


Klausur A Raisin in the Sun; American Dream







Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec
Task 1:
The given extract of the drama
"A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine
Hansberry and first performed in 1959
is about the dec

Task 1: from The given extract of the drama "A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine Hansberry and first performed in 1959 is about the decisions of the youngers' ( "to move into the white neighborhood. It is a dialog dede ? y Walter ; mainly between Karl Lindner, , Lee, and lena (Mama) younger. The ,conversations develops quickly. At first, ; Walter does not directly reveal his decision. Ruth wants their son. Travis to go downstairs but lena thinks it is better for him to we learn from his father. Walter talks about how plain his family is and that the youngers are!! every proud people. Then, he explains tur. Lindner / their situation walter is telling him that he decides to move into this house and he says that they will try to be good neighbors. He refuses the money Karl Lind- ver offered at his first visit and Mr. Lindner still ys tries to convince Mama. Hea However, she has the u -1- (Erläuterung sb 2 der Charallave nötig (112) Topic: American Dream and American Nightmare name: source: Hansberry, Lorraine: A Raisin in the Sun, first performed in 1959, Reclam, p.206 1. 18-209 1.23. Bemic though we visits -second time Mr. Lindner cassette. the youngers. -right before this there was between L-alte WELC Pereaing and lost the money and mother Lena Ara Bened to that ashed Lindne 10 Task 1: Briefly summarize the given extract with respect to the development of the conversation and put it into the context of the play. sigri:...

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noney 20 era: family Task 2: Characterize Walter and the development of his character. Point out how his conflict with Mr. Lindner is reflected in the language used by Lindner and Walter. 2nglish, mal remacular так would take the S uwans to lin mprove it was. wor, mptan vevelopment larguage ( Task 3: Name key concepts of the American Dream and outline the social situation the Youngers are in. Evaluate in how far the Youngers are living a (failed) American Dream. Therefore also refer to structural racism in the US in 3 the 1960's. segregation & Jim (low saystem to weep African. African 901-200 today (>BLM diversons Good luck! Characterizati Rok of the checke Llotivatin Actions =chaicter recits Pelagistrs spprent Author intention -1031 american historian James TRESTOw Adams. парол first mentioned complex, here's & dreains of the -televibes the perimenting of the trend cam 1. postal dream of democracy pres jubtice equality and opportunity 2 social dream y spacord cream of freeden and self-realisation u.economic Dream of prosperity & security. s. religious dreae a new promised load & relicious freeds... Giallers crom is a the end to despite the tells his ve come. Tuwing what his het plan was, were gaid shin. Geode Vorbereitung " Geter Text to but to bace ne longe... helps bis family. He refuses the younges live their American dream colout of thes money ت kind of 2924 donn worl Lindner offers 2 ficcuse on supporting time the younger each other through roush Carniss love to 5b like the decision and is same opinion as her son and is comple- tely on his side. Harl Lindner does not leaving the house of the younger's) The family is now sure that they are moving into their new house and spreme they propos are starting to prepare everything. This conversation plays a big role in the drama. Right before this scene there was a conflict between Walter and his sister Beneatha. She is angry because waiter lost the money he were should have taken care of and he asked Vail Lindner to come. His family, not knowing his plan, were afraid and kind of angry. Bat youlaves the money omas and t дек преселила тожем крат анддуа important 100 been brother. The zea- tog Right after this scene, the fa- mily starts to pack their things. The dialogue is a furning point in the drama. 5 10 15 20 25 30 RUTH He's here. prefainala win 10 (A long minute passes and WALTER slowly gets up.) LINDNER (Coming to the table with efficiency, putting his briefcase on the table and starting to unfold papers and unscrew fountain pens) Well, I certainly was glad to hear from you people. (WALTER has begun the trek out of the room, slowly and awkwardly, rather like a small boy, passing the back of his sleeve across his mouth from time to time.) Life can really be so much simpler than people let it be most of the time. Well with whom do I negotiate? You, Mrs. Younger, or your son here? (MAMA sits with her hands folded on her lap and her eyes closed as WALTER advances.) RUTH Travis, you go downstairs. MAMA (Opening her eyes and looking into WALTER'S) No. Travis, you stay right here. And you make him understand what you doing, Walter Lec. You teach him good. Like Willy Harris taught you. You show him where our five generations done come to. Go ahead, son. WALTER (Looks down into his boy's eyes. TRAVIS grins at him merrily and WALTER draws him beside him with his arm lightly around his shoulders.) Well, Mr. Lindner. (BENEATHA turns away) We called you - (There is a profound, simple groping quality in his speech.)-because, well, me and my family (He looks around and shifts from one foot to the other.) Well- we are very plain people... LINDNER Yes- WALTER I mean I have worked as a chauffeur most of my life- and my wife here, she does domestic work in people's kitchens. So does my mother. I mean - we are plain people... LINDNER Yes, Mr. Younger - WALTER (Really like a small boy, looking down at his shoes and then up at the man) And-uh-well, my father, well, he was a laborer most of his life. LINDNER (Absolutely confused) Uh, yes- man WALTER (Looking down at his toes once again) My father almost beata to death once because this man called him a bad name or something, you know what I mean? LINDNER No, I'm afraid I don't. trek a long and difficult journey to negotiate to talk in order to settle a question or to come to an agreement to grope to try to find s.th. by feeling, as in the dark domestic work work in a household plain simple to straighten up to stand upright 80 10 15 20 5 25 30 WALTER (Finally straightening up) Well, what I mean is that we come from people who had a lot of pride. I mean - we are very proud people. And proud- that's my sister over there and she's going to be a doctor- and we are very LINDNER Well-I am sure that is very nice, but- WALTER (Starting to cry and facing the man eye to eye) What I am telling you is that we called you over here to tell you that we are very proud and that this is - this is my son, who makes the sixth generation of our family in this country, and that we have all thought about your offer and we have decided to move into our house because my father earned it. (MAMA has her eyes closed and is rocking back and forth as though she were in church, with her head nodding the amen yes.) We don't want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes- but we will try to be good neighbors. That's all we got to say. (He looks the man absolutely in the eyes.) We don't want your money. (He turns and walks away from the man.) LINDNER (Looking around at all of them) I take it then that you have decided to occupy. BENEATHA That's what the man said. LINDNER (TO MAMA in her reverie) Then I would like to appeal to you, Mrs. Younger. You are older and wiser and understand things better I am sure. MAMA (Rising) I am afraid you don't understand. My son said we was going to move and there ain't nothing left for me to say. (Shaking her head with double meaning) You know how these young folks is nowadays, Mister. Can't do a thing with 'em. Good-bye. LINDNER (Folding up his materials) Well- if you are that final about it... There is nothing left for me to say. (He finishes. He is almost ignored by the family, who are concentrating on WALTER LEE. At the door LINDNER halis and looks around.) I sure hope you people know what you're doing (He shakes his head and exits.) RUTH (Looking around and coming to life) Well, for God's sake- if the moving men are here-let's get the hell out of here! MAMA (Into action) Ain't it the truth! Look at all this here mess. Ruth, put Travis' good jacket on him... Walter Lee, fix your tie and tuck your shirt to rock to move regularly backward and forward to occupy to take possession of reverie [revari] daydream to tuck (here) to push SI Sch Erreichte Punkte: 1. Inhaltliche Leistung Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/Der Schüler Inhalt Taskl: summary Fasst die Textstelle aspektgeleitet und sachgerecht zusammen -Ordnet die Textstelle in den Kontext des Dramas ein Task2: analysis Verfasst einen Überleitungssatz und einen die Ergebnisse der Analyse nicht aber den Inhalt der Szene zusammenfassenden Schlusssatz Nutzt den Dreischritt: (name it, prove it, explain it) o Fachbegriff o Beleg/Beispiel o Wirkung Charakterisiert Walter und die Entwicklung seines Charakters in der Textstelle unter Bezugnahme auf die 1.Halbjahr 2021/22 Sprache. Task3: evaluation Zeigt nötiges Hintergrundwissen - Nutz eine antithetische (pro/kontra) bzw. multiperspektivische Argumentationsstruktur Gelangt zu einer eigenständigen Bewertung von 10 15 15 er- reichte Punkte 8 12 12 32 2. Sprachliche Leistung/Darstellungsleistung (Klausurtelle A und B) Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/Der Schüler 1 Kommunikative Textgestaltung: richtet Ihren/seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den/die Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus, berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext, • beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zeltextformats. • erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text, C • gestaltet ihren/seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 2 Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel: • löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formullert eigenständig. ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien, A • verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz, • verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. ++/- • verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. ++/ 3 Sprachrichtigkeit: beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation, und zwar in den Bereichen • Wortschatz, • Grammatik, Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung). GESAMTPUNKTZAHL KLAUSUR GESAMTNOTE* Punkt- 20 20 8 reichta Punita 1151 4161 18 10084 Pr gutplas 43 Task 3 The American Dream was first mentioned by the American histo- rian James Truslow Adams in 1931. It describes the complex beliels. and dreams of their nation. There Bez are different dimensions of the American dream. The political dream of democracy and justice. The social dream of opportunity and equality. The personal dream of Self-realisation and freedom. The religious dream of a new promised land and religious free- Idom and son the m eco- nomic dream of prosperity and se- socialitate curity. Foove gorge ation courex camy influenced by equalquer app in how far are the youngers living an American Dream? Walters dream. is no longer to become wealthy. but to become a man who helps. his family. He refuses the money. Mr. Lindne offers and the family tries to focuse on supp supporting. each other through rough times. and learning to love. In the end, $ -3- Nice SLO lover the youngers live their American dream despite the colour of their skin. The structural rasicm was a big problem in the US in the 1960s. There was a system called Jim Crow to keep African Amer. icans down. Even though it got canceled by the supreme courty the ideas of this system are still alive. In the 1960s, people. of colour had no voting rights The Furthermore, they got segrega- for ted in all kinds of things. There were seperated schools, public restrooms and more. The standard. for the Whitel were always higher and the in people of colour were seen as class citizens. The racism going on today. Tam That is why the Black Lives Matter movement. e exists. This is a political and social movement against police. brutality and other racially motivated violence against people of colour the younger family gets directly confronted with racism through Mr. Linanes. He does not directly say that second is still -VF -4- black people are not allowed. but it is really obviow bea be- cause a white neighbourhood is more important to him than money. He represents a classic white racist. men man in the 1960s but the Youngers are inde- a strong and does not get pendent family who oppressed by something like this. Task 2: In the following, the character wal- ter is getting cbordetected charac- dezlerized with special regard. to his development and was the sb used Tanguage in the conflict. with Mr. Lindner. Walter Lee Younger, son of Lena younger father of Travis younger, brother of Bereotha Younger and husband of Puth younger, is the protagonist of the drama "A Raisin in the sun" by Lorraine Hansberry. That means, he plays a major fole He is a really dynamic cha- racter and comparing the start to a the end, he has a big Bezug zu AD fehlt ・Schluss. Вечад hier am -5- (212) 16 a liq- development. In the beginning of the drama it was always clear for that being wealthy was Walter's dream. He wanted to open yor store and would do anything to fulfill his dream. In the given extract, Walter decides to refuse. the money warl Lindner offers. When up. Lindner arrived, walter "slowly gets up" (p.80, 1.2). This shows that walter prepares himself to be talk to Mr. Lindner. Walter is acting relvous because he looks. around and shifts from one foot to the other l(p. 80. e. 20). He is also repeating himself. Walter is. acting live a so small boy and not able to keep eye contact with Ur. Lindner (p. P0₁ ( 30). Nevertheless, when waiter finally speaks out his decision to move into the new have became his "father earned it" (p. 81, f. 10), he shows that he is an emotional person. You can See that his family and a happy life is important to him when he starts cryping on page 81. in line 6. When Walter says "We don't wang want your money! -6- (p.SM, ll. 14), it is getting dear that a good person even though. he is he made some mistakes in the past. He made the right decision now and his family can see that he is a limitful person. Mo So, the R development of his character is abview, Leoney is not the most important thing for him anymore. and a happy family without now what he wants. being rich is is his biggest dream would still be the liquor store, walter would have chosen the money Hall Cindner offered Walter the lee younger had a positive change through the drama. In the dialogue between u.. Lindner and walter, different language is used. Ur. Lindner is. more or speaking really formal, were for example "yes, ur younger" (p 80 1.21), Sb. He words like "nego riate" (p.80, 1.9). Rich you would b In comparison 10 Mr. Lindner, Walters English language is more vernacular. "And-uh-well, my father, well C...J" (p. 80, C. 28). This just shows that walter was kind of nervous. -7- R and Mr. Lindner knows his goal, which never the less. Boals. failed. -wants to with the development of Walter, the author. to make clear that people The cotta wants not can change and that money is the most important. You can have a happy family and a happy life even if you lose your money. All in all, the given extract is turning point in the drama a furning point of waiters Cha Character. He leader to give his ses and this res dolby it shows the racism. in the 1960s but it also shows a strong family. a and