


Joe Biden inauguration speech analysis







Analysis of a political speech
On Wednesday, January 21, 2021, Joe Biden's presidential inauguration as the 46th
president of the United Sta
Analysis of a political speech
On Wednesday, January 21, 2021, Joe Biden's presidential inauguration as the 46th
president of the United Sta

Analysis of a political speech On Wednesday, January 21, 2021, Joe Biden's presidential inauguration as the 46th president of the United States took place. His inauguration succeeded on the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. His speech is about uniting the US, so conclusion he addresses every US citizen and even the folks who didn't elect him. Joe Biden's speech is a great mix between personal advices, ideas and retrospect. He also tried to mobilize the Americans against the raging virus and political issues which marked the past few years. Although Biden kept himself relatively short in his speech he didn't refuse to theme and coney it with a touch of healing, new beginning and generally for a more optimistic cooperation. Coming to analyzing his speech. He started off with "This is America's day", implying that it's a revolutionary day for every US citizen. The stress falls on America since he's including a whole nation to his victory. He also wasn't shy to employ and shade the recent event, posed by Trump's effort to undermine the election, in his speech by mentioning the riot. Also, not only that but he also amplifies his administration with a prevailed democracy and unity. Biden exudes optimism by saying that there is much to do in this winter: much to repair, restore,...

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heal, build and also much to gain. Besides exuding optimism, he also mentions the tremendous number of more than 400,000 deaths. Furthermore, he picks up on all the occurrences happened under Trump's watch: racial injustice, unemployment, white supremacy, domestic terrorism and political extremism. Biden wants to devise solutions together with the nation, thus, to confront and defeat these issues. He also reckons that he's the hero, the saviour, who heard the clear "cry for survival...from the planet", for that he also set the requirement: "unity, Unity", hence Biden appeals every American to join him to uniting their nation. In addition, he absolutely acknowledges the arduous and convoluted reality of the American ideal but states that the country conclusively gets things altogether, if enough Americans move forward. Also, Biden pleads his political opponents to give him a chance. Furthermore, there is a retrospect to Martin Luther King's speech "I have a dream”, Biden brings it in association with changes, since Kamala Harris is the first woman to be elected to the national office. He confounds that changes aren't impossible and appeals to end the "uncivil war" between folks with different beliefs. Near the end of his speech, he promises his honesty: "I give you my word, I will always level with you." Generally, his speech's readability is high, thus, most of the people should be able to understand it, although of his sophisticated and eloquent language, Biden's speech predominantly includes the words: "America", "unity" to convey that this is a victory for America and "is" and "will" to describe the present America and its highly anticipated positive future. His speech predominantly includes the stylistic devices alliteration: "This is a time of testing...", and anaphora, he uses this one a lot in the speech: "Much to...", four times consecutively, "We can...", seven times consecutively. Also, the sentence structures of his speech alternate between single words, ellipses and medium length sentences. All in all, Joe Biden's inauguration speech is pretty felicitous and well-rounded in terms of the mentioned contents. He has made a few comparisons to his predecessor Donald Trump; hence he ensures for high anticipation for his administration time. Personally, I like Biden's speech a lot, since he shows optimism and empathy throughout these hard times but because of that the people have higher expectations, so that's why I hope promised actions actually happen rather than untenable talking.