


L.A. Crash







Semester 2
Key facts
• film
• screenplay written by Paul Haggis
• released in 2004
• drama
• episodic film
• unchronological presentation of
Semester 2
Key facts
• film
• screenplay written by Paul Haggis
• released in 2004
• drama
• episodic film
• unchronological presentation of
Semester 2
Key facts
• film
• screenplay written by Paul Haggis
• released in 2004
• drama
• episodic film
• unchronological presentation of
Semester 2
Key facts
• film
• screenplay written by Paul Haggis
• released in 2004
• drama
• episodic film
• unchronological presentation of
Semester 2
Key facts
• film
• screenplay written by Paul Haggis
• released in 2004
• drama
• episodic film
• unchronological presentation of
Semester 2
Key facts
• film
• screenplay written by Paul Haggis
• released in 2004
• drama
• episodic film
• unchronological presentation of
Semester 2
Key facts
• film
• screenplay written by Paul Haggis
• released in 2004
• drama
• episodic film
• unchronological presentation of

Semester 2 Key facts • film • screenplay written by Paul Haggis • released in 2004 • drama • episodic film • unchronological presentation of events • setting: Los Angeles, California Figure constellation Cameron Thayer + Farhad Dorri O Louise Waters daughter Crash Daniel mother, Christine Thayer touched, humiliated her Graham Waters Ria Partners but saved her later on Brothers John Ryan Partners Tom Hansen kills † Peter Waters Rick Cabot friends Housekeeper Maria Carjack Shaniqua Johnson Anthony Jean Cabot Plot Graham Waters and Ria • on the way to a crime scene they had a collision with a woman -> fierce argument between the two women • Detective Waters arrives at crime scene: dead body discovered by the roadside Flashback of the last 36 hours • Water's family background: cares for his drug-addicted mother, who worries about her younger son Peter • Waters and Ria are called to a crime scene which involves a shootout between two undercover police officers • a man working for the district attorney asks Waters to cover up what happened (because the incident could damage the police's image • in return, promise to spare his brother Peter from imprisonment • Waters reluctantly agrees to the deal • in the end, his effort are in vain: the dead body by the roadside turns out to be his brother Peter Peter and Anthony • carjack District Attorney Rick Cabot and his wife Jean they drive through the city in the stolen SUV & run over a Korean man they drop the injured person in front of the emergency entrance of a...

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hospital they can't sell the vehicle because of the blood stains • both try to carjack Cameron Thayer, who resists -> Peter escapes, Anthony & Cameron are chased by police later, Anthony steals the van of the man they ran over • the van is packed with illegal Asian migrants • Anthony refuses an offer to sell these refugees, but releases them at a busy intersection in Chinatown • same night, Peter is given a lift by LAPD Officer Hansen, who is off duty -> he is shot by Hansen due to a misunderstanding (racial prejudice) Rick and Jean Cabot after violent attack & car theft, Jean has the locks changed in her home by locksmith Daniel Jean wants to have the locks changed again (doesn't trust Daniel) • District Attorney Rick fears the car incident & news of a shooting between two undercover police agents could have negative impact on his career & election prospects • Rick and his staff put Detective Waters under pressure to cooperate & falsify the facts ● John Ryan • LAPD Officer Ryan is worried about his sick father he's angry & frustrated, because the health insurance company, represented by Shaniqua Johnson, refuses to provide more effective treatment • on night duty with younger partner Hansen, Ryan stops a black limousine which he takes for Canot's stolen SUV brushing aside Hansen's protest, he carries out a sexist & humiliating body search of the wife of the driver (Christine) • later, he safes Chrstine's life when he rescued her from her burning car Tom Hansen • he is with Ryan on night duty and watches him molesting Christine Thayer • disgusted by his behavior, Hansen asks his boss to be assigned a new partner -> he has to go on duty in a one- man car he helps Cameron to get out of a dangerous confrontation with the police driving home at night, he gives Peter a lift, they talked friendly • when Peter reaches into his pocket to show Tom his Christopher figure (Tom has one in his car), Hansen wrongly assumes that Peter is about to pull a gun -> full of panic he shoots Peter, acting, as he thinks, in self-defense • to get rid of the dead body, Hansen stops, dumps the corpse in a field and sets the car on fire Cameron and Christine Thayer following the degrading body search by Ryan, the couple argue: Christine complains about her husband's weak resistance & lack of support during the police control, Cameron accuses his wife of unrealistic ideas about what it is like to be black -> the argument causes a deep split in their relationship Christine gets into a car accident and is rescued by Officer Ryan • Cameron becomes the victim of an unsuccessful carjacking incident and almost gets shot by LAPD officers after a car chase • in the end the couple reconcile Farhad and Dorri Golzari • they buy a weapon and ammunition for Farhad, because he fears for his family's safety after his wife has been attacked • one of the shop doors doesn't close properly -> Farhad wants the door be repaired -> locksmith Daniel changes the lock & warns him : bent door is the more serious problem, he should have it replaced -> Farhad feels exploited, refuses to pay the bill • shop is broken into -> Farhad feels cheated, makes Daniel responsible • armed with his gun, he ambushes the locksmith -> shoots at Daniel but hits his daughter Lara • she's not hurt -> the completely shocked Farhad hands the gun to his daughter Dorri Daniel and Lara Ruiz • Daniel is a very good father to his daughter Lara • he changed the locks at the Cabot's house & years Jean making disparaging remarks about him • he also changed the locks for Farhad's shop and is insulted when he advises him to replace the whole door escalation between him and Farhad, when Farhad gun pointed Daniel • Lara wanted to protect her father, when she jumped to him ● Characters Graham Waters • Detective quite and reserved self-assurance disappears • cares for his mother and is worried about his younger brother Tom Hansen inexperienced police Officer disgusted by Ryan's behavior fair and respectful • racial prejudices (subconsciously) Farhad Golzari shopkeeper feels like an outsider experienced racism protective mistrusts a lot Daniel Ruiz • locksmith hardworking • lovely & good father Anthony and Peter • Peter: quieter, more reserved Anthony: loudmouthed, always rambling on about racial discrimination ● ● John Ryan Rick Cabot • local district attorney ● LAPD Officer racist thoughts / attitudes disrespectful behavior towards Christine changed his mind (?) • cares for his sick father ● Jean Cabot ● ● ● ● • smart • focused on his career/ reputation manipulative alone • luxury housewife haughty, bored frustrated Cameron and Christine Thayer upper middle class Cameron TV director • racism experiences almost ruined their relationship Themes and Interpretation Stereotyping, racial prejudice & discrimination huge metropol L.A. as a model to show that people of diverse ethnic backgrounds haven't assimilated into one society sharing a common cultural life & values all characters jump to conclusions based on racial prejudice and racism • Peter was shot by Hansen because of racial prejudice • gun seller treating Farhad like a terrorist Racism and police shootings • John Ryan as a LAPD Officer, who sexually touches and humiliates Christine • the whole movie is full of racism scenes • everyday racism • structural racism Affirmative action Programme to protect marginalized groups -> "Reverse discrimination" -> not all are pleased about this practice • John Ryan insults insurance administrator Shaniqua, saying that she only got the job because she's black • Ryan's father's business was destroyed by the affirmative action ● Crime, violence and gun culture Second Amendment -> "keep and bear arms" Anthony & Peter approach the car drives Cabot & Thayer with a gun, threatening them the film includes a lot of handguns Peter finds himself confronted with the "three-strike- law"; only his brother's illegal cooperation saves him from imprisonment high crime index in L.A. Health insurance ● John Ryan insults Shaniqua because he's frustrated about the refusal of the insurance company to pay for more expensive treatment for his father • Shaniqua in turn argues that the healthcare plan that Ryan's father has is limited and doesn't cover extra costs Illusion of Ideal American society • L.A. as a metropolis Displace ethnic diversity • supposedly Ideal city is contrasted by the complex conflicts