


Kapitelübersicht - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time







Christopher finds the dead dog in front of Mrs Shear's house
he introduces himself and writes about his difficulty to read
Christopher finds the dead dog in front of Mrs Shear's house
he introduces himself and writes about his difficulty to read

Kapitelübersicht Christopher finds the dead dog in front of Mrs Shear's house he introduces himself and writes about his difficulty to read other people's faces Mrs Shears finds him with Wellington, he's having a panic attack Explanation why the book is how it is 2 3 5 7 : || : The policeman and Policewoman arrive and Christopher gets arrested for assaulting a police officer 13 Reason why there are no jokes in the book. 17: Christopher in the police car, facts about the Milky Way 19 Everything about prime numbers 23: Christopher at the police station 29 why people confuse Christopher and why his name is Christopher 31: Christopher and the policeman are talking, he gets his stuff back : 37 Why everything he wrote is true 41 : Christopher's dad is angry 43: The story of Christophers mom in the hospital 47 How Christopher decides whether it's going to be a good or a bad day and how good/ bad it's going to be 53 His mom died, he's thinking about what kind of heart attack it was (aneurysm or embolism) 59: How he needs things to be explained to him, he tries to talk to Mrs Shears, he looks at her locked shed (Gartenhaus) 61 Christopher talks to Reverend Peters about god and stuff like that 67: Christopher talks to his neighbours (Mr Thompson, the lady from 44, Mr...

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Wise, Mrs Alexander) 71: He talks about the other children being stupid and his very precise plan for his future 73 His behavioural Problems 79: Argument between Christopher and his father about Christophers detective work and Mr Shears 83: Why he would be a good astronaut 89: Christopher talks to Siobhan about the relationship between his father and Mr Shears 97 Christopher meets Mrs Alexander in a shop and talks to her about his A level Maths and Mr Shears, if he killed his mother, and why he is gone 101: The Monty Hall Problem (three doors with two goats or a car behind them) 103: Christopher gets home, Rhodri is there, Christopher goes into the garden and tries to de- scribe the garden. 107: The hound of the Baskervilles, Clues and Red Herrings 109: Siobhan read Chapter 97 and asks Christopher how he feels 113: Christopher explains how his brain works 127: His father finds the book and reads it, he gets angry and Christopher and his father are hitting each other until Christopher blacks out 131: Why he hates yellow and brown 23.11.21 137: Christophers favourite animals at the 200 139: why he hates Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (The case of the Cottingley Fairies) 149: Christopher is searching for his book, but finds a letter of his mother instead. 151: The population of frogs 157: Christopher reads four other letters of his mom, his father finds him and starts crying. 163: How he didn't understand other people having minds, what feelings are (his opinion) 167: Christopher is overwhelmed and doesn't talk to anyone, his father tries to explain why he hid the letters and told him that his mother would be dead and why he killed wellington, Christopher took his stuff and hid in the garden 173: Why star constellations are stupid 179: Christopher is clueless about what to do and thinks about his possibilitys, then he goes to Mrs Alexander and tries to give her Toby, but she tries to make him talk to his father so he breaks into his own house and gets himself more food and his fathers credit card, then he tries to get a map and gets to the train station 181: What he sees and thinks (cows on a field ), his first joke 191: Christopher is at the train station, he is playing Conway's soldiers, a policeman talks to him, Christopher buys a ticket to London, walks through the station and gets on the train 193: his timetable for a Monday when he lived at home with his father and thougt his mother Iwas dead, why he likes timetables 197: A policeman talks to him on the train because his father is searching for him, the train starts driving, he needs to pee, he climbs inside of a shelve for luggage, the policeman doesn't find him, Christopher stays inside of a shelve 199: how the life came to the earth, why people believe in God 211 What kinda people he met, Christopher gets off the train, he tries to find out if he'd be in London and how he gets to his mother's address, he buys a ticket for a tube and waits for his train 223: Christophers description of the train station 227: Christopher tries to catch Toby, he nearly gets run over, a man in diamond patterns socks sares him, Christopher gets on his train, he walks to 451c Chapter Road and finds his mother, they go inside and his mother runs him a bath, a policeman rings and looks if everything is okay, Christopher's father arrives and Christopher's mother and his father scream at each other, Christopher goes to sleep 229 Christophers dream 233: Christopher talks to his mother, he goes outside in the middle of the night, his mother an Mr. Shear argue, Christopher and his mother go back to Swindon, Siobhan meets Christopher's mother, Christopher takes his Maths A level, Christopher's father talks to him and gives him a dog as an apology-present, Christopher gets his Maths A level result, how he becomes a scientist