progress 1.1. The belief that everyone has the ability to not only improve themselves but also their community 2. Success 2.1.The belief that everybody can realize his or her highest goal in life 3. Manifest Destiny 3.1. The belief that America is Gods chosen country, god given, the promised Neverland 4. Frontier 4.1. The idea of crossing borders to expand own Territories (overcoming all obstacles) 5. Liberty & Equality 5.1.The belief in the American form government of the people, by the people & for the people as the sole guarantor of Liberty & Equality 6. Multiculturalism 6.1. The idea that different races and ethnicities can be combined as one nation 6.2.Idea of a melting pot Melting pot • various immigrant groups will tend to "melt together," abandoning their individual cultures & eventually becoming fully assimilated into the predominant society • Vs. Salad bowl theory: same concepts, the individuals keep their cultural sense The American Nightmare Vietnam War • 9/11 For the society: unemployment rate, poverty ● 14 Historical background of the American dream Colonial period: Small amount of English colonists reached the coast 1607 Establishment of Jamestown, Virginia ● First African slaves are illegally brought to Jamestown 1619 Pilgrims reach Plymouth aboard the Mayflower, a ship 1620 ▸ Pilgrim fathers, members of the English Separatist Church ( a radical faction of Puritanism that represented the Protestant reformed principles) fled from Great Britain to escape religious persecution, political oppression & poverty First permanent English settlement in North America Wars with local Indians they sailed across the Atlantic on the Mayflower & found the first permanent colony, the Plymouth colony (Massachusetts) ▸ Original destination: Virginia colony Ship was damaged, forced land cape cod Not prepared for the winter, a lot of deaths many native Americans lived in America before the pilgrims arrived - instead of assimilating the Native culture, they stole their land & started to kill thousand of them A lot of new colonies are founded & build a unity from 1700 ff years ▶ ▶ The Declaration of Independence: approved 1776 Congress formed by 13 British colonies Independence of 13 Colonies from each other, slavery huge contradiction to DOI. War of Independence ► Constitution 1789- establishes the principles of a democratic government 15 Bill of rights 1791: first 10 amendments to the American Constitution limitations of governments power guarantee/ ensure American citizen certain invalid rights e.g. freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the press, as well as rights to equal justice ● ● Afro Americans in the US: Civil War • War between North & south an official abolition slavery but still: no end of discrimination against black people • Civil Right movement guaranteed of equal social opportunities, protection under the law regardless of race, religion or other personal characteristics Was an issue for social justice • means: non-violent protests, civil disobedience & boycotts • Martin Luther King Leader of Civil Rights Movement • I have a dream as a significant part of CRM Abraham Lincoln Opposed against slavery, official abolished slavery ● ● • Rosa parks Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955 - resistance of bus segregation symbolic figure of civil rights movement 16 Is the American Dream still alive? Pro • people can achieve their aims if they work hard >success stories: Bill Gates, Barack Obama as first Black President • its about equality of opportunities, not equality of rich & poor • free movement between the social strata • everybody has the same opportunities to achieve their goals; this doesn't mean that everybody will succeed • the American Dream is still alive but only as alive as your willingness to work for what you want to be self reliance, the role of the state is minimal • social background does not decide on where you end up • US society is a classless socially in which everybody can move up an succeed • there is hardly any other country which offers chances like the US • there is free education for everyone • most colleagues & universities also offer scholar ships for Gifted students & the state offers grants • the American Dream is an ideal to encourage people to give their best & be optimistic; the ideal never dies ● • gives people hope, strength & motivation gives recent immigrant & second-generation immigrants the hope that they will have a better live in the US • Individual definition Contra • those people who made their dream come true, make headline • the thousands who don't succeed go unnoticed; only a few people really live the American Dream recent developments: the rich become richer, the poor stay poor, the middle class decreases >huge gap between rich and poor • pursuit of material things has negative influence on the world >climate change, pollution in the US & in the developing world • not everybody has the same opportunities, even though this is what the constitution guarantees • its not possible to do every job you want -> no job, no money if you are not able to work hard you will not receive as much financial help as you would in Europe • if you are poor, it is seen as your own fault • emphasis on individual responsibility can lead to isolation & insecurity/ indifference from other people • many minorities fare well less • African Americans have a lower median income than eg. Asians minorities have to face racism, discrimination etc. • American Dream: for (rich) whites only? • the concept of a classless society had never become reality • there are not enough well paid jobs to get ahead • many Americans have to work two or even more jobs to make ends meet • high quality schools or universities are very expensive >many people reach up high debt for tuition • limited chances to climb the career ladder • examples are not the rule & real success is real • the ideal has changed form something tangible to a vague idea that seems to become increasingly hard to reach these days 17 The UK • General information • The UK is divided into 4 parts: England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland • Multicultural society • Brexit - the UK is no longer part of the EU Capital: London ● Britishness ★ Individual definition of what Britishness means ★the state or quality of being British or showing typically British characteristics - stereotypes politeness, formal, posh, tend not to show emotions, helpful, fairness • distinctive sense of humour (a lot of irony & dry humour) • tea, red busses especially in London striving for independence Food, music, sports • concepts of national identity 1. national identity as a person's sense of belongings to a nation shaped by a language & traditions, not an inborn trait & therefore it can change in the course of one's life 2. national identity is based on the idea of having the same ancestry, belonging to the same racial group is understood as being a nation → outdated & problematic concept British identity nations, fluidity (consists of 4 parts), flexibility, customs ★British values (traditional values) • democracy, belief in freedom, equality, tolerance, respect, laws 18 Englishness • Britishness is about healthy national pride, a feeling of belonging & culture, while Englishness is all about the individual feeling of being English (wales, Scotland, island have their own culture & rather identify with this) • Patriotism:discrimination & corruption • Developed into a mainly patriotic, self confident view • New movement, problems to establish themselves - defense mechanism to Britishness • Rediscover socialist patriotism, no culture or spiritualism Germanness • Typical behavior & traditional food •Stereotypes: No humour, being always on time, being arrogant As a consequence of the consistency of the parts in the UK, there are several indigenous languages which die out Should there be a support in order to continue to speak these languages or to encourage the next generation to learn the language? British Empire & Commonwealth • started by overpowering the Spanish Armada in 1588 • became the world's number one sea power & got more & more colonies • settlements & colonies under British rule covered 1/5 of the globe First British Empire • navigators colonized new territories in the 17th & 18th centuries including the American continent • trading companies were formed in London (e.g. "East India Company" est. 1600) →great influence on Asian & American colonies • ports were founded in Colonies & were used for trade & slave trade between Africa & America 19 • protests against the monopoly of the "East India Company" lead to the Boston Tea Party in 1773 • demonstrations encouraged independence movement & resulted in Declaration of Independence & American War of Independence (1775-1783) → separation of American colonies from the British crown reasons for expansion: • economic independence & self-sufficiency • commercial & military interest • colonies are a source of raw materials, natural resources & new markets Second British Empire •began during the end of the 18th century • tried to compensate the loss of the American continents by acquisition of other territories • more than 1/3 of Africa, the whole Indian subcontinent, New Zealand, Australia & Canada are colonized • the British crown took over the reign of India in 1858 (British crown ruled India until 1947) Queen Victoria (1819-1901) became a symbol of Britain's success in the beginning of World War I Britain was the richest nation & covered 1/5 of the world end of 19th century the desire for independence grew • Canada, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa gain full independence after WW I • the second British Empire ended when India gained Independence in 1947 ● reasons for expansion: • wanted to exert their political influence & administration From Empire to Commonwealth adapted a policy of self-governance & eventually independence • dissatisfaction with British rule, demands of self-government, racial tension in indigenous countries • defense & foreign affairs were still reversed for Britain • Australia, Canada, India, South Africa, Nigeria, UK → decided to keep a close tie with Britain & form the Commonwealth → loose voluntary association of sovereign & independent status • democracy, rule of law, human right, economic ties, common language • members maintain ties of friendship, co-operation & acknowledge of the British • monarch Queen is the Head of State in the UK & 15 other countries 20 Today's consequences: Destroy of many different cultures & traditions of the native people superior view of the British nation leads to racism towards natives responsibility for exploitation of the colonies Worldwide Influence through British sport & culture, parliamentary system & law, ideas British rule old hierarchical structure was broken up, improvement of the situation of many people Education & medical care: schools & hospitals English language is spoken worldwide The Monarchy • the UK is a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy → a hereditary monarchy • the monarch is head of state, but their power is limited by constitutional written or unwritten conventions provides stability, continuity & a national focus (since the Head of State remains) • sovereign governs according to the constitution, the royal family are just representatives Categories Economy Society Pros Tourism: Many people come to the UK to see Buckingham Palace The glamour and spice has an enormous influence on tourism and the prestige of British products Improves national relations - Stands for British values & national unity Otherwise loose national identity The System of Government of the United Kingdom The UK political system The UK is democracy Executive Power Legislative Power conservate party (abour party (Liberal party) THE UNITED KINGDOM-HISTORY AND POLITICS Cons mitcitand wi✓ monderdag Bours Now Joneryon the cabinet consisting of foreign socesing, Parliament -have at comm word of Lands The Electoral System first-past-the-peer system 25 only absolute une Fagua Cork Queen and her family cost too much money (millions of £) People who pay taxes pay for the luxury of the Queen and her family Monarchy -> waste of money, could be invested better Queen Elizabeth!!. <> No real poiner Old fashioned way of thinking Multicultural society Devolution is about how parliaments and governments make decisions, in the UK it means that there are separate meare egislatures and pro Scotland executives in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 21 Categories Policy Others Brexit Pros Queen is politically important - Does a lot for the country - Queen works very hard, her importance is underestimated Royal family is involved in charity, volunteering stands above political parties, and can act as a real representative figure (regardless of short-term strategies) - Global recognition Image Advantages Negotiate trade agreements on their own - not being bound by the EU rules - Become economically more successful Internet investors will see London as a safe and Independent heaven - Smaller companies would hardly be affected, because they do not trade with the EU EU rules hurt British interests - No payment to the EU-household - Budget (paid 350 mil pounds weekly) -> more money - Pandemic: affected Brexit, Brexit just since one year Too much immigration and even terrorism, because of free movement - Protection from overcharging immigration (Control about borders) - Cultivate their traditional special relationship - Get its sovereignty back Cons Royal family symbol of an unfair, unequal, elitist society Should have no place in a modern democracy, associated with colonialism - Scandal regarding to racism lifestyle is unfair to some, that work hard and struggle to pay taxes/... No political power monarchy is an anachronistic institution Class system: Born as a royal - Maybe a bad next king or queen A monarch is undemocratic: the people should be able to elect their head of state Disadvantages - Free Trade among EU members No trade barriers EU is the main trading partner - US prefer the UK to remain a strong member of the EU (economically, politically and military) would lose influence, be an outsider - Free trade among member states benefits Britain as British companies face no trade barriers when trading with other EU member states - Would lose their influence and suffer economically and political Suffer on financial markets and reputation of London - We have a globalized world, isolationism is not possible, solving world problems together - Shortage of goods in UK - Imported goods more expensive Free movement (working and living) - many British might not have easy access to health services anymore Visa, even for holiday vacations Workers could lose their jobs (farmers, interns companies 22 Megxit Pro - Meghan as a role model for people with a racial heritage, hope Fight racism and prejudice, representing multiculturalism -> with the megxit this positive, hopeful aspect finally was gone for Britain, the people admiring her and supporting the relationship continue to support that a women of color marrried a royal Con - People with racial heritage not feeling represented Racial devision, racism - Tourist attraction Covering up issues Aggressive whiteness, symbolic of an old Britain - Values of the monarchy Megxit as a final seperation, big influence on people and negative influence on the image of the monarchy living condition => Hope for a better life • Requirements • being open-minded • Willing to leave family/ home town • Skills, language skills - Racism towards Meghan, scandals in the media Multiculturalism in the UK • The UK as a multicultural society • creation/ development of a. new national identity -> improves the national identity Consequence of colonialism & its victims • Reasons for emigration • specialities (family, friends, history) • economic reasons, brain drain & brain gain • political reasons • persecution (political, religious), war • education 23 • The Windrush generation • Empire Windrush - ship which brought people from commonwealth countries, e.g Jamaica to England during colonialism • In order to solve labour shortage • Symbol of people migrating to the UK with the hope of a better life • Faced racism, discrimination • Did not get official documents, although there was a law • This lead to the Windrush scandal: people from the windrush generation not getting medical treatment, being deported, bc they did not have official document, no compensation Multiculturalism in the UK Chances/ benefits • open/ tolerant stronger society -> mutual respect & generosity enriches lifestyle (cultural horizons) linguistic attracts (multinational companies, improves economy) • greater variety in culture (food, music, etc.) -> influences/ contributes to the national identity • more diversity • source of strength • more opinions & perspectives in economy • more innovations and creativity • Brain gain, skilled workers • Learn from one another - melting pot theory Salad bowl theory Challenges • racism -> discrimination, bullying, hostile behaviour inequality for immigrants cultures are different & can't integrate (parallel society) language barrier • lack of support ->from home (unable or unwilling, no role models) ->from teachers (school/ university) ->from host society • financial problems • language/ accents • cultural differences - clash of cultures educational system/ unjust school system => identity issues, isolation Hybrid identity MULTICULTURALISM IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Hybrid Identity (=dual identity) the children of immigrants often find themselves torn between their parents culture British culture and values, a western way of life the values of these cultures often conflict with each other sources of conflict 24 • General information largest population in Africa • located on the west coast of Africa Nigeria capital: Abuja / largest city: Lagos • main language: English Nigeria: a country of variety 250 ethical groups • Yoruba (west), Fulani & Hausa (north), Igbo (south-east) Huge rivalry among ethical groups • more than 500 languages and dialects Christianity and Islam almost equally distributed various colonies with various traditions Largest number of people living in extreme poverty Nigerian history ● Nigerias colonization Major role: Great Britain • Trade: resources & slaves [triangular trade], Slaves were shipped to America 1807: abolition of slavery ● 1885: British controlled modern Nigeria - northern & southern part; medical & police departments, infrastructure - Goal: benefit for British economic interest • British influence on Nigeria • western form of education, increased use of English (official language) British culture, values, traditions and language were superior - own culture was unfamiliar, no own identity • Today's view & consequences 1960 Independence of Nigeria 1966 massacre of thousands of Igbo people in the north • 1967 Civil war - Nigerian government won, thousands died; Biafra war & independence (biafra war= republic of biafra, igbo people) ● 25 Nigerian dream To succeed against all odds by any means necessary in a short amount of time Be successful & having a guaranteed life Show their success, materialistic Break the rules to be rich, part of the middle class ► Reason for high crime rate Concept • the dream is it to make by any means necessary get a lot of money in a short time • full filling life -it is more a nightmare than a dream Problems ● ● ● ● ● ● Poverty Terrorism, Violence, police violence Drug problems Environmental problems • Domestic violence • Unfaithfulness ● ● Superficial, materialistic sense Full of hypocrisy corruption is tolerated • low life expectancy • 67% below poverty line, no health system • Lack of education & Unemployment rate Lagos + Gentrification →creation of slums Investors illegally tear down slums to build new expensive housing Demolitions come overnight and are backed by the government • Court ruled: demolitions are inhumane 26 Boko Haram terror group that wants to evaluate western influence in Nigeria - Rivalry between northern & southern - means: "western education is forbidden" founded 2002 by Mohammed Yusuf in northern eastern Nigeria - fighting for Islamic law, prohibition of western education, rejection of democracy ->formation to an "Islamic state" - they want to raise attention with violence - Impact of Boko Haram - constant insecurity of state & its population fear of being a victim -> immense mental - lack of trust in the government & military closing or destruction of schools - thousand of victims who died, hurt or live in fear because of Boko Haram Boko Haram is gaining more members due to corruption of the government - What can be done against Boko Haram? - fight poverty -> more jobs less corruption support organizations for Nigerians to find a job & not to fell betrayed and left alone by the government - decrease corruption in politics -> gaining of trust -> less chances of Boko Haram to recruit make schools more safe, more controls & military help in school pressure Oil industry in Nigeria • Dependency from oil industry, economically important (90% exports) Causing ecological problems: destroying nature, contamination & pollution of water, fishermen loose their income ● Bad working conditions: no health system at work, unscrupulous A lot of oil thiefs, criminal people stealing the oil from pipelines 27 Nollywood Term to describe the Nigerian film industry • Nollywood is the second largest film industry after Bollywood • second largest employer after agriculture & makes up 5% of Nigeria's GDP •Home video quality-> quality has SEND TWIST improved through better funding • Idea to bring Nollywood to the TV-> international success Nollywood became the voice & the documentary of Nigerian people • Presentation of a lot of different stories, instead of one only • International understanding of African culture, civilization, strong message instead of prejudice Empowerment of Nigerian people in their own identity, psychological change • Official emancipation - No superior view, but authentic & understandable Fashion industry in Nigeria • Fashion reflects culture, values, identity, beliefs • In the past years fashion was neglected for the benefit of the oil industry • Shift of focus back to fashion lately -> hope for an economic boom • Issues concerning local fashion High prices, expensive production, outsourcing, cheap imports as a competitor, lack of education • Sustainability, Recycling ● = meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs ● • awareness among the consumers as well as among the brands has significantly increased giant fast fashion brands & global players = competition 28 Chances & risks Chances - one of the fastest growing economies of the world (oil & natural gas industry) ->regarded as an emerging global power - Nollywood: second largest film industry->important for the whole of Africa - great cultural variety (more than 250 ethnic groups and 500 languages) - Great sense of identity well-known authors, musicians, literature - Fashion industry, development of sustainability Women in Nigeria environmental problems; oil spills, poor waste management leads to polluted waterways & groundwater -> causes diseases political instability (partly because of Nigeria's past) - gap between rich & poor - no health insurance or welfare system - Nigerian dream or Nigerian nightmare ? Chances - educate women (STD, health) - Nollywood as an opportunity - women can become directors etc. - they can be seen as a role model - use movies to spread awareness & make people aware of challenges Risks - portray society from a female point of view (opportunity to give women a voice) rapidly growing population - poverty, food shortage, unemployment, overcrowded slums young population but high unemployment rate organized crime & corruption religious tensions & fundamentalism terrorism, e.g. Boko Haram Risks - traditional gender roles women wife, mother - no voice especially in rural areas no equality "used" by men, less rights human trafficking & modern slavery domestic violence -child marriage - pressure to fulfill people's/ society's expectations - culture of silence 29 Utopia & dystopia Utopia "no place" or "good place" ▸ ->term first used by Thomas More in 1516 ► an imaginary (nearly) perfect society > "paradise" optimistic way of portraying the development of todays society ▸ cannot become reality A perfect world isn't possible, the idea is simply not realistic typical characteristics ► economic ideas: money is abolished citizens only do work that they enjoy or is for the common good In egalitarian distribution of goods ► governing ideas: society is controlled by citizens in a large individualist, communal, social, & sometime libertarian government ▸ the term government is used loosely constructed government systems are warned against ▸ technological ideas: ▸ technology may be embraced to enhance the human living experience & make the human life easier & more convenient ▸ technology as an assistance without being used with bad intentions ► ecological ideas: humans live harmoniously with nature ▶ ▸ reverse the effects of industrialization & globalization philosophical/religious ideas: ▸ society believes in a common religious philosophy ▸ some fashion their surrounding around the biblical garden of Eden ▸ in inter-religious utopia's all ideas of God are welcomed equality, no conflicts, prosperity, happiness 30 ► Dystopia embodies pessimistic visions of the future by creating a fictional society little or no hope for improvement ▸ way to criticize negative tendencies, such as climate change, in the modern world & speculate how situations will worsen over time ->often a warning to the readers society usually characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government types of dystopian control corporate control ▸ one or more large corporations/group of people control society through product, advertising, &/or media ► bureaucratic control the society is controlled by a mindless bureaucracy characterized by complicated official rules, unrelenting regulations, & Incompetent government officials ▸ technological control ► ➤ computers, robots, cameras &/or scientific means control society philosophical/religious control ▸ a dictatorship or theocratic government enforces a philosophical or religious ideology that controls society ▸ a set of rules dictate the daily life Oillusions of the perfect controlling suppressive government Owar, revolution, rebellion >great suffering Opoverty; huge income gap Oviolence, injustice O->society separated into classes with different amounts of power Onatural disaster, total destruction of nature Omore advanced technology used as a method of surveillance or control ->often only controlled by the ruling class a protagonist who questions this society because they feel that something is wrong; rebels against the government 31 Utopian literature vs. Dystopian literature Utopian literature Dystopian literature • Closely connected with socialist ideas abolition of death, illness, & suffering • information, independent thought, & freedom are promoted • citizens are truly free to think independently no fear of the outside world • live in a harmonious state • Citizens embrace social & moral ideals • individuality & innovation are welcomed PRO a dramatic background story of war, revolution, uprising, overpopulation, natural disaster or some other climatic event which resulted in dramatic changes to society use of propaganda to manipulate the citizens of a society - robots could make human life easier & more comfortable increase of productivity & quality during production - we could profit from AI intelligence that might be able to understand poor lens our brain isn't capable of ->medical breakthrough could safe us - rational decision making • restriction of information, independent thought, & freedom • worshipping of a figurehead or concept constant surveillance/observation & control of citizens fear of the outside world unknown to most citizens living in a dehumanized state • distrust & banishment of the natural world Artificial intelligence the theory & development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making or translation between languages • refers to intelligence shown by machines they can play games like chess, drive cars many experts warn about the potential risks of upper intelligent machines uniformity governs all aspects of lives, individually & dissent are disapproved of • society as an illusion of a perfect utopian world CONTRA - machines can become autonomous & have unpredictable consequences incorrect handling of this power in the wrong hands can be dangerous - humans should control robots there should be borders to AI (human dignity, freedom and peace) loss of jobs due to robots - AI suppressing our intelligence Ethical & moral issues! 32 Virtual realities (VR) • A form of experience/ scenario generated by a computer can be experienced through devices like VR glasses, googles or headphones designed to create images & sounds in order to make a user believe they are in another environment Cloning • cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another • This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two Genetic engineering PRO - babies grow into ethically better children - those children would be less likely to harm others or themselves - genes have a significant influence on personality -> chance to modify them - it would be possible to turn off the genes, that are responsible traits, such as alcoholism or psychopathy - no evolution in the distant future ->everyone/ the most people will have the same - designing children leads to a better, more intelligent & hereditary material; no diversity, which makes us special less violent society - too many & too deep manipulations - can be used for bad purposes - Not enough research Social media PRO - Spreads infos faster than other media, being up to date - Allows people to improve their relationships & make new friends - Helps reduce loneliness of senior citizens who are socially isolated CONTRA - Empowerment of positive change, good vibes Business making online - the question: is it morally right? this might create new diseases or even genetic diseases/ defects CONTRA - spread of unreliable & false information Lack of privacy - Too much time on the internet, less face to face interaction - False ideas & pictures of reality in advertisements, posts - Depressing teenagers & unrealistic expectations - Digital edits which lead to false beauty standarts 33 1. Analysis Method sheets 1.1.Non fictional text - article 1.2.Fictional text - characterization 1.3.Speech 2. Comment 3. Recreation 3.1.Speech script 3.2.Letter to the editor 3.3.Letter, formal letter 3.4.Article 3.5.Written interview. 3.6. Diary entry 4. Mediation 34