


Lesetagebuch The Giver







The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee
The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes
Jonas with his fee

READING JOURNAL THE GIVER SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 The first chapter of the book is a introduction for the book, so it describes Jonas with his feelings, because Jonas is the protagonist of the book. Also it describes many basics from his family from him. Jonas remember on a day, where a pilot in training hadn't paid enough attention, so a plane flew over the community, so in the evening, the family from Jonas sits around the table, and everyone tells his or her feelings he or she had that day, what they do every day. The father tells the family the first problem, that he saw a newchild at the nurturing center that doesn't grow as fast as the others, which he love from his first seeing. Also Jonas feels apprehensive, because of the "Ceremony of Twelve", which is one of the important days in his life. He is apprehensive because he don't know what happened on his "Ceremony of Twelve". Asher is a good friend from Jonas who come too late to his lesion. Lilly said, that she was angry about another boy from his Kindergarten who has not followed the rules, then the family laughing and Jonas said, that he is sorry about that child, because Lilly has make a fist. Then also Lilly said...

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that she is sorry about the guy. Jonas' Father is nurturer who is good in playing with kids, because he love kids. He is responsible for all the physical and emotional needs of every newchild. A newchild is an infant who was born before a few months. Jonas' Father is worry about a sweet newchild who he loved because the newchild will be banish but he want to prevent this and bring the child at home, but one Family only can have two Childs and so it will be three, also it gives many rules. Jonas' mother work at the department of justice, which is like a court. At the first Chapter from The Giver I had many Questions, for example, I didnt know what "Ceremony of Twelve" means and why the family exchanged their feelings in the evening. But I think the chapter is very interesting. 1 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER SUMMARY CHAPTER 2 The second chapter of the book is about the "Ceremony of Twelve". Jonas family talks about this event, because it is a very important point of his life. Jonas Father tells him, that everyone will get an assignment. In that case it is a job. His father spent his most time with the toddlers, so he worked as a nurturer. He think, it's normal to be excited, because he was excited too. So The second chapter answered the question abo the ceremony. In the Community it gives every year 50 newchilds, so there are never too much people in the community. The newchild number 36 is Gabriel but Jonas' Father does named him Gabe, because the name is maybe too long or an minimization. In the community there is one rule who is often broken. This is driving bicycle. Asher, Jonas' friend, is not very smart, so Jonas is worry about, that he didn't get a good Job. But his parents calmed him, because the elders know Asher and would find a nice Announce for him. Lily, Jonas' sister has a comfort object, this is an elephant. Jonas get a bear when he was a toddler. This is for a good sleep and no fear about being alone, so you feel save. I don't like it, that only one question is answered and more questions come to that. But I think the chapter is not very boring, because one question is answered. So we have an instinct to read the next chapter because we want to know what's with the rest of the questions. But also I hate it when it's like that. SUMMARY CHAPTER 3 The third chapter is about an infant named Gabriel. Jonas' father brings the small child with him when he comes from work, then everyone in the family looks at it and examines it carefully. Jonas' sister loves the child and want to be assigned as a birthmother, but Jonas' mother talk Lily out of this, because she said, that the job as a 2 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER birthmother has very little honor, because it is very demanding. But Jonas isn't interested in the child, so he bear in mind about the community. So he remembers, that you can't make a mistake there and if you do a mistake, the voice from the speakers says, that everybody should remember that rule, what was broken, but nobody knows, who brakes this rule. So Jonas remember as he had taken an apple, and the speaker had reminded him that "objects are not to be removed from the recreation areas and that snacks are to be eaten, not hoarded". It means, that you can eat the snacks, but you shouldn't collect the fruit. For Jonas Gabriel first attract attention his bright eyes. Normally all people have brown eyes except Jonas, who has also bright eyes, that means that they had the same birthmother. Lily chat often very much and loud, which is rude because many people are annoyed from this. She wants to be a birthmother because she want a newchild like Gabe, but her mother said, that she wouldn't have a beautiful life, because as a birthmother you go to a birthday center to get eat, then you get gentle exercise periods, 3 Years for 3 newchilds, but then you are forever a laborer, it's not honorably, because you didn't get a safe income. The speaker write of all what they can see. But everybody know who has break a rule although the name didn't say. (P.25 1.15- 19: "had been specifically directed at him, the day last month that he had taken an apple home. No one had mentioned it, not even his parents, because the public announcement had been sufficient to produce the appropriate remorse." The apple which Jonas see have changed his color, because of the light which changed. In the last paragraph it is very quit because the people who lived in the community are stretched for the next day. In this chapter it gives a new question, although it gives a few questions from the first chapter. So too many questions are still unanswered and new ones come up. But the Chapter was not boring or something like that, in spite of everything I like the chapter because it's very interesting. 3 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER SUMMARY CHAPTER 4 The fourth chapter is about Jonas, his friend Asher and their groupmate Fiona. They voluntarily do different tasks to know what kind of job is good for themselves For Jonas is the freedom to choose where to spent those hours is his luxury, because these are the only hours where you have freedom, other hours of the day were carefully regulated. Jonas saw Asher's bike in front of the retirement home, because Asher did his volunteer work there. The elders in Jonas community are well treated. While Jonas was washing Larissa he felt glad, because he like the atmosphere there, everyone is nice, warm, quiet and He's really good at his job. They are released. So the old people are let into a room and then talk about their lives, everyone gives a lecture. In chapter 4 another question appears, before others are answered, but I like this chapter. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 5 1. His dream was about Fiona and him, who are alone in one room. The strongest feeling was wanting. 2. Stirrings have the same meaning as the Wanting. This is the sexual urge of people 3. The community take pills for their sexual drive to choke them 4. It won't be necessary, because they aren't be able to follow your drive QUESTIONS CHAPTER 6 1. 1. Ceremony: the Nurturer give each new child a name and bring it to a family unit 8. Ceremony: do his first volunteer hours 9. Ceremony: they can drive with the bike 4 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER 10. Ceremony: the boys and girls lost their braids 11. Ceremony: new clothing 2. Gabriel will nurtured at the Center and live at Jonas family for one year 3. They have to sign a pledge, that they don't protest, when they must give up Gabriel after one year. 4. They get a new child, because they lost their old child. The new one have the same name then the old. It was the first Ceremony. 5. Roberto was a Human, who was released and now it gives a new Roberto They do this all, because there a system QUESTIONS CHAPTER 7 1. Because this is the first time, where the elevens didn't fit in her to the others 2. He get the Job of the Assistant Director of Reaction. This is a good Assignment for him because he haven't much responsibility. 3. Her Assignment is the Caretaker of the Old. She take it calm. 4. He react stunned, because he can't believe, that they make at the most important Ceremony a mistake. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 8 1. because you must not make a mistake, but if you do a mistake it is a big scandal. 2. Assigned means, that you are good for a job and you are assigned for it because you was scouted for it. But selected means, that you are the one who has a special ability for one job and so you are the chosen one who is the best in this assignment. 3. To be a Receiver you must have the intelligence, to see what happened before it happened. 4. It isn't known, because it is terrible for all, because they do a mistake before 10 years. 5. Jonas is frightened before, because he have doubts of his capacity. 5 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER QUESTIONS CHAPTER 9 1. Asher stands by him and he trust him as usual. The others watched him. Jonas feels lonely. 3. Most difficult for him is the rule with the lying, because as child he lies very often. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 10 1.The do were locked, because they wouldn't disturbed while they concentrate them. 2. He is very old and I think he is very smart and he has grey long hair. 3. He receive the words, from before the community 4. The first memory was his own memory. So he gain his confidence. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 11 1. He feels first weak and then stronger than ever. So he feels like he is in another world. 2. These is only a dream because it gives these things not anymore. It was decided, that Climate Control is more important than Beautiful memories. 3. exactly the opposite from the memory before. S from the sun and the summer. 4. Because now he don't receive the Memories, now he is the giver of the memories. So now he is giving his memories to the new receiver. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 12 1. He dreams about sledding down the snow covered hill. In the dream he has the feeling that there is a destination beyond where the sled stopped in the thick snow. 2. The faces change for Jonas in the Ceremony 6 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER QUESTIONS CHAPTER 13 1. For them this is frightened if the people choose their own jobs or their own mate. I cant understand this because it's his own jobs and not the job from the guy who decide which job you get. Pro: you mustn't choose between jobs if you can't decide you Contra: If you don't like your job you cannot change this. 2. She can't believe that and don't trust Jonas. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 14 1. The giver answered that it's very hard but they must do that 2. He have to preparing the next release. This is the Release from Gabe. 3. Jonas liked him, but He had accidentally transmit a memory from him to Gabe who will be the next receiver. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 15 1. An experience from a war with carnage and bloodshed, which is a memory from Jonas QUESTIONS CHAPTER 16 1. A Christmas memory of a family, because they loved himself and they are a great family. 2. Jonas heard for the first time in his life the words Family, grandparents, and love. 3. They tell him it is inappropriate to use a generalized and obsolete word like love. I would feel very sad, because love is very important for every family. 4. He didn't take his pill, because something that had grown there trough the memories, told him to throw the pill away. QUESTION CHAPTER 1. The stirrings comes back and he don't like that but he wouldn't live without feelings. 2. Jonas noticed, that he has more feelings than his friends or his family. 7 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER 3. She thinks, that the other twin is taken care to another community QUESTIONS CHAPTER 18 1. The giver said that he sometimes have . so Jonas think that he is also feel lonely, although he has a good life with an honor, because he becomes the new receiver. 2.There isn't a receiver any more, and the community will be in grief. 3. She received five weeks of memories. She experienced loss and loneliness and other negative feelings but no physical pain. One day after training, she hugged and kissed The Giver, and then requested from the Chief Elder. She was the previous Receiver 4. They told them all they histories, so I think they have a great relationchip. QUESTIONS CHAPTER 19,20 1. The release means, that Jonas father punctures the smaller child's forehead with the syringe. So the Child dies. Then it will place in a trash chute. Jonas find it out, when he saw a recording of a ceremonies. All ceremonies are recording and stored in the Hall of closed Records. 2. Jonas will leave the community at midnight, taking an extra set of clothing. Then he will ride with his bicycle to the river and leave the extra clothing in the bushes. Then he will go to The Giver's dwelling. The next morning The Giver will request a vehicle. He will send the driver out on an errand, and Jonas will hide in the storage area. They will drive him out of the community. Jonas will have two weeks' worth of food saved up for the journey. The Giver will arrive at the Ceremony to announce to the community that Jonas' clothing and bicycle were found by the river. So the community thinks, that Jonas was dead 8 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER CHARACTER CARD JONAS • Jonas is thoughtful • He is Sensitive • He is chosen for the new Receiver of Memory • He is eleven Years old • He is intelligent CHARACTER CARD THE GIVER • He is an old man who was the Receiver of memory • He held the memory from the Community for many years. CHARACTER CARD JONAS' FATHER • He is a Nurturer of Infants • He is very sweet ● He loves his Job and do it very conscientious • He likes games with the children CHARACTER CARD JONAS' MOTHER • She has an important position at the Department of justice • She help people who brake rules CHARACTER CARD LILY • The sister from Jonas • Seven years old . She is a chatterbox and very intelligent for her age. 9 READING JOURNAL THE GIVER CHARACTER CARD GABRIEL • He is very sweet • Jonas' family take care of him • He and Jonas are good friends CHARACTER CARD ASHER • Jonas best Friend • He really likes fun • He will become the Assistant Director of Recreation CHARACTER CARD FIONA • The other Friend from Jonas • Jonas had his first sexual stirring with her in a dream • She has red hair • She works as a Caretaker in an old peoples home • The elected Leader CHARACTER CARD LARISSA • One of the people who lives in the house of old. • Jonas has washing her very well CHARACTER CARD CHIEF ELDER 10 Nobody break the rules and laws The country helps the unemployed with money and social institutions READING JOURNAL THE GIVER THE PERFECT SOCIETY everybody show consideration for everybody The Perfect society No violence 11 Everybody look after the environment A lovely atmosphere There is a Is it Or is it The and keep him to the 1. He hope that he wont So he In the Giver The Jonas is the new READING JOURNAL THE GIVER CREATIVE WRITING Meaning for us Books: A medium among others Elephant: The kids aren't from their parents You only can have one boy and one girl They don't love them each other Order: It gives in the school or by your job History: Newchild Jonas Gabe Grass: A not very special thing Nurturer Ceremony Released Feels Asher Giver Receiver FAMILY IS FAMILY? An animal, which live in Asia and Africa or in the zoo An experience, which you told a friend To sleep: my favourite pastime Love: A very important thing for a happy life WORDS WORDS? ? ? Will take him home In Germany 2020 Good Comes to and The kids are from their parents You can have so many kids you want Normally a family love them each other Meaning for the people living in the community Something strange, forbidden A plush animal, which is made to sleep for newchilds The most important thing in the community A secret thing, which only the receiver knows Its very hard controlled all the time 12 They don't have it and don't know what it really is An unknown thing Mother: The real mother from a child, who normally loved themselves To eat: My second favorite pastime Bike: A nice vehicle Family: The most important thing of our world To elect: You can do it when you're eighteen, so you can decide, who is the new director from your country Memory Snow (hill) Sunshine Sunburn color Animals (elephants) Bone fracture; pain Colorful memories of nature Suffering of the past: destruction, Hunger, READING JOURNAL THE GIVER Warfare Love: families, holidays, happiness A mother who was taken you A time, you can't influence A vehicle you can drive at an age of eight Something, which is controlled all the time Something they don't know JONAS AND HIS MEMORIES Impact on Jonas A very funny experience Very warm feeling This is the first memory which Jonas receives As Jonas saw his first color, they have confused him He liked them and is amazed from them he suffers from it Jonas liked them He don't like destruction As he has hunger the first time he has stomachache As he realized, what warfare means he feels very sad This is the givers favorite memory, which Jonas really likes 13 Why abolished? / Comments They can't influence the weather With no sun you cant have a sunburn All the community livers want, that all colors are the same It is useless After Jonas training every day, he has one These memories are bad for Jonas It doesn't make sense, that your birthmother cant behave you Chapter 9: Rules for the new Receiver Go to your training immediately after school every day. Go home immediately after your training. You may be rude: i.e. ask any citizen any question and you will receive answers. READING JOURNAL THE GIVER TALKING ABOUT JONAS' RULES Don't discuss your training with anybody, not even parents and Elders. You must not tell anyone about your dreams any more. Except for illness and injury that has noth- ing to do with your training you must not ask for medicine. You may not apply for release. You may lie. Jonas' reactions (p. 58-60) He doesn't feel good, because of the vital times He doesn't like this rule, because so he can't play football with his friends after the training He never was rude, so this rule is very strange for him This rule gaves him a very bad feeling, He doesn't dreams often so he thinks it doesn't matter for him He feels scared of this rule He haven't a reaction to this rule He doesn't know what it means, because all the other people ever told him not to lie 14