


Geographical Facts about New York👩🏻‍🎓🗽







Geographical Facts
New York City was founded in 1624. It is a city on the east coast in the United
States in the state New York, it is very

Geographical Facts New York City was founded in 1624. It is a city on the east coast in the United States in the state New York, it is very well-known for its sights which are distributed in his five boroughs called Staten Islands, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Bronx. Further more it encloses the mouths of the Hudson and East River in the Atlantic. On the area of 789sq² there are 8,4 million inhabitants, most of them live in Brooklyn and Queens. It has to be LUM-CIVITA on its area. 1625. some other facts: • it's the most populous city in the world ● nickname: Big Apple (there are many theories why it gets called this name) • 6000 skyscrapers ● • 800 languages are spoken in NYC that means it is the city with the most spoken languages in the world ● ● biggest city in the United StMANHATTAN metropolis of millions it's the city that never sleeps less than 400 years ago New York City consisted of forest mentioned that it has his own flag and seal which you can see on this page. Additionally, it is in the time zone eastern which means when it's 4pm in Germany it is 10 am in New York City. Another important fact is that the center of the Mega-City is Manhattan because in this borough there are the most sights and attractions. Also, Manhattan stands on bed rock...

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that's why you can build high buildings from 1785 to 1790 it was the capital of the United States STATEN ISLAND C BROOKLYN 1664 BRONX QUEENS