









Push and pull factors
Push → make people leave a place
Political and religious persecution
Push and pull factors
Push → make people leave a place
Political and religious persecution
Push and pull factors
Push → make people leave a place
Political and religious persecution
Push and pull factors
Push → make people leave a place
Political and religious persecution

English immigration Push and pull factors Push → make people leave a place War Famine Drought Poverty Political and religious persecution Bad working conditions High unemployment rate/ lack of jobs (organized) crime No chance of a good education / poor education system Prosecution (Strafverfolgung) Environmental aspects (earthquakes, natural disasters Violation of human rights Lack of medical health / oppressive government Injustice Terrorist groups Homophobia Bad living conditions / housing conditions Discrimination / racism Family conflict Over population Consequences of migration Pull things that attract people to an area Higher standards for living Human rights Woman rights Education Security Political and religious freedom Pleasant climate Good/better health system Freedom of speech. Well paid jobs; more jobs Peace Family, marriage, love Equality Diversity Less criminality Immigration Resources opportunities & new businesses, housing Economic strength Stability in politics Lifestyle Laws Lower taxes Embracing diversity: Cultural diversity: people of different races, ethnicities, nationalities, languages, religions or sexual orientations live in a community. Migration worldwide: "brain drain" (highly educated and skilled individuals emigrate from developing countries). harm the growth potential in the emigrants' home country, but the more money they send back to help relatives can also boost the economy Undocumented immigrants → cheaper workers; dangerous for the workers, because they can be exploited more easily English Groups of people Winners Losers Unclear groups Employers in industries → construction, agriculture, tourism Consumer Upper class Children of immigrants Families Us workers with no high school degree Migrants Tax payers State/communities Benefits vs. disadvantages benefits They od the job, others don't want to do Some high skilled workers Good integration → multicultural diversity →less racism Financial benefits → more consumers → more taxes → more money → economic growth reasons Immigration Income from migrant workers Cheap...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

workers Cheaper products Help in the household (gardeners, nannies, ...) Are left alone Families are separated Competition between migrant workers and US workers No perspective, even if one is integrated and/or pays taxes Less likely to have health care Pay for education and health care Costs a lot at first (e.g. education); later contribute to society. More workers us border patrol is expensive disadvantages Trouble caused by immigration in third world counties Social problems e.g. separation Racism Hard for them to adapt things A lot of money is needed Sometimes no integration Language barrier Immigration policies in the US Until the end of the 19th century, there were no restrictions on immigration to the States - settlers were encouraged to come From the 20th century onwards, various laws and policies were introduced to control immigration - it became clear, that the open-door policy was not sustainable Today there are different ways of getting a green card: through family already living in the States, through marriage to an US citizen or through your employment English Ideas for the introduction The land of opportunities has always attracted immigrants from around the world. As a result, the population of the USA is made up of a wide variety of different races. The majority of people came - and still come today - in the hoping of making a better life for themselves in America. Economic situation got worse due to Covid-19 American Dream Immigration: pro vs. con Pro immigration Everyone should have the right to live a safe life USA initially is an immigration nation, that secures everybody's freedom and equality Equality and freedom: basis of the American construction → restricting somebody's freedom or equality: against construction and American definition → Banning immigration for certain nations: denies freedom and equality to a certain group of people Statue of liberty welcomes everybody → she doesn't distinguish based on race more employees → Lack of employees can be filled → cheap and qualified workers Undocumented citizen pay taxes → help the economy without receiving help care Immigrants bring culture and diversity Not the immigrant's fault; the process of achieving a citizenship is that hard to attain They do the job, others don't want to do Some high skilled workers Good integration → multicultural diversity →less racism Immigration helps to create a global market Immigration promotes lower levels of crime (immigrants are 69% less likely to be imprisoned, compared to native citizen) It encourages entrepreneurism Immigrants work hard Contra immigration Immigration Crimes drugs, terrorism Immigrants might take away working places Despite already existing labour shortage High unemployment / unemployment rate might rise There is an applying ability to migrate legally Illegal immigrants are not certified → against the law Overpopulation It encourages disease transmission Immigration leads to brain drain Clustering and parallel communities integration problems concerning language, ethnicity and race separation not everyone wants diversity English Immigration under Trump Completion of the border wall with Mexico Deportation of immigrants who arrived in the US as children → aim to abolish DACA (it's a kind of administrative relief from deportation. The purpose of DACA is to protect eligible immigrant youth who came to the United States when they were children from deportation. DACA gives young undocumented immigrants: 1) protection from deportation, and 2) a work permit.) Reducing the numbers of asylum seekers (e.g. by deporting anyone who appears at the border without documentation) Immigration Restricting legal immigration (by stricter standards for green card applicants, they should be financially independent, educated, highly skilled and speak English) His policies followed economic nationalism To protect American workers and industries. Vocab Hyphenated Americans Coyote person who smuggles immigrants across the border