


The American Dream - Death of a Salesman







The American Dream
America - seen of land of apportunity, where person can become
• anything they wanted
originally, the focus
The American Dream
America - seen of land of apportunity, where person can become
• anything they wanted
originally, the focus
The American Dream
America - seen of land of apportunity, where person can become
• anything they wanted
originally, the focus
The American Dream
America - seen of land of apportunity, where person can become
• anything they wanted
originally, the focus

G The American Dream Definition America - seen of land of apportunity, where person can become • anything they wanted originally, the focus was more on social improvement rather than or beaming wealthy fair society, in which everyone was equal + had the chance to fulfil their potential 7 from mid-18th century. - greater focus on apportunities for material gain → californian Gold Rush became an example for incredibly rich. From rage to riches idea that anyone, who works hard enough, can go from rogs to riches" is still a part of the American mindset. in the mid 19th century manufacturing discovered country's natural resources (coal tiron). + cheap workers (immigrants) * manufactures were able to become extremely wealthy. products were invented in the US or age of inventions many new developed into efficient products manufacturing process were made easier t more efficient through elictricity + mass production - produced more foster + more cheaply. ► development of the railway the country Caster & more easily. goods could be distributed around 10 concept of "self-made man" became reality possible to start with a small idea and with enough ambition you can become enormously rich businessman. Today not a realistic concept for most people gap between rich, and poor continues to widen, fewer people. able to take advantage of the opportunities. very expensive to go to Uni DI L Manifest Destiny (1840) term was coined in 1839, time...

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when only a few people were living in the central and western parts of the us DI government conted the whole country to be settled to secure. the USA's status as a nation so they believed that they have received a comission from god. to enlarge the nation - to push back the border between the civilised east and the wilde west, until it reached the Pacific Ocean. Declaration of Independence (1776) basis of the American Dream. states the principles on which the government + US-american identity are based on all men are created equal, created with indispensable rights.. •Life, Liberty, Pursuit of the Declaration of Independence. melting pot": theory. ▷ integration process of immigrants. Didea was people come to USA because of a new/better life. A giving up their old lifes + assimilate into life in USA →national identity ▸ in the past "melting pod, but today salad bow!" because people now want to keep their individual identities American Dream today realization is more difficatt • social mobility is low 7 gulf between poor and rich becomes bigger unequal access to modern information - and communication systems. IL L Civil Rights Movement. ceveral organisations working on end the segregation + ensure equal rights for people of all races (colored people, muslims or other religions, women Overview play from 1949 set in the 1940's from Arthur Miller • impact of a capitalist society on a life. DI Black Lives Notter LA several cases of black people being killed by white police officers. Lo argue that they acted in self-defence. LA BLM started as a hashtag on social media. Lo raise awareness about police brutality against people of colour 4. also supports other groups that suffer discrimination, such as LGBTQ people, disabled people, women,- all lives matter. Gtarted. Death of a Salesman Characters a bhongig ▸ Willy Loman: Phonic name,, insane, flashbacks, reliant, 60 years old. erschöpft not very successful exhausted traveling salesman self-deluded, cycle of denial + despair. Verleugnung+ Verjeweiflung believes in the American dream. - never achieves it ! obsessed with success, being, well-liked 7 unable to accept, change within himself and society. pins his failed hopes on his sons. Biff and Happy. Loses ability to distinguish reality from imagination. day dreams guilt over affair, can't always seperate her and wife. Linda Coman loving & supporting, very aware of Willy's condition devoted; naive, understanding of his hopes + creams avoids conflicts and reality: denies. W's suicidal behavior - holds family toge + cares about all of them Acts as w's strength until his tragical death IL L Biff wavering between formlife and fulfilling his fathers dreams. - eldest son, 34 in High-school football-star with many friends · Ongoing inability to succeed in business. instable, relationship with Willy Happy phonic name restless lifestyle, idealistic younger son, 32. lived in Biff's shadow his whole life womanizer, strives for recognition from women + being .".well-liked". assistant of an assistant, bad business ethics, prof. ambition > Uncle Ben diamond tycoon, Willy's rolemodel, representation of the american dream - Willy's deceased. older brother, .-. independently wealthy, due to luck. - appears to willy. in daydreams symbol of success that he desperately wants for himself + sons. made a fortune in the African Sungle, when he was 21. - found cliamond mines + became rich dead Charley Willy's rich neighbor + friend + financial support for W. Bernarel Charley's son, lawyer. > Howard Wagner Willy's Boos, treats Willy with condescensic fires him. Plat Willy's sons come home he is disappointed • Willy gets flashbacks & family gets to know about his struggles •Willy gets fired, Biffs loan gets denied. Willy realizes that his sons love him + he is not alone Willy kills himself so his sons get the insurance money. recurring motives A seeds: Growing, Providing, legacy ▸ The wet Escaping, freedom, hope ▸ steckings Willy's affaire, failure to provide to his family ▸ Diamonds, risky but tangible good IL