


Globalisation - everything you need to know







Definition of Globalisation
Globalisation refers to the growing global network of
trade, travel, knowledge and influence. It is possible
Definition of Globalisation
Globalisation refers to the growing global network of
trade, travel, knowledge and influence. It is possible
Definition of Globalisation
Globalisation refers to the growing global network of
trade, travel, knowledge and influence. It is possible
Definition of Globalisation
Globalisation refers to the growing global network of
trade, travel, knowledge and influence. It is possible
Definition of Globalisation
Globalisation refers to the growing global network of
trade, travel, knowledge and influence. It is possible

Definition of Globalisation Globalisation refers to the growing global network of trade, travel, knowledge and influence. It is possible today for individuals and groups of people to buy and sell products all over the world, to travel to any place and to exchange information across the planet. This freedom, however, can also put human rights, the environment, individual cultures and financial security into danger. The advantage of global network are great, but the challenges that brings could be greater. Interestingly, the global network will probably be the key not only to global problems, but also to their solutions. Historical periods & background I || ||| Exploration until 1500 -> Founding and forming of villages, cities and infrastructure. Colonisation (1500-1900) -> Development of writing and printing technologies ->The industrial Revolution ->Advances in communication for example telephone and telegraph Components of globalisation Environment Population Internationalisation (1900-present) -> International trade and organisations (WTO, IMF, UN, NATO, World Bank) -> Technology and global media (satellite, computer, Internet) -> Information Revolution (Personalisation of communications, social network) > ecology -> global warming >> pollution -> deforestation -> efficient use vs. plunder of resources -> migration -> overpopulation -> outsourcing -> diseases -> ageing -> decline (rich countries) vs. expansion (poor countries) Culture & society -> education -> Language -> shift of norms & values -> Westernization -> tourism -> change of life styles Technology -> scientific & technologies advancements -> Gaining access to more information, products -> modernisation > information -> health care Politics Globalisation -> international organisations -> NGOs, UN agencies, NATO, EU, WTO, IMF Media & digitalisation -> communication ->...

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information -> surveillance -> internet -> social media "The internet means we can organise anti-globalisation demos across the planet." Working conditions >poverty vs. wealth -> exploitation -> developing countries have no chance Boykott DAN -> Terrorism -> fraud Economy -> work & job opportunities -> international trade -> import vs. export -> markets -> consumption -> Global player -> businesses -> massproduction - products become cheaper as they are produced cheap - many people are spoiled & at an privilege -> monopoly power -capitalism's -> support of poor countries > economic stability Advantages Culture & society ->People have the chance to travel freely around the globe, seeing more of the world and learning about other people -> Traditions culture can be shared, explained, continued and celebrated (Music, fashion, food, style) -> Globalisation contributes positively to cultural diversity, linguistic diversity and therefore as well to education -> Travelling, Exploring as well as tourism all lead to cultural awareness, universal humanity, tolerance & respect ->The newly learned, cros cross-cultural I understanding reduces CROSS causes of conflicts, wars and hostility -> The exchange between academics, experts of politically interested people all over the world make research, protests and activism more effective, fostering the emergence of the global civil society -> Migrants can move to different countries to find work and support the families -> The cultural interconnection opens doors in terms of sharing knowledge and know-how and bring help to where it is needed -> This help ranges from money to technology over education and food to medicine and -> Conflicts between countries can be handled diplomatically and with a better understanding of the situation because more more information is available than ever before -> The interdependence and possibilities that are off by globalisation contribute to a global togetherness -> Individuals and groups and even nations can find friends and partners with similar interests and ideas all over the globe -> Globalisation enables a better education for children -> Technology enables us access to global communication -> Do you access to global communication via mobile and Internet technology is increasingly cheap an unrestricted -> This is enormously beneficial owing to the fact that even people in remote or rural areas can communicate, be educated and work without an expensive landline -> Technology facilitates global trade, travel, work, businesses -> Global communication facilitate trade, travel into contact with friends family and business partners -> Developers can cooperate -> There are numerous scientific advancements -> There are major improvements in productivity, innovation and creativity ->Technology enables us an enormous amount of information (Internet, exchange, scientific advancements...) -> Owing to technology news and information can be saved and stored -> Anyone who possesses a computer has a voice now -> international organisations such as NGO, UN, NATO bring help to where its needed -> Politics is a major factor that help to spread of democracy, human rights and freedom -> sharing norms and freedom Politics Disadvantages -> Culture & linguistic diversity, ways of life, values, traditions, beliefs and languages might be endangered due to the term called westernisation -> Native cultures & people are in danger of losing their cultural identity completely -> Especially American (western) traditions are propagated by media spreading and mushrooming all over the world e.g. Halloween ->This might lead to an extinction of cultures, languages.... -> Developed countries are tempted to use their economic and political power to intervene in other countries affairs, search interventions are not always welcome open official and can cause a divide or even war Technology -> Help from outside often hinders developing countries from building functional admin ations and infrastructure of their own -> The majority of the poverty stricken countries or remote places have no access to the Internet, information ... -> Massive immigration can be a problem to some countries -> The flood of information can be hard to absorb and it is hard to assess the quality and the importance -> The majority of this society is spoiled, they think they need more and more to be happy -> Concerns are voiced about personal data, which has become less secure -> Data Paper Trails Can be used to track, observe, predict and control peoples behaviour and movements The -> The Internet controls their citizens -> Especially the people who live in extreme poverty and remote places or war zones have little or no access to the global Internet network - This major disadvantage might even threatened their existence -> The flood of information Can make it difficult to find out which information is important and which information has the best quality Advantages Environment -> The economy as well as globalisation enable us a gaining access to essential products And medicines from all over the world -> Globalisation helps the economy in the specific countries to share medical advancements to support healthcare system -> Due to globalisation the market is steadily growing and is mushrooming all over the world - global market -> The world becomes borderless, peaceful and everyone is sharing universal values - open markets -> The global market fosters trade such as import and export This economic network provides the chance for large and small companies to have a chance to sell their products worldwide -> Companies have access to cheaper materials, products and labour - cost of the production decline -> As the production declines, copious quantities of projects can be produced - massproduction -> The global trade of goods supports poor countries especially in developing countries, giving people much- needed jobs and an improving infrastructure -> The global market area potentially secures jobs which leads to an economic stability and prosperity among the population -> Globalisation opens the door to new business opportunities -> Globalisation contains seeds of a better future for all people -> Fair trade: Campaigns can help developing countries to get a fair share of the profits -> The worldwide flow of capital results and steady economic growth -> New means of communication and transport connect people faster than ever -> Social media enables people to connect with other people from all over the globe -> Social media serves as a means of inspiration -> The worldwide web makes communication easier and cheaper -> Media and digitalisation increasingly foster studies As we are provided with loads of information through the internet -> As a result of global consumption, travel and transport, limited resources are disappearing -> Plunder of resources -> The rapid economic growth of large and emerging markets like China, India or Brazil are adopting an unsustainable lifestyle and consumerism Disadvantages -> Global warming becomes a major problem that originates in the CO2 production that are set free by numerous factories and transport such as airplanes Economy -> Emissions are set free -> Deforestation contribute to global warming as well as sets free emissions -> The steadily developing and growing consumption leads to a massive pollution of the world and seas -> Political interests, financial power and subsidisation contribute to an unfair distribution of wealth and power as well as the rise of global players -> Global players who are dominating the market are lowering the chances for survival for small businesses -> There is an incredible pressure and competition among people and among the companies for jobs, cheap materials and labour -> Capitalism & money is in the centre of everything -> Especially in poverty stricken countries or remote places in the living standards, the working conditions and the income is horrendous -> Poor countries have no access to the market -> The horrendous working conditions (not contain a minimum wage, inexplicable working times...) Is presented in people are often invisible to not being able to afford basic essentials Media & digitalisation -> The production and working those who buy things. -> consumers are encouraged by advertising and peer pressure to consume more than needed without knowing where these things are produced -> Developed countries are affected by text evasions & stagnating wages -> Developed countries often intervene into other countries affairs owing to the power - The developing countries unwittingly get into a vicious circle of dependence, It's hard for them to leave the circle & build their own power apparatus -> The gap between rich and poor as widening more and more -> The increasing prices of outsourcing result in job losses in many countries. -> Social media creates a constant pressure for especially younger people because they are confronted with pictures of the ideal life, the ideal body shape... Working conditions -> The gap between rich and poor as widening more and more -> The people in especially poverty stricken countries suffer from exploitation -> Most people living in those countries have no choice and qualities, that are needed as prerequisite, but work in factories that exploit them -> They work for inappropriate wages and are therefore not able to make ends meet -> however they are grateful that they even receive something -> The working hours are inhuman and not manageable in comparison to what the works gain as salary -> The people have no choice but working there and depending on the company because they have to support their family -> Many people need to sacrifice their life in order to just earn a little bit / they leave their family befind -> The human rights are not respected -> The security in these companies is not granted: It is enormously hot in the factories, And the machines or anything but secure - Many people died because of machine accidents -> most people live in constant fear -> And the rooms in which the workers have to work a hot, stuffy, crowded down contain an air conditioner -> The workers have to follow strict rules in order to keep their job and the money they earn -> The living conditions are the same as the working conditions -> Most workers live with other workers in small crowded rooms -> They don't have a proper kitchen, bed or proper food, therefore they have to sleep and eat on the floor -> A manifold of the works suffer the ,,sudden-death syndrom": As the workers are exposed to horrendous working and living conditions they reach their levels and borders come out might happen but they fall asleep and don't wake up anymore because they are so exhausted -> The government is aware of the situation of the workers and make promises however, their words are not put into action The government just focuses on their money -> They all dream of a better live in a city where they earn a proper salary -> They are hoping for a better future for their children in another country, where they receive a better education Garment industry in Bangladesh -> A shift from small companies to large international compar -> Outsourcing -> Production of clothing in third world countries (cheap, because of lots of workers and low wages (23 cents per hour)) -> No basic worker safeguards and benefits Disadvantages -> Young women workers are often subject to physical and sexual abuse -> They work the same as they do in other countries but get payed less -> Poor working conditions: 600 people in one room, a lot of chemicals, no window or air conditioner, no safety equipment -> No one is allowed to talk to visitors -> The garment industry pays the lowest -> Boycotts might help to raise awareness to the poor conditions -> Boycotts might lead to a radical change of the circumstances -> Butterfly effect: Small things have a tremendous impact -> Think globally act locally Qatar -> Migrant workers have to build luxury offices and the setting for the football World Cup 2022 -> They don't even get paid minimum wage -> They just paid the workers for one year only, now they are working illegally And have not been paid for up to 13 months -> In 2014 workers from some of the worlds poorest countries are scheduled to have travelled to get her to build the World Cup facilities and infrastructure Boybett -> The migrants are squeezed into a small room -> They are sleeping on thin mattresses on the floor and on bunkbeds -> They live in constant fear of imprisonment because they have been left without the paperwork -> They are now being exploited on wages as low as £.50 an hour -> And indiscriminately, workers are being arrested and imprisoned by the Qatari police even though they haven't done nothing wrong -> If people protest they were just lose their work, which would be even worse -> Therefore people cannot defend themselves and are trapped in a vicious circle Gap between rich and poor -> Developing countries are exploited (workers) -> Developing countries are being trapped in a so called vicious circle -> Developed countries get richer and take part at the global trade (import / export) whereas the developing countries do not participate - they are just exploited and cannot compete with the prices and production (e.g. Tomato farm) -> Reduced the bargaining power of unskilled workers -> Pushed up inequality in many western countries -> Governments are urged to improve social saftey nets. -> Industries in western countries decline as a result of competition from cheap imports -> workers have no work -> Rising wage inequality Outsourcing -> A situation in which a company employs another organization to do some of its work, rather than using its own employees to do it -> Outsourcing refers to the transfer of corporate tasks and structures to an external service provider. It is a special form of external procurement of a service previously provided internally, with contracts fixing the duration and the subject of the service. Global player -> A company or institution with world- wide presence in production and/or distribution, or which is recognized as a brand, or as a leader in its market segment, by most consumers world- wide = a big or momentous effect caused by something very tiny Offshoring -> Offshoring refers to the relocation of a company's tasks abroad. -> It is therefore a geographical shift -> The reasons for an offshoring decision are usually the more favorable framework conditions abroad, especially with regard to labor costs or taxes. Westernisation The westernisation of a country, place, or person is the process of them adopting ideas and behaviour that are typical of Europe and North America, rather than preserving the ideas and tradition in their culture. Butterfly effect The butterfly effect means that a small decision can change your whole life completely & have major effect on the outcome. The butterfly effect emphasises the momentous & tremendous impact only a small change, decision, act has on the whole dot especially, aspects of the globalisation are influenced due to its global interconnection. Everything is interdependent and connected, and is therefore likely to be part of chain reaction. A small butterfly effect is flapping it's little wings. He is whips up some air which caused a change in direction of a tiny wind. At the end this tiny action caused a big blizzard.