


Immigration to the USA and UK







1) Why have so many immigrants
- war
religious persecution
- poverty
2) Where did they come from?
Great Britain
- Ireland
- Italy

1) Why have so many immigrants - war religious persecution hunger - poverty 2) Where did they come from? Great Britain - - Ireland - Italy Immigration USA come to the USA throughout the last centuries? Germany - Scandinavia - Eastern Europe 3) Which are the three biggest ethnic groups in the UK? - whites: 63% - Hispanics/Latinos: 17% - blacks: 13% 4) Why is the group of Latinos/Hispanics growing fast? - ongoing immigration from Latin America, often by illegal immigrants who cross the Mexican- American border 5) Why are there many blacks in the USA? many are descended from Africans who were brought to the American colonies as slaves 2) Where do most immigrants live? UK 1) What does the Commonwealth have to do with the immigration in the US? many immigrants from Commonwealth nations were encouraged to come and work in the UK - reason: labour shortages in the 1950s and 1960s - nations they came from India, Pakistan, the Carribean : - London - industrial towns of the Midlands an the North (e.g. Birmingham, Leicester) 3) Which are the three biggest ethnic groups in the UK? - whites: 87% Asians: 7% (e.g. Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese) - blacks: 3%

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