


Gran Torino







x gun culture, gang violence, clash of cultures (tradition us Modern American Life)
x multicultural
x gun culture, gang violence, clash of cultures (tradition us Modern American Life)
x multicultural
x gun culture, gang violence, clash of cultures (tradition us Modern American Life)
x multicultural
x gun culture, gang violence, clash of cultures (tradition us Modern American Life)
x multicultural

1 GRAN TORINO ISSUES, THEMES AND MOTIFS x gun culture, gang violence, clash of cultures (tradition us Modern American Life) x multicultural society (racism, prejudices, white flight) x ambiguity of belonging (question of identity, Thao's gender problem) sex gender x generation gap (in particular in Walt's family) x Walt & his development, guilt and redemption age (becoming a real man, dating) Coming off X cars (GT, Detroit) x ggf: patriotism X KOREAN WAR (1950-53) x United Nations (lead by us & South Korea) (+ itmong community/people) x Walt's Korean War experience. TWOFOLD GUILT (WALT) x Korean war: - killed 13 or more Koreans - what haunts him most is what he isn't ordered to do - shot a 17-year-old who wanted to give up until 4 causes him pain haunts him every day now, |vs x responsible for the escalation spiral of Hmong gang despite Thao's wish he takes revenge on the (beats gang ир one gang member) Eastem Block States (North Korea & Rep. China + TWO FOLD CONFESSION confession in church (kissing another woman, tax evation, having no close bonds to his sons) (irrelevant) confession to Thao: war crimes (what actually haunts (s the actual burden) him!) destroys the glass] cabinet self- punishment -Sowjetunion) q+1 "Oh I am in peace Walt is at peace with himself by giving his life for Thao & Sue (self- sacrifice) + dies in shape of a cross (symbolic) Me, ["I've got light | Similarities/ parallels to Jesus Christ (sacrifice for others) "at peace" with him- self, symbolic for his salvation ? WALT'S DEVELOPMENT IN RELATION TO HIS HMONG NEIGHBORS Bathroom mirror → moment of self-recognition " I've got more in common with these...

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gooks than with my own spoilt-rotten family" xWalt saves Thao from the Hmong gang x Thao's attempt of stealing the GT (initiation ritual) x antagonist relation due to prejudices/ racism THAO BECOMES A MAN at the beginning: x described with female attributes x "no balls" / "pussy(kid)" x clothing (sandals) x doing women's work (dishes, gardening) x lacks self-confidence x is bossed around (by Sue, the WALT'S MASCULINITY x male characteristics (stereotypical) * portrayed as a role model of masculinity X x not showing any weakness x Motor City Detroit change of social structure, 1 white flight →Ford, 'Htmory gang) no car job girl- friend flagship Packery } WALT MANS HIM ир ↓ xhelps him get a job, girlfriend, car Gmans him x becomes a father- figure ("role-model") for Thao Ghe lets him take the GT for hisdate, later inherits it to him x they become friends beginning with his language (Barber shop) GT for date + inheritance job in con- struction Starts dating Youa Thao finds his male iden- tity at (Swearwords), muscle cars (pidup), language drinking / smoking, uses force/weapons to protect himself, tools/handop. lawn mower, solves his problems alone, doesn't go to not talking about his feelings after financial crisis 2008: run-down area, poverty, high crime rate 2 PERSONAL AMBIGUITY OF BELONGING THAO gender question SOCIAL / CULTURAL LEVEL X symbol Detroit's glorious past * partly Hmong, partly American x absent at family rituals, but: - dates a Hmong girl traditional -is wearing dresses at Walt's funeral * his American identity makes him look for a job and get a car 2 FAMILIES ↓ in the end he's usas ccesful in having a double identity (car enables him to integrate into American Society) WALT: x wonders to which family he belongs when he finds out that he has more in common with the Hmongs in the end he opts for the Hmong family as he sacrifices himself + inherits the GT to Thao instead of to his gran oughts Xboth traditional, xSame mindset brings them together during the movie, helps communication,... x his cultural identity is influenced by the past (concept of white pre- dominance, America is represented" by Whites only). x his identity is challenged by de- velopments in multicultural Society Lcultural mix at the doctor's VANG LORS: traditional (celebrate a ritual together) x very x children help in the household x guests at the child blessing Ceremony (close bonds, functioning community) x happy atmosphere of a beginning life ↳ he's the only white person in a Hmong community, multicultual not prepared to mingle in society ↓ Cannot fit in, outdated model, alienated from others (i.e. family, neighborhood, church) KOWALSKIS: x Walt's mindset: "Still living in the Sos", traditional, conservative ones x expects respect towards the older x racist prejudices against Asians (mainly due to war experiences) x set apart from his sons/grandchil THEM: x materialistic thinking (jewellery of Walt's wife, Ashley: GT) x disrespectful, laugh about Walt (cell phone in church, naked belly button) x guests at the funeral (no close bonds) x atmosphere of "death" (no interaction THE G.T. WALT: these days x expresses his personality: both are outdated models, relict of old days * represents the glorious industrial tradition of America + the values of x Gran(d) good old times of the US-enterprises x old, w. worked on it himself x muscle car masculinity THAO: x role on his way of becoming an adult (date, new freedom) 4 polishes the car → x inherits it, new social status, mobility x Central element in his cultural assimilation MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY IN GT WHITES: * Walt's son (Mitch) lives in a wealthy, white residential area in suburbs ↳ white flight HMONG: x ghetto-like community in run-down houses. appreciation → Walt entrusts him "his baby" bridges the gap between their cultural & personal differences! NO CONTACT TO EACH OTHER = PARALLEL SOCIETIES, x represents conservative Am. Values X x language Strong confrontation bamer Sue's boyfriend acting AA ("bro") x deep lack of under- Standing of the other one's culture Walt patting on child's head, thinking of Hmong as a prejudices, insults ("gook",..) nationality HISPANICS: x live in an area with small apartments / low income x criminal, probably unim- ployed AFRICAN-AMERICANS: x deserted area full of rubbish/ Gdangerous x seem to spend their time outside in the street, probably unemployed too