


Is Shakespeare still relevant? (comment)







Is Shakespeare still relevant?
Should he be taught in school?
William Shakespeare was an english playwright, poet an actor who live

Is Shakespeare still relevant? Should he be taught in school? COMMENT- William Shakespeare was an english playwright, poet an actor who lived from 1564 to 1616. His works are among the most significant plays in the world and are frequently performed and filmed. His works had a great influence on England and shaped the english language to this day. Many well-known expression, such as heart of gold or own flesh and blood, have their origin in him. But is Shakespeare still relevant in our time age? And should Shakespeares work still be taught in school nowadays? On one hand Shakespeare had a deep impact on our language nowadays. We use his expressions every day and we do not even notice that the words we use come from Shakespeare. He is quoted on a daily basis., so he is still relevant to this day. Shakespeares works have timeless themes like love, hate, and jealousy. These topics are the same topics as plays written and performed today. Another argument that Shakespeare is still relevant to this day is that his plays are performed to this day, even if they are a bit renewed, the original plays come from Shakespeare. Furthermore the fact that Shakespeare is still a mystery that needs to be solved, makes him relevant...

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to this day. But on the other hand Shakespeare plays and texts are for students very hard to read and understand, because then the language was a lot different to the language we know now and especially Shakespeare's language has a lot of differences to our language. A lot of students might find Shakespeare's plays and texts boring because a lot of situations are outdated, that students in our time age can't relate to anymore. For example the role of the woman was a lot of different to the image of a woman now. In the Elizabeth an age, the age where Shakespeare lived was the age of economic growth and flowering of the theater and art but the woman had not really any power and rights, which is a lot of different to today. All in all from my point of view I think that Shakespeare is still relevant to this day and should be taught in school but that the students don't have to read and analyze his original texts anymore.. I think the students should be informed in general who Shakespeare is, what he did and what influence he had on our language but the detailed analysis is unnecessary.