


Is Shakespeare still relevant today?







Comment: Is Shakespeare still relevant today?
In favor
the characters are relatable, works from long ago
can still be relevant, a

Comment: Is Shakespeare still relevant today? Arguments: In favor the characters are relatable, works from long ago can still be relevant, and talking about the plays could make for an interesting conversation - Just because a piece of written material wasn't written from a twenty-first century perspective doesn't mean that it should be dismissed as irrelevant, unimportant, or non-relatable - we still experience the same things that they did 450 years ago, and still act in some of the same ways as we - it is interesting to see what life was like 450 years ago - he has many genres, does not stick to a specific one -> appealing to everyone - various styles -> poems, dramas, plays - his works still apply to today's society - eternal: him for literature is like Bach for music - topics like love, treason, jealousy, racism can't be outdated - Shakespeare has created words and phrases that we use on a daily basis -i.e. "vanish into thin air", "faint-hearted" and "what's done is done" - nothing at school is real life relevant, doesn't mean they are unnecessary - important historical figure, expand horizon - he is considered to be the greatest dramatist of all time - his style is very unique -> innovative but still traditional -Shakespeare is blueprint of eng. lit. Against perspective of one man who lived 450 years ago -> outdated - hard to understand ->...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

boring, confusing waste of time since it is difficult - most of them have a similar story -> common and not unique for today's century - he is overrated, people exaggerate - there are better authors, also from the past like Edgar Allen Poe - it is like teaching Spanish not real life relevant - it's just showing men having a lot more power than women, which is not the same as today, or people killing themselves when they are sad, Romeo and Juliet, which we shouldn't do - the real message behind his works is questionable - we are taught to use the correct words and grammar, but learn about some dead guy that does the exact opposite - maybe beneficial for people who study literature but not for high school students - WS is perpetuating eurocentric stereoypes - better to read literature that require less intellectual wit - forced, patronized, obligatory