


Homo Deus







Summary - Homo Deus
The given excerpt from the novel "Homo Deus" written by Yuval Noah Harari, published in 2015
deals with the idea of a fu

Summary - Homo Deus The given excerpt from the novel "Homo Deus" written by Yuval Noah Harari, published in 2015 deals with the idea of a future where algorithms would become part of our society and possible exceed mankind. The excerpt depicts a future where humans would not be on top of the society but rather algorithms who would build a new upper class. According to the author humans might be exchanged for algorithms and therefore the wealth and power will be then concentrated within a small part of the society. Furthermore, he points out that there is also a different alternative where algorithms will own everything, thus becoming their own owner. He emphasizes this idea with the claim that there are already corporations and nations that are viewed as a legal person in front of the law. The author goes even as far as stating that in the future algorithms could build an upper class within the society as most of the world is already owned by non-human intersubjective such as corporations. After this he questions whether we should all become artists as it is mostly something very personal. But he illustrates that also art is not secured from being better done by computers than by humans. The author clarifies this with the example of...

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David Cope who programmed a computer program, EMI, that can compose music and imitate Johann Sebastian Bach style. Apparently people who listen to the music composed by this program are unable to differentiate the music from the original music made by Bach. Hence, they thought the EMI's music was legitimate Johann Sebastian Bach.