


Englisch Klausur Q1







(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s
(the narrator)
The short story.
The Day
Independence Came" Eve
II written by chrika Uniqueland
Z- published in 2007, is
about will will be s

(the narrator) The short story. The Day Independence Came" Eve II written by chrika Uniqueland Z- published in 2007, is about will will be summarized in terme A I on all (wither the aspects' of all preparations for the arrival of "Independence" as they are mentioned in the short story extract. the preperations for the arrival of independence" they are mentioned are for example that they were she is dressed R as to and has new shoes pink and waves green flag up in a pinli a green-white- C, and she also learns about the meaning. The of SB | the flag- green stands for vich land and joy and the while stands for peace. The people are also blaring the horns of their The Independence me cars. es everything new cemakes even the nfusing So 1 ave in a fresh green. To sum up the people de a lot of preparations for the Day of Independence. Now I am to going analyse the short story in terms of narrator, setting. and atmosphere The short story shows in the really beginning that the story is told by a first-person narrator which is clear through words like "1" l. 1, 516₁7₁" "me" I. 51 6, 3, 26 and "my" d. 27 7, 12, 27. *1 Through the first-person narr- ator there is a the readers. can Identify with the havrator and they can better understand their feelings and #thoughts and of the narra- tor. Through thes lioose of first person-narrator sphere is more Z A summary does not require a Conclusion. clear G I clearly and it feels like are you were there. 2 the atmosphere, & which is described in the 2 -...

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Story is, first very kind 3 but also loud and noisy, 2- lout in a good way= & The narrator describes the horns of the cars like if they were all to going a wedding party . W. In the following story, the almosphere changes through of which shines. on the wet bright Street it was so great!!! that [the narrator] could R hardly bear to look at them SB1 (d. 14. This makes the almosphere very warm, bright and peaceful it also reminds of the "door to heaven". This atmosphere does not change Fill the end(ll. 25-27) G₂ I where the dad changed his mind and the mother does not want the narrator to come every thing 3 in which makes so con confusing a # The story also has hope ful an setting through the symbol of colors like green which is the appears comes color for hope. The color the beginning in the "green-white-green flay" (I. 2) and when the narrator describes the hills: "they looked lite clipped and their greepness. was fresh, the color of Spinach ^ (ll. 22-23) There is also a in contrast to the hopefulness through the climax" "I told not One. Not even Mother^ 6. 3) to She would not и det me in [...] There was nobody to talk tell "ll, 26-27) which the creates a feeling of being alone and is not so trots hopeful. The repetition with the too- new leather shoes. comes -1 (A) Olker and other again and is also. comparison is also a comparation to the general situation in the story. Just because Something is new like - R R Really strong! cit. I the shoes of the narrator or the Independence of Nigeria (green-white-green flags. 2) does not mean mething that it is somet good like the shoes that hurt. Z_ R _ In the end, you can say that the people in R- Nigeria fighted lot to n go the be indepentend which is also symbolized WI Papl through the hurt (ll 3, 7, 27) The narrator has. *The patrato first-person namator is also a young girl which gets clear Gryl G₂ when she fells that I was six years old, dressed in pink" leten ел n 5 to Now I am going write the monologue her point of view. from и You know Ogbon that hard day this was a for me. I mean it was good and I was am supp- osed to be happy, am 12 But Ogbon this new leather pretty my feet but shoes ave 80 they are too-new they are hurting so much. & You I wish you could see how strong I am that I could wave the flag even- though it was not that big as the athors from 1 R neighbours... Ofbon I do not know how to feel about this independence and this day a de. Am I Z _7 R ~R USB suppossed just to be happy? felt so alone today = _? did Mother does not wanted me to come in and Dad I was just so hyped that he even forget that I was there. Independence, Independence. redundant ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ independence... Ogbon my feet burt. I also wonder why there are stripes for F land and for peace but the rich war and What about the Z_ the poverty... It Such R was Foday trained me ... Let's to sleep. RA Z a hard day, ge Klausur Nr. 3 a) Inhaltliche Leistung Klausurteil A: Leseverstehen/Schreiben Teilaufgabe 1 (Comprehension) Anforderungen 1 2 1 2 Maximal erreichbare Punktzahl schreibt eine Einleitung, in der die Kurzgeschichte kurz vorgestellt wird (Titel, Autorin, 2 Quelle, Jahr, Thema). 1 ● fasst zum Beispiel folgende Dinge zusammen: ● ● Name: Teilaufgabe 2 (Analysis) Anforderungen Der Prüfling... Protagonistin erzählt, dass die Unabhängigkeit an einem Samstagmorgen kam. Sie war 6 und stand mit einer grün-weißen Flagge auf dem Balkon des Apartments. Hupende Autos fuhren vorbei und Menschen schrien. Protagonistin winkte und erzählt, dass sie von den Farben der Flagge wusste grün für das reiche Land, weiß für Frieden. Ihr Vater sagte, Nigeria sei ein reiches Land und dank der Unabhängigkeit werde es noch reicher. Protagonistin sollte eigentlich glücklich sein, war aber nicht sicher, wie sie sich mit der Unabhängigkeit fühlt. ● Am Tag zuvor hatte es geregnet, weshalb die Straße wie ein Spiegel war, die sie nicht angucken konnte. Dann wäre sie blind gewesen, was nur Jesus wieder hätte richten können. Ihr Vater hatte ihr aber erzählt, sie solle nicht auf Wunder Jesus vertrauen, sie solle lieber für Leute wie Zik und Awo dankbar sein, die die Unabhängigkeit gebracht haben. Mit Wundern wären sie nie frei gewesen. Alles glitzerte und sie ging zum Polo park, um die Unabhängigkeit zu empfangen. Der Plan wurde unterbrochen, weil Fremde kamen. Der Prüfling... schreibt einen kurzen Einleitungssatz und kündigt in einem Satz an, was er/sie im Folgenden analysieren wird Analysiert zum Beispiel Folgendes: 1) Setting: 2) Atmosphere: 12 homey, comfortable, voyeuristic (e.g. 11. 1-6): the balcony gives the protagonist comfort, but makes her a part of the party in the streets overwhelming, uncomfortable, blinding (e.g. ll. 14-17): the blinding streets make the protagonist uncomfortable; the setting blends the whole party out scary and in contrast to the homey feeling (e.g. ll. 25-26): the home suddenly becomes a prison because the mother stays in her room and the father does not want to leave happy and over the top (e.g. 1. 5): makes the child very excited and euphoric grateful and glorious (e.g. ll. 9-11): makes the protagonist proud, but also uneasy because the praise is too much for her Maximal erreichbare Punktzahl uncomfortable, overwhelming, metaphysical (e.g. II. 14-20): the street blinds the protagonist, making her scared for her eyesight and makes her think of miracles which are not to come disappointment scary, uneasy (1. 25): strangers come and the parents' behaviour changes; the open and happy atmosphere changes completely 6 2 14 14 1/7 ▬▬ e 3 4 1 2 3) Narrator first person narrator (1. 1): Reports the events of the Independence Day from a very personal, subjective, and emotional perspective 4 5 ● ● Teilaufgabe 3.2 (Evaluation) Anforderungen Part 1 The story is told in the past tense, making it sound like a recollection of the events. Thus, the reader feels the emotional impact on a child as well as the neutral, descriptive way of writing of an adult fasst das Gesagte in einem kurzen Fazit zusammen und bringt seine/ihre eigene Meinung ein erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) (Colours) The very vivid and detailed descriptions of the first person narrator (e.g. 1.13: the streets shone [...] I could hardly look at them; 1. 22: Even the hills surrounding Enugu lost their angry stare) gives the reader the overwhelming feeling of being present in this very moment and watching everything with the eyes of a child Part 2 Der Prüfling... schreibt einen Kommentar mit einer Interesse weckenden Einleitung begründet seine Meinung mit kulturellen, historischen und geographischen Aspekten Nigerias, z.B.: creative writing Klausurteil B: Hörverstehen Anforderungen drei Hauptstämme (Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba) mehr als 500 verschiedene Sprachen neben Englisch geographisch sehr divers durch die Küstenlage, Sümpfe, Berge, Dschungel etc. fasst den Kommentar in einem kurzen Satz zusammen erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) 2 2 LIZ Maximal erreichbare Punktzahl Der Prüfling beantwortet die Fragen wie folgt: 1. c); 2.1: middle-class, conventional, father professor/mother administrator, had domestic help; 2.2 helps in the house of Adichie's family, comes from a rural area/village, is poor, his family makes baskets; 2.3 that she cannot speak English, cannot use a stove, is not similar to her, listens to tribal music; 2.4: no possibility of Africans being similar to Westerners, no possibility of feelings more complex than pity, no possibility of connection as human equals; 2.5: beautiful landscapes, beautiful animals, incomprehensible people, fighting senseless wars, dying of poverty, AIDS, unable to speak for themselves, waiting to be saved by whites 1: Enugu, Nigeria; 2: after she graduated from school; 3: at the university of Leiden, Netherlands; 4: wife, mother, writer, part-time politician 5: that she almost felt like a child again; 6: panic attack, got very aware of the prejudices her skin color causes/was sometimes even scared to go shopping/felt very much disheartened.../had to work hard to regain...; 7: she met Flora Nwapa; 2 15 2 Maximal erreichbare Punktzahl 15 14 15 /19 + tone ca elements 2. 16 b) spra Dar 22 3 b) sprachliche Leistung Darstellungsleistung/ sprachliche Leistung 1 Kommunikative Textgestaltung Ausdurcksvermögen 2 Sprachrichtigkeit 3 4 5 7 8 9 Aufgabenbezug: Text wird ausschließlich auf Aufgabe ausgerichtet verliert den Bezug zur Aufgabe nicht Textformate: Zieltextformate werden eingehalten Aufg. 1: Angaben zum Text, keine Zitate... Aufg. 1 und 2: sachlich neutral, keine eigene Meinung Aufg. 3: subjektiv-wertend, Unterstützung von textexternen Informationen alle Aufgaben: present tense Textaufbau: sachgerecht strukturierter Text Untergliederung in Sinnabschnitte geschlossener Gesamttext Verknüpfung der Sinnabschnitte Textgestaltung: Text wird ausreichend und ohne Wiederholungen gestaltet nur relevante Punkte kein Rückverweis auf bereits Gesagtes abstrahierende Zusammenfassung Belegtechnik: Aussagen werden durch Zitate und Verweise belegt gebraucht Zeilenangaben etc. angemessene wörtliche Zitate Konventionen des Zitierens werden eingehalten (unter anderem Einsatz von cf. und Il. Bei mehreren Zeilen) Eigenständigkeit: löst sich vom Wortlaut des Textes Wortschatz: angemessener Wortschatz wird benutzt stilistisch korrekt (z.B. formal/informal...) Variation der Wortwahl Textbesprechungs- und -produktionswortschatz: angemessener Wortschatz wird benutzt Aufg. 1: Vokabular zum Zusammenfassen Aufg. 2: Vokabeln der Analyse Aufg. 3: Vokabeln der Meinungsäußerung Satzbau: benutzt variablen und dem Text angemessenen Wortschatz Summe Darstellungsleistung (von max. 48) 0 Punkte Rechtschreibung In fast allen Sätzen sind Fehler vorhanden, welche das Lesen erschweren 0-1 Punkt 1-2 Punkte Einzelne Sätze sind frei von Fehlern, Lesen wird nicht stark erschwert 2-4 Punkte Einzelne Sätze sind frei von grundlegenden Fehlern, Lesen wird nicht stark erschwert Grammatik In fast allen Sätzen sind grundlegende Fehler vorhanden, Lesen wird stark erschwert 0-1 Punkt Wortschatz In fast allen Sätzen sind Schwächen im angemessen Gebrauch des Wortschatzes festzustellen, Lesen wird stark erschwert Summe Sprachrichtigkeit (von max. 24) 2-4 Punkte Einzelne Sätze sind frei von Fehlern, Lesen wird nicht. stark erschwert end you sentences! 2-3 Punkte Einige Rechtschreibfehler, Abschnitte sind überwiegend frei von Fehlern, Lesen wird nicht wesentlich erschwert 5-8 Punkte Einige Grammatikfehler sind vorhanden, einige Abschnitte sind überwiegend frei von Fehlern, Lesen wird nicht erschwert 5-8 Punkte Einige Fehler und unangemessene Wortwahl, einige Abschnitte sind frei von Fehlern 6 7 + 19 + 16 + 27 +60 5 5 5 3 5 6 5 8 4 Punkte Text ist überwiegend ohne Fehler, auftretende Fehler sind eher Flüchtigkeitsfehler 6 9-10 Punkte Wortgebrauch ist im gesamten Text korrekt USSA 4 9-10 Punkte Text ist überwiegend frei von Fehlern, vorliegende Grammatikfehler sind nur in komplexen Sätzen zu finden 5 3 4 5 3 L 35 g 9 g 21 Erreichte Punkte: Note sehr gut plus sehr gut sehr gut minus gut plus gut gut minus befriedigend plus befriedigend befriedigend minus ausreichend plus ausreichend ausreichend minus mangelhaft plus mangelhaft mangelhaft minus ungenügend Korrekturzeichen W W (Präp) W A (A)/(W) Gr Gr Gr (T)/T Gr (Art) Gr (Kongr) Bz Verwendete Korrekturzeichen Sb St. R Z Sonstige Zshg?/log. √ 5.0. (kein) Absatz (1) 1 KT1-5+ oder - AV6-9 + oder - Punkte Erreichte Punktzahl 15 143-150 14 135-142 13 128-134 12 120-127 11 113-119 10 105-112 9 8765 METO 3 2 1 0 124 98-104 90-97 83-89 75-82 68-74 60-67 50-59 41-49 30-40 0-29 /150 Rechtschreibung Zeichensetzung Note: gut (+) The best analysis. and the best citation technique in class ✓ Well done! (75% = 112,5 Pkt.) (45% = 67,5 Pkt.) Beschreibung Wortschatz & Ausdrucksvermögen falsche Präposition (z.B. in/ of/ about etc.) unpassendes Wort, falsche Kollokation (übl. Nebeneinanderreihung von Wörtern) falscher Ausdruck; unenglisch"; falsche Phrase nicht völlig falsch, aber (im Englischen) wenig idiomatisch (geläufig, angebracht) Grammatik Grammatikfehler allgemein Satzbau falsch (Satzteile an falscher Stelle) Stellungsfehler (einzelnes Wort an falscher Stelle) 1214123 falsche Tempuswahl oder-bildung (Zeitform) falscher/fehlender Artikel (z.B. the, a, an) Kongruenzfehler (z.B. "they was" (statt they were"), "he eat" statt he eats")) Bezugsfehler/ unklarer Bezug (unklar, worauf sich z. B. ein Pronomen bezieht) Br unklar, missverständlich, unleserlich Zusammenhang/ Verbindung unklar (was hat das eine mit dem anderen zu tun?/ logischer Feh falsche Schlussfolgerung) Wort/Ausdruck fehlt siehe oben (Wiederholungsfehler) fehlender/falscher Absatz besonders schwerwiegender Fehler besondere Beachtung erforderlich Besondere Leistungen/ Verstöße im Bereich Kommunikative Textgestaltung (Struktur, Belegtech etc.); Z.B. KT3+ = gelungene & logische Struktur vgl. Bereich Darstellungsleistung" Erwartungshorizont (Punkte 1-5) Besondere Leistungen/ Verstöße im Bereich Ausdrucksvermögen (Satzbau, Wortschatz etc.); AV9+ besonders gelungener Satzbau; vgl. Bereich „Darstellungsleistung" im Erwartungshorizont (Pur 6-9) 12 Englisch GK Exam no. 3 1. Klausurteil B: Hörverstehen You're going to get three minutes to read the questions. Then you're going to hear the excerpts of the TED talk and a personal story for the first time. After two minutes, you're going to hear the excerpts again. (30 pts.) Part 1: The danger of a single story by C. Adichie 1. Tick the correct boxes to complete the following sentence. More answers are correct. 1. Chimamanda Adichie tells us about a) her personal background in Nigeria. c) how Westerners perceive Africans. b) the dangers she went through. d) why she started writing novels. 2nd March, 2023 2. Write down keywords and notes. You don't have to write full sentences. What do you learn about Chimamanda Adichie's parents and family situation? (3 answers, 3pts.) her father was. professor her mother african middle class family 2. What do you learn about Fide? (2 answers, 2pts.) was an administrator his family was poon, a 4 14 a house boy no passebility to story because of 3. What preconceptions did the American roommate have of Chimamanda Adichie, based on her country of origin? (2 answers, 2pts.) She thought she can't speak english, poor IS 4. Why is a "single story" (one-sided view) a "catastrophe" according to Chimamanda Adichie? (1 item, 1pt.) break out of the 1 of prejudices. 5. How do people in Western countries view Africa? (3 answers, 3pts.) they feel sorry for them, they think they are poor, can't speak english dieng poverty of Source: Adichie, Chimamanda (2009): The Danger of a Single Story. YouTube. 02:50-06:34. 15 3 /15 2 3 12 Englisch GK 1. Chika Unigwe was born in... ... Amsterdam, Netherlands ... Lagos, Nigeria ... Enugu, Nigeria ... Bruges, Belgium Exam no. 3 naviCH 81 Part 2: Chika Unigwe on emigrating to Belgium and how she got into writing. 2. She moved to Belgium after ... ... her marriage. the birth of her first child. ... after she graduated from school ... ... at the University of Oxford, England. ... at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. X... at the University of Leiden, Netherlands. ... at the University of Berlin, Germany. 2nd March, 2023 4. Chika Unigwe considers herself being ... confident S 3. After she earned an MA² degree in English from the "Catholic University of Leuven" (KUL), she earned a doctor's examination (Ph.D in Literature) .... o/1 2/2 4 12 Englisch GK Exam no. 3 by the University of Leuven. ... the fact that she had to leave her husband and her children behind. ... finding a publishing house willing to publish her works. 5. The biggest problem she had to face after moving to Belgium was... ... that she almost felt like a child again, because of the new an unknown language. ... that the BA³ in English she obtained at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, was not accepted 6. In the first year Chika suffered a • depression ... got very much aware of the prejudices her skin color causes. 7. She got into writing after ... and she ... 2nd March, 2023 ... she had a traumatizing accident at school when she was a child. ... her mother gave her a book by British author Jane Austen. *.... ... she met Flora Nwapa (when she was in primary school). ... she met the mother of one of her school mates. /15 ... was sometimes even scared to go shopping. X... felt very much disheartened and experienced a huge loss of confidence. X... had to work hard to regain the self-confidence she had when she lived in Nigeria. 3 Source. Unigwe, Chika (2012): Enterprising Africans. YouTube. 00:21-03:29. 2/2 214 1 2 3 vepetition deather shoes 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 Englisch GK The Day Independence Came By Chika Unigwe (465 words) 22 23 24 7 8 9 I waved until my right arm hurt and I transferred the flag to my left hand. I knew what the colours of the flag meant. The green was for our rich land. And for Joy. The white was for peace. Father taught me all that when he bought me the flag. "We are a rich country. And now with Independence coming, we shall be richer still," he had said. Independence was here and I was supposed to be happy. But the truth was that I was not entirely sure how I felt about it. And feelings the nowator and thoughts my feet hurt in my new leather shoes. 10 25 26 27 Exam no. 3 2nd March, 2023 navrator Independence came one frantic Saturday morning. I was six years old, dressed in pink and Vigenian flag first person l. 1, 3, 5,6 waving a small green-white-green flag from the balcony of our apartment in New Lay Out. My climax feet hurt in my too-new shoes. I told no one. Not even Mother. Cars drove by blaring their horns non-stop as if they were all going to a wedding party, beepbeepbeepppppingbeep. Sometimes the people in cars waved at me and shouted, "Happy Independence Day," and I shouted back even though I knew they could not hear me above the beepbeepbeepings of the car horns. warm metapher It had rained the day before and so the streets shone like an invisible hand had taken the time peaceful atmosphere through the to scrub them clean. I could hardly bear to look at them; it was like I was looking at a splintered mirror in the sun. If you looked at a mirror in the sun, you went blind. And no doctor could n make you see again. It would take a miracle like Jesus rubbing sand and spit in your eyes like He did in the Bible story we were told at Sunday School. And Father said we should not expect Jesus to come down from heaven to perform the miracles He did long ago and that was why we had to be grateful for people like Zik and Awo who fought to bring us Independence. "If we waited for miracles, we'd never be free." Independence put a shine on everything. Made everything new. I heard Father say from the sitting room, "I've become a new man." new shoes =) new Independence something new doesn't mean it is good in the beginning like the shoes that hort Everything glittered. Even the hills surrounding Enugu lost their angry stare. They looked comparation clipped and their greenness was fresh, the colour of spinach. I was going to go to the Polo Park to welcome Independence, which was why I was all dressed up. =) dress in the beginning But Father changed his mind when the stranger came. He said Independence had come to him. And that was much more important. And Mother was in the bedroom. She would not let me in. My left cheek smarted. And my feet hurt in my new shoes. There was nobody to tell. […] repetition leather shoes steigerong2 climax 12 Englisch GK Klausurteil A: Leseverstehen und Schreiben Exam no. 3 Chika Unigwe: The Day Independence Came (2007)¹ (extract) Topic: Nigeria Material: fictional text (short story) Tasks: 2nd March, 2023 1. (Comprehension) Summarize all preparations for the arrival of "Independence" as they are mentioned in the short story extract from Chika Unigwe's "Th Day Independence Came". (14 pts.) 2. (Analysis) Analyse the extract of the short story in terms of the narrator, setting, and atmosphere. (18 pts.) OR 3. (Evaluation or Creative Writing) Choose one of the following tasks: 3.1 (Creative Writing) In the evening the young girl (child narrator) sits in her room and tells everything about the events of the day to her teddy bear "Ogbon". Write the monologue from her point of view. (16 pts.) 3.2 (Evaluation) "Nigeria not a nation. It is a mere geographical expression. There are no 'Nigerians' in the same sense as there are 'English,' 'Welsh,' or French."" - Obafemi Awolowo Do you agree with Awolowo? Comment on the quote by giving your opinion and supporting it by arguments based on the cultural, historical, and geographical aspects discussed in class. (16 pts.) ¹,,The Day Independence Came" by Chika Unigwe (2007), originally appeared in Contra 9 (Winter 2007 - 2008) https://percontra.net/archive/9unigwe2.htm