


I have a dream - speech analysis







The speech "I have a dream", given by Dr. Martin Luther King in August 1963
at the protest demonstration at the March on Washington
The speech "I have a dream", given by Dr. Martin Luther King in August 1963
at the protest demonstration at the March on Washington
The speech "I have a dream", given by Dr. Martin Luther King in August 1963
at the protest demonstration at the March on Washington

Analysis The speech "I have a dream", given by Dr. Martin Luther King in August 1963 at the protest demonstration at the March on Washington ton is about racism in the United States of America and his dreams for the future. Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the Civil Rights movement. In this speech, he faces black and white people, who are against racism and who are ready for a change. His performance seems very authentic because he gives detailed examples and he is very enthusiastic. Furthermore he adds personal information which strenghtened his personal interest for a change. Martin Luther King hopes for a better future, in which black and white people experience equality. The intention of King's speech is to convince people that they have to change the situation and to motivate those, who already fight for equal right to keep going and shall not quit. To achieve this he uses concised facts and personal examples. In each paragraph he names an example and the withgoing problem and his wish, how it should be in the future. Martin Luther King talks in a very emotional He is enthusiastic in spreading. way.. his opinion. His arguments can be devided in two parts. One part, in which he presents the problem. In this context he uses mostly...

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negative words, such vicious racists" (1. 13) or "the heat of opression" (1.8). The other part is about his dreams, so he talks very positive about them ("table of brotherhood 1.6, join hands" l.15) Martin Luther King refers to a part of the bible because the bible was a book. that everybody knows and to show the connection to god (1.19-20). His arguments are arranged in order of increasing importance to focus the readers attention. He starts with a reference to the Declaration of Independence (1.4). The listener should be reminded what the US declared years ago. The following sentences show that these laws were not be followed at all. With this reference, King has a good introduction in his speech and the next points get even more importance. Martin Luther King often starts his sentences with "I have a dream...".. Because of that his speech has a very good structure and let the listener know that the next argument following. Moreover he points out that this is his opinion and he is convinced that this vision is hard to believe in right now but it could happen. (repetition) is Dr. King uses a metaphor in L.11 when he talks about the "table of brotherhood", signifying a bond between people of different races that goes beyond friendship. The table of brotherhood evokes an image of peace and joy in the minds of the audience. Hence, King uses the metaphor to make his version of the dream more vivid. He also uses a parallism in LL. 8-9 ("sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression."). The effect is a rhythmic effect and an increase in intensity. to clarify the bad situation in Missisippi. In this context he mentions his wish. The metaphor oasis of freedom and justice" (4.8-9) can clearify Kings dream. He wants the audience to picture the possible future as a wonderful place. By using word oasis" he achieves that. the The speaker focuses on children in his examples, accusations and dreams. He does so because he wants to make clear that the younger generation is their future. They have to live with the consequences of the older generation's acts. Especially parents can identify with his fear and the younger generation obviously. Martin Luther King Jr. repeats "I have a dream today!" (1.12, L.17) twice. The word "today" stands out, because he only says "I have a dream... before. So this word is new. It means that he wants to change something. But he thinks that it is important to start today, not tomorrow, not next week. He also says though the situation that even critical, everybody is allowed to have a dream and to talk wants to get the American Dream back to life. about it in public. He