


Beispiele für Cartoon-Analyse und Gruppendiskussion







<h2 id="description">Description</h2>
<p>The cartoon depicts a scene about the problem of… It was created by the cartoonist XY and was publ

<h2 id="description">Description</h2>
<p>The cartoon depicts a scene about the problem of… It was created by the cartoonist XY and was publ


The cartoon depicts a scene about the problem of… It was created by the cartoonist XY and was published on (date) in the newspaper or on the internet. The largest part of the cartoon is taken up by… (describe the main content of the cartoon). Additionally, important details include facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body language of the characters.


The conveyed message of the cartoon targets a specific group of people and is intended to have a certain effect on the viewer. The language, light, colors, focus, and perspective of the cartoon are used to support the message. The characters' body language reveals that… The cartoon satirizes, ridicules, or criticizes… The cartoonist's intention may be to show… The overall effect of the cartoon is… (state your opinion).


Discuss the effectiveness of the cartoon and which elements are responsible for its success or failure. Compare the original effect it had with the one it has now, if it is a historical picture. Provide your personal opinion on the cartoon's overall effect and whether it is successful in conveying its message.


Beginning: Start the discussion by asking a question or making a statement related to the cartoon analysis. Use phrases such as "I would like to start by asking…" or "Let me begin with…" to initiate the conversation.

Giving an opinion/example: Express your opinion or provide an example using phrases like "In my opinion/view…" or "I'd like to add that…"

Defending your point: Defend your point by stating "That's not what I was trying to say" or "What I'm saying is that…"

Making suggestions: Make suggestions or recommendations using phrases like "I would suggest/recommend…" or "What about (+ gerund)?"

Arguing against: If you disagree with a point, use phrases such as "I strongly criticize…" or "I completely disagree with you on…"

Asking for an opinion: Encourage others to share their opinions by asking "How do you feel about this?"

Conversation and Discussion

Opening a conversation: Use introductory phrases to start a discussion, such as "I saw an interesting programme on TV last night…" or "Have you ever thought about…"

Making suggestions/recommendations: Provide suggestions or recommendations using phrases like "The best thing would be to…" or "Why don't you…?"

Interrupting your conversation partner: Interrupt politely using phrases such as "Can I just make a point?" or "Sorry, may I interrupt you for a second."

Holding the floor: To continue expressing your opinion or complete your thoughts, use phrases like "In my view…" or "What I wanted to say was…"

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • The cartoon analysis focuses on analyzing a cartoon by the cartoonist XY
  • Important details in the cartoon include facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body language
  • The analysis discusses the intended message of the cartoon and its effectiveness
  • A discussion about the cartoon can be opened by asking questions or making statements
  • In the discussion, participants can express their opinions, defend their points, make suggestions, and ask for others' opinions

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What is the main content of the cartoon and what details are important to consider?

A: The main content of the cartoon is... (describe the main content). Important details to consider include facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body language of the characters.

Q: How does the language, light, colors, focus, and perspective of the cartoon support its message?

A: The language, light, colors, focus, and perspective are used to support the message by... (explain how they support the message).

Q: What is the cartoonist's intention and what is the overall effect of the cartoon?

A: The cartoonist's intention may be to show... The overall effect of the cartoon is... (state your opinion).

Q: Discuss the effectiveness of the cartoon and provide your personal opinion on its overall effect.

A: The cartoon's effectiveness can be evaluated by... (discuss the effectiveness). In my opinion, the overall effect of the cartoon is... (provide your personal opinion).

Q: How would you start a discussion related to the cartoon analysis and what phrases can be used to encourage others to share their opinions?

A: I would start the discussion by asking... (provide a question or statement related to the cartoon analysis). To encourage others to share their opinions, phrases like 'How do you feel about this?' can be used.

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