


how to write a cartoon analysis







Cartoon analysis
Punch line or written comment:
Is the punch line presented as direct speech or as a
general statement? Does it contain a pl

Cartoon analysis Punch line or written comment: Is the punch line presented as direct speech or as a general statement? Does it contain a play on words or a double meaning? Does it suggest a parallel with past or present situations or events? Scene/Setting: What is the situation depicted in the cartoon? Where is it set? Who are the characters involved? What are they doing? Describing cartoons: - At the top/bottom of the cartoon... - In the foreground/background... - On the left/right... - In the centre -right-hand / left-hand corner - The cartoonist shows.... - There are in the picture. - The situation reminds one/me/you of... - The cartoon describes... Presentation of characters: Are the characters in the cartoon caricatures of real people like politicans or other persons of public interest, or do they stand for a particular group? - Issue: Before you study the cartoon in detail, decide what the issue is. Source: The cartoon may be published in a newspaper or a magazine. What is the general attitude represented by the paper? Is it more conservative or more liberal? When was the cartoon first published? Interpreting cartoons: - The topic/issue addressed by the cartoon is. - The figures represent/symbolize - The caption suggests/implies/underlines. The cartoonist ridicules/draws attention to/caricatures... - The .. is a caricature of - The message is accentuated by...

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