


Letter to the editor / comment Checkliste







· starts with Sir or Madam
• names the article that the letter refers to
gives the reason for writing the l

LETTER TO THE EDITOR MAIN POINTS · starts with Sir or Madam • names the article that the letter refers to gives the reason for writing the letter •follows a clear line of argument sticks to the most important point(s) ·explains why the autor's point of view is shared or apposed support arguments with evidence and examples. •ends with a strong statement that sums up the position and/or says what is expected from future articles on the issue only the name and place of residenc is given at the end STARTING THE LETTER • I am writing to you in response to the article.. •Heaving read your article ..., I would like to point out... In the article..., the author ... claims that... EXPRESSING YOUR OPINION IN THE MAIN PART OF THE TEXT I would like to congratulate you on.. personally believe that... I could not have put it better myself. It is beyond doubt that... (es steht außer Zweifel, dass...) I wholeheartedly endore... ( Ich unterstütze von ganzen Herzen...) •Although I understand why..., I cannot accept the overall conclusion that... •I see the author's point, but I still feel that... •What you need to keep in mind is •I think... is mistaken if he/she believes... I would question the argument that... ENDING WITH A STRONG STATEMENT but... The question can no longer be whether ..., However, doesult the evidence...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

I have cited prove that...? •All in all, there can be no doubt that... Ultimately, what wetters is (that)... DON'TS! *Don't use Yours sincerely/faithfully at the end. *Don't Quote from the original article unless it is absolutely necessary. *Don't retell the article and explain it to the editor, but explain your view.