


Martin Luther King's 'I Have A Dream' Speech Analysis







<p>On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream" at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., during

<p>On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream" at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., during

<p>On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream" at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., during

<p>On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream" at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., during

On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream" at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., during the March on the capital. In this speech, he aimed to draw attention to the injustice concerning negro people and his dream to end racial segregation and achieve equal rights for everyone. Throughout the speech, King makes use of many different rhetorical devices which I am going to examine in the following text.

Stylistic Devices and Language Use

Firstly, King addresses his audience directly by using personal pronouns, such as "we" or "our" at the beginning and continues to do so throughout the whole speech. He connects himself with the people and includes himself in the fight against segregation. Additionally, he makes reference to Abraham Lincoln, which emphasizes his credibility and ties into his own dream, shaped by the sense of freedom of blacks.

Rhetorical Devices and Figurative Language

King utilizes anaphoras to stress the importance and create a rhythm to his words. An example of this is "One hundred years later" which highlights the inequalities black Americans are still facing 100 years after the abolition of slavery. Most famously, the anaphora "I have a dream" is used to point out his understanding of freedom and equality. King's dream and his values are love, faith, hope, racial justice, and brotherhood so that black and white children are united and treated equally regardless of their skin color. He also makes use of images and metaphors to illustrate and visualize his ideas.

Parallel Sentence Structure and Repetition

The speech is also characterized by numerous repetitions, enumerations, and a parallel sentence structure that underline his opinion and dream. Repeating "brotherhood" means that they are united in their fight against racism. Examples and enumerations point out the equality of whites and blacks and stress the unity of people, even when they have different beliefs.


Looking at all the mentioned aspects above, it is clear that by using especially anaphoras and metaphors, Martin Luther King wants to convince his audience of the importance of taking action against racial segregation and injustice as soon as possible. He appeals to the audience to take action and realize equality.

In summary, King's speech is a powerful call to action, using a variety of rhetorical devices and figurative language to emphasize the importance of racial justice and equality. His eloquent words continue to inspire and resonate with audiences to this day.

For more in-depth analysis of this speech, you can download the "I Have a Dream" speech analysis PDF, which provides a comprehensive breakdown of the rhetorical devices and language use employed by Martin Luther King.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • Martin Luther King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963
  • The speech addresses racial injustice and the fight for equal rights
  • King uses rhetorical devices such as anaphoras and metaphors to emphasize his message
  • The speech includes parallel sentence structures and repetitions to underline his dream
  • The speech is a powerful call to action for racial justice and equality
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Abitur Hessen 2022 Leistungskurse: Mathe & Englisch Grundkurse: Deutsch, Physik, Kath. Religion, Geschichte, Politik und Wirtschaft, Sport

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What rhetorical devices are used in Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech?

A: In his speech, King uses anaphoras, metaphors, and parallel sentence structure to emphasize the importance of racial justice and equality.

Q: How does King establish credibility and connection with his audience in the speech?

A: King establishes credibility by referencing Abraham Lincoln and uses personal pronouns to connect himself with the people, showing that he is part of the fight against segregation.

Q: What is the main message of Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech?

A: The main message of the speech is to end racial segregation and achieve equal rights for everyone, as well as to emphasize the values of love, faith, hope, and brotherhood.

Q: What is the significance of the anaphora 'I have a dream' in the speech?

A: The anaphora 'I have a dream' highlights King's understanding of freedom and equality, emphasizing his vision for a future where black and white children are united and treated equally.

Q: How does King use repetition in the speech to emphasize his opinion and dream?

A: King uses repetition of words like 'brotherhood' to underline the unity in the fight against racism, as well as enumerations to stress the equality of whites and blacks and the unity of people with different beliefs.

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