


First World War Lernzettel zum Klausur - Geschichte Bilingual







Task 2: Explain why the first world war broke out and what kind of a war it was.
On 28th July 1914, the first world war broke out in central
Task 2: Explain why the first world war broke out and what kind of a war it was.
On 28th July 1914, the first world war broke out in central
Task 2: Explain why the first world war broke out and what kind of a war it was.
On 28th July 1914, the first world war broke out in central

Task 2: Explain why the first world war broke out and what kind of a war it was. On 28th July 1914, the first world war broke out in central Europe. It was referred as the 'Great War to end all wars', and lasted for four years, officially ending in November 1918. At first, the war was to be fought between the Triple Entente (Britain France Russia) and the Triple Alliance (Germany Austria- Hungary Italy), but other countries joined after the war started. The Triple Entente changed its name to the Allied Powers, consisting of Serbia, Romania, Italy, Greece, Japan, Brazil, and the United States of America. The Triple Alliance also had new members, such as Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, making the Central Powers. There were many reasons for the first world war, which can also be divided into short and long-term causes. The main and the only short-term cause of the war was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, on June 28th, 1914 in Sarajevo. The Archduke and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, who was a member of the terrorist group 'the black hand'. Because of the victory in the Balkan Wars, the Serbians had more self-confidence to...

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win another war. After the assassination, Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia and was the first country to declare a war on Serbia. There were many long-term causes for the war, such as the rising patriotism, the feeling of superiority over other countries, and militarism. One of the main long-term causes was the new understanding of imperialism. Every country's goal was to establish an ultimate empire and spread its culture and influence with colonization. This led to a competition between European Powers to gain national prestige. The Great powers of Europe wanted to become world powers, and since there was only one world, a conflict was inevitable. The lust of colonization led to other international crisis, such as the Moroccan Crisis and in Africa. Germany was late in the game of imperialism, with the World Politics they wished themselves a place in the sun. Also because of Bismarck's foreign policy they had tense relations with the French, which resulted with further conflicts. The first world war was also a modern and total war, because there were many new aspects during the battles. Because of the industrialization, there was a massive development in technology especially in heavy artillery. Instead of the traditional way of fighting, the soldiers were using defensive weapons of mass destruction, such as machine guns. It was the first war with the use of land forces such as tanks and aircraft such as zeppelins, bombs, and pursuit planes. Another innovation was in the marine forces, there were new battleships, submarines, navies, and fleets. It was not just a war on land, but in the sky and across the waters too. In the following, the use of poison gas established a chemical warfare. Trenches were also a new and important aspect during the first world war since they protected the soldiers against the enemy as underground tunnels. Propaganda posters and cartoons were shown to the public, to dehumanize the enemy and convince the civilians into joining the war. After four years of air, naval and land warfare, the first world war officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles on June 28th, 1919. The treaty was signed by Germany and the Allied Nations (Friends Britain Italy Russia). Germany was held responsible for war guilt and all damage and losses. As a result, they had to pay all reparations. Task 3: Who was responsible for the first world war The First World War being one of the deadliest conflicts of history ended the lives of millions of people. Although Germany was held responsible for the war and had to pay all reparations, other nations also had their own fears and interests that triggered the war. The main event that directly led to the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist. After the Balkan wars, the Serbs had nationalist thinking and wanted to have a bigger Serbia. They were supported by the Russians, who wanted access to Germany's industrial power and better trading. However, the assassination was only a short-term cause, and therefore Russia and Serbia were not fully responsible. On the other side, Austria-Hungary had a blank check from Germany, meaning that they felt safe and secured by them, and was the first one to declare war. As a result, Germany was dragged into war because of its close relations to Austria-Hungary, and because she was territorially exposed in the middle of Europe. Nevertheless, Germany felt provoked by other nations, and according to Bismarck's policy of saturation, she was losing strength, prestige, and influence. They also wanted a bigger land with more territory, therefore a warfare. Since other nations had colonies in the south, Germany desired this as well, to secure her 'place in the sun'. On the other hand, Britain had a well economy, colonies, and an industrialized nation. They feared the possibility of a rising German Empire, especially with their big army. Moreover, they wanted to remain as a Great Power and even become a World Power. Another conflict was the 'Kruger Telegram', in which the German Kaiser Wilhelm II criticised British diplomacy and provoked them. As Britain's ally, France was also dragged into the war. However, France still wanted to regain Alsace-Lorraine and joined the war and felt provoked by Germany after Bismarck's foreign policy and crisis in Morocco and the Boers. Overall, all European powers wanted to become world powers with a great nation. It is not easy to blame one specific nation for all outcomes. It is true that Germany played an important role in the outbreak, but it is not true to fully blame the causes on one nation. The First World War was the consequence of a long period of jingoism, imperialism and industrialization, which led to conflicts and competitions in Europe that resulted with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. It was not caused by a single nation or individual. On 28th July 1914, the first world war broke out in central Europe. It was referred as the 'Great War to end all wars', and lasted for four years, officially ending in November 1918. At first, the war was to be fought between the Triple Entente (Britain France Russia) and the Triple Alliance (Germany Austria-Hungary Italy), but other countries joined after the war started. The Triple Entente changed its name to the Allied Powers, consisting of Serbia, Romania, Italy, Greece, Japan, Brazil, and the United States of America. The Triple Alliance also had new members, such as Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, making the Central Powers. There were many reasons for the first world war, which can also be divided into short and long-term causes. The main and the only short-term cause of the war was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, on June 28th, 1914 in Sarajevo. The Archduke and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, who was a member of the terrorist group 'the black hand'. Because of the victory in the Balkan Wars, the Serbians had more self-confidence to win another war. After the assassination, Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia and was the first country to declare a war on Serbia. There were many long-term causes for the war, such as the rising patriotism, the feeling of superiority over other countries, and militarism. One of the main long-term causes was the new understanding of imperialism. Every country's goal was to establish an ultimate empire and spread its culture and influence with colonization. This led to a competition between European Powers to gain national prestige. The Great powers of Europe wanted to become world powers, and since there was only one world, a conflict was inevitable. The lust of colonization led to other international crisis, such as the Moroccan Crisis and in Africa. Germany was late in the game of imperialism, with the World Politics they wished themselves a place in the sun. Also because of Bismarck's foreign policy they had tense relations with the French, which resulted with further conflicts. The first world war was also a modern and total war, because there were many new aspects during the battles. Because of the industrialization, there was a massive development technology especially in heavy artillery. Instead of the traditional way of fighting, the soldiers were using defensive weapons of mass destruction, such as machine guns. It was the first war with the use of land forces such as tanks and aircraft such as zeppelins, bombs, and pursuit planes. Another innovation was in the marine forces, there were new battleships, submarines, navies, and fleets. It was not just a war on land, but in the sky and across the waters too. In the following, the use of poison gas established a chemical warfare. Trenches were also a new and important aspect during the first world war since they protected the soldiers against the enemy as underground tunnels. Propaganda posters and cartoons were shown to the public, to dehumanize the enemy and convince the civilians into joining the war. After four years of air, naval and land warfare, the first world war officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles on June 28th, 1919. The treaty was signed by Germany and the Allied Nations (Friends Britain Italy Russia). Germany was held responsible for war guilt and all damage and losses. As a result, they had to pay all reparations. The First World War being one of the deadliest conflicts of history ended the lives of millions of people. Although Germany was held responsible for the war and had to pay all reparations, other nations also had their own fears and interests that triggered the war. The main event that directly led to the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist. After the Balkan wars, the Serbs had nationalist thinking and wanted to have a bigger Serbia. They were supported by the Russians, who wanted access to Germany's industrial power and better trading. However, the assassination was only a short-term cause, and therefore Russia and Serbia were not fully responsible. On the other side, Austria-Hungary had a blank check from Germany, meaning that they felt safe and secured by them, and was the first one to declare war. As a result, Germany was dragged into war because of its close relations to Austria-Hungary, and because she was territorially exposed in the middle of Europe. Nevertheless, Germany felt provoked by other nations, and according to Bismarck's policy of saturation, she was losing strength, prestige, and influence. They also wanted a bigger land with more territory, therefore a warfare. Since other nations had colonies in the south, Germany desired this as well, to secure her 'place in the sun'. On the other hand, Britain had a well economy, colonies, and an industrialized nation. They feared the possibility of a rising German Empire, especially with their big army. Moreover, they wanted to remain as a Great Power and even become a World Power. Another conflict was the 'Kruger Telegram', in which the German Kaiser Wilhelm II criticised British diplomacy and provoked them. As Britain's ally, France was also dragged into the war. However, France still wanted to regain Alsace-Lorraine and joined the war and felt provoked by Germany after Bismarck's foreign policy and crisis in Morocco and the Boers. Overall, all European powers wanted to become world powers with a great nation. It is not easy to blame one specific nation for all outcomes. It is true that Germany played an important role in the outbreak, but it is not true to fully blame the causes on one nation. The First World War was the consequence of a long period of jingoism, imperialism and industrialization, which led to conflicts and competitions in Europe that resulted with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. It was not caused by a single nation or individual.