


fast fashion







fust fushion
-Clothing is more affordable
- people can get what they want
clothes are sold for the masses
↳ you get
fust fushion
-Clothing is more affordable
- people can get what they want
clothes are sold for the masses
↳ you get

fust fushion disadvantages advantages -Clothing is more affordable - people can get what they want clothes are sold for the masses ↳ you get your clothes fast -clothing is so cheap that it's even cheaper than a round of drinks at a local pub -people with a low income can buy trendy Clothes -low cost production -more variation -increase in textile waste -poor working conditions provide child labor -dangerous chemicals -increasing amounts of water pollution fust fashion What is fast fashion? Fast Fashion is fashion that is cheap and trendy and inspired by the celebrity culture. They make the newest style and get it on the market as fast as possible. How did fast fashion happen ² before the 1800s fashion was slow. - a new technology was introduced - like the sewing machine ↳ clothes became easier, quicker and cheaper to make - in the 1960s and 70s young people were creating new trends and clothing became a form of personal expression ↳ there was still a distinction between high fashion and high street - in the 1990s and 2000s the low-cost fashion reached its high the impact of fast fashion? on the planet global warming •cotton requires much water and pesticides on workers more than 500 million kilos of unwanted clothing. ends up in landfill every year in Australia alone on animals Cheap, toxic textile dyes work in dangerous enviro- impacted by toxic dyes consumers buy more •2nd largest...

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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

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Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.

Alternativer Bildtext:

polluter of animal welfare is put at risk and more ments clean water globally • polyester is used very often but contributes to on Consumers work for low wages Work without human rights real fur is being passed 'work with toxic chemicals impacts on their physical and mental health off as faux fur animals produce fur under terrible conditions creating constant sense of need and ultimate dissatisfaction