


LK Klausur







The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu
The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

Correction The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a graduation addressed in 2012 at the John F. Kennedy school of Government at Harvard university is about the ways our generation has to change the world to become a better place. Christine Lagarde talks about that in this new world, communication all over the world is easy and cheap, also that our generation is constantly in contact with many people but also with the current issues in the world. Lagarde says that our generation has the challenge but also the chance. to do something good for the world. She talks about the different opportunities our generation has to fight for, for example for the equality between men and women or rich and poor. says generation has to fight for peace all over the world. She that this -) In the following i'm going to analyze how Lagarde's ideas are presented. The text is written in informal language. The choice of words underlines. the trust in this generation and the necessary change for many things in the world. christine Lagarde starts with an inclusive we: "We stand at the entrance...." (ll.6-7). With this inclusive we she wants to give the audience the feeling of unity, that they are part of something....

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Then she uses an a whole new way of Giving, of communicating, of crossing borders" (11.6-7) to underlines that we are facing many new opportunities. Moreover she uses the enumeration="today communication is cheap, instantaneous, mulitfaceted and global" (1.17) to show the various enumeration: " at the entrance of a new world, ' characterisics of communication. 10 15 30 Repetinico 25 Q1, Exam No. 3: Europe and a globalised world 5 inclusive we We stand at the entrance of a new world, a whole new way of living, of communicating, of enumeration crossing borders. It is the great paradox of our age: the world gets bigger, with so many more people and places sharing the fruits of knowledge and prosperity; and the world gets smaller, with so many more people and places crossing paths and sharing destinies. The "new" world of interconnections: a world in progress 16th March, 2021 Part A: Reading and Writing Speech by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF, on the occasion of a graduation address delivered in 2012 at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. name: Charlotte Weinaug For today, the world is more closely-knit than ever before. An infinity of little interconnections dances across the fabric of global society, transforming millions of fragmented images into one dazzling mosaic. Today, communication is cheap, instantaneous, multifaceted, and global. enumeration inclusive you You are the generation that is constantly "plugged in to your family, your friends, your enumeration colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world. As George Bernard Shaw put it, "We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth". People are meeting each other in the global marketplace of goods and ideas more than at any point in history. [...] metaphor You are the internet generation. The internet brings the global family to the kitchen table. It is truly the screen of a billion dreams, the portal of a billion possibilities. hyperbel hyperbel You are the generation of social media, which turns a simple two-way conversation into a multi- layered and textured process of mutual interaction. [...] The importance of being good global citizens Reconciling interconnections and governance with a view to "making it better" will be a real challenge in the coming years. It will be your challenge. direct adress This new world of opportunities is also a world of grave challenges and uncertainties. Your generation is facing the worst economic insecurity in decades, possibly ever since the Great Depression. [...] This requires new ways of thinking, new ways of behaving. To quote John F. Kennedy, it requires "profiles in courage". Your generation must become another "greatest generation". Charlotte weinaug Englisch klausur- reading and writing become The Speech "the new world of interconnections I a world in progress", which was held by Christine Lagarde on the eccess occasion of a graduation address in 2012. at the John F. Kennedy school of Government at Harvard university is about the ways our generation has to change the world to a better place. Christine Lagarde talks about that in the this new world, communication all over the world really easy is and a cheap, also that our generation every time is in contact with many people but also with the Current issues in the world, Lagarde says that our generation has the challenge but also the chance to Gesamtschule Monster Mitte Stadt. Gesamtschule Judefelder Str. 10 48143 Münster A 2 86! Shil constantly do something good for the world she talks about that the different Opportunities our generation has to fight for like better Guing standards for all or greater equality of opportunity for example between men and women of rich and poor. She says that this generation has to fight for peace all over the world. SL directly from text. In the following I'm going to analyze how Lagarde's ideas are presented. The text is written in informal language but quo in formal language think. (entscheide dich) The choice of words has the claim to underliner sb the trust in this generation and the necessary for $6/A changing many things in the world, H In her first sentence she uses an inclusive we, we stand at the entrance..." (1.6-7). With this inclusivene she wants to give the audience the feeling of unity, 3rd exam in Q1: Europe and a globalised world Bewertungsbogen für. Part A: Reading/Writing (105 P.) 1. Inhaltliche Leistung (42 P.) Teilaufgabe 1: Comprehension Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/der Schüler ... nennt in einem Einleltungssatz... 1 • ● ● den Redner (Christine Lagarge, at that time Managing Director of the IMF) die Adressaten (students) den Anlass (graduation) den Ort (John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) das Thema (the "new" world of globalization and the resulting opportunities and challenges for the 'global generation') 2 skizziert kurz die sich verändernde globalisierte Welt mit ihren neuen Chancen, aber auch Unsicherhelten, die die jungen Leute vor neue Herausforderungen stellt, • 3 skizziert Lagardes Vorstellungen über das Engagement junger Leute für eine bessere Welt: Streben nach einem verbesserten Lebensstandard für alle ✓ ● Bekämpfung von Armut in der Welt ✔ Einsatz für Umweltschutz Streben nach mehr Gerechtigkeit und Chancengleichheit ✔ Einsatz für den Frieden ✔ benennt Bildung als Grundlage für diese bessere Welt und appelliert an die Studenten, die an der Universität erworbene Bildung zum Wohle der Menschheit in ihrer zukünftigen Arbeitswelt einzusetzen. SUMME Teilaufgabe 1 max. Punkt zahl 2 2 er- reichte Punkte 2 8 6 12 8 the that they are part of something. Also she uses Gran enumeration:,,..at the entrance of a new world. , a whole new way of living, of communicating, of crossing borders (1967) she to underlines the aspects she has named. She also the uses enumeration: "today communication is cheap, instantaneous, multifaceted and global " (#2.17) to show 56/A how many things communication is. Then Lagarde (ll. 18-22) can hon you are the generation " Sinn to emphasize that they the generation are and that 4 uses a 1 2 aqu e she also uses another enumeration: "to your family, ric your friends, your colleagues, and incleed to the issues af teak the day and the concerns of the world " Ill. 18-19) Th Gr to underline that this generation always standrin contact with so many people and also current issues. an ca sh In the following Lagarde uses a metaphor i " the internet brings the global family to the kitchen table" (1. 20). to visualize that due the internet the families have yo it's about talk to each other or if they want also eat with each equally distributed Rother in a digital way. Then she wes two hyperbelses wealth "It is truly the screen of a billion dreams" (ll. 20-21) and "the porter of a billion possibilities " (1.21) to make the it more important and make it more impressive than Sb Gr₂it's already is. also, to show how many dreams BE there are and how many possibilities this generation has. 2 Legaid uses a direct address: " It will be your challenge" (1.2), Sb Pripto emphasize that this the challenge from this generation is and that they have to do something. Then she uses a rhetorical question: "What do Imean by this?" (1.32) to maybe their attention and get Shil! St make the audience to think about it. n C The enumeration :" to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world" (ll. 18-19) underlines that this generation always stands in contact with so many people and also current issues. In the following Logarde uses a metaphor: 'the internet brings the global "( family to the kitchen table" (1.20) to visualize that due the internet. the families have to talk to each other or if they want also eat with each other in a digital way. By using this two hyperboles It is truly the Screen of a billion dreams " (ll.20-21) and "the portal of a billion possibilities" (1.21) to make it more important and make it more impressive than it already is. Also, to show how many dreams there are and how many possibilities this generation has. To show that this is the challenge of this generation and that they have to do something she applies a direct address:" It will be your challenge" . (1.25) to Then she uses a rhetorical question:" what do I mean by this?" (1.32) get their attention and make the audience think about it. By repeating : "It means" (ll. 33-42) she emphasizes what it all means. for her when she says that this generation has to become another greatest generation. In addition, the repetition makes the sentences more memorable. The metaphor : "their rightful seat at the table of prosperity" (1.36) visualize that also the poorest countries have a right to prospery. In the following she applies an antithesis:" between men and women, rich and poor, young and old "(ll. 40-41) and an anaphora" in our world, in our countries, in our lives". (l. 42). The anthithesis should clarify how many people do not have the same equality of opportunity. The anaphora should underline where in the world they have to work for peace. Then she makes we of a metaphor:" It's a bridge between people and generations" (ll. 44-45) to visualize that education connects people and generations. 71 60 55 35 40 45 50 Repetition rhetorical question What do I mean by this? [...] In practice, this means many different things. It means seeking better living standards for all, and an economic system where the fruits of growth are shared fairly amongst peoples and countries. It means working to put extreme poverty behind us, so that our fellow global citizens in the world's poorest countries can take their rightful seat at the table of prosperity metaphor It means urgent action to preserve the planet from self-induced destruction, before the stark realities of a rapidly warming climate condemn future generations-especially in poorer countries to a life of hardship and desperation. It means striving for greater equity, and greater equality of opportunity, between men and women, rich and poor, young and old, enumeration Ultimately, it means work. for peace in our world, in our countries, in our lives; [...] enumeration And here, I believe education is the first stepping stone to a better world. Through education, we pass on knowledge, learn from each other, better understand each other. It is a bridge metaphor between peoples and generations. It is the best investment in our children, no matter where we live, as it provides them with a passport to this new world. [...] You know the old dictum that the pen is mightier than the sword. I would go further and say the book is mightier than the bomb. [...] inclusive you Although you are graduating today, I believe true education is a lifelong endeavor - a life without learning is a life without meaning. Repetition Now you are about to step outside the academy into a world of multiple options. Each of you will be serving the common good of humanity. You will carry the values you learned at this university into the wider world of work. [...] inclusive you Repetition /inclusive you This generation your generation is the first truly global generation. You have a globall Repetition challenge and a global opportunity to make the world a better place. pepetition And so go forward, embrace the world, change the world. Shape your own future and our common global future. Keep up, and when the world says "give up," don't forget that hope whispers: try one more time...." personifikation have full confidence in you. direct adress (685 words) Annotations Christine Lagarde - eleventh Managing Director of the IMF (2011-2019) The IMF - Created in 1945, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 188 countries, working to promote international economic cooperation and trade and to encourage high employment and exchange-rate stability. Its headquarters are in Washington D.C. Teilaufgabe 2: Analysis Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/der Schüler 1 benennt die Sprachebene Lagardes (register/style) 2 analysiert die Ausdruckswelse und sprachlichen Mittel, derer sich Lagarde bedient, um dem Publikum ihr Anliegen nahe zu bringen, z.B. Emotive language (positively / negatively connotated words) "new", "great" (li.6.7), "knowledge", "prosperity" (1.8) . . • ● ● ● • ● . Superlative "the worst ..." (1. 28); "the greatest ..." (1. 31) Hyperbole (1.21). "extreme poverty" (1.35), "billion dreams/possibilities (1.21), "full confidence" (1.59) Comparative "bigger" (1. 7); "smaller" (1.8), ... Inclusive language (use of personal pronouns) "In our world, in our countries, in our lives" (1.42) Repetition "new world ... new way..." (1.6) "people and places... people and places" (II. 8-9) "You are the generation ..." (l. 18, 20, 22) "in our ..., in our ..., in our ..." (1. 42), "each other" (l. 44) W Antithesis/contrast you are "the world gets bigger ...; and the world gets smaller ... (II. 7-9) "between me and women, rich and poor, young and old" (II. 40-41)) your own future and our common global future" (II. 56-57) Alliteration "people and places" (1. 8); "stepping stone" (l. 43); "... the wider world of work" (1. 53) max. of- Punkt- reichte zahi Punkte 1 Anaphora "It means... It means ... It means... It means..." (II. 33, 35, 37, 40, 42) in Our. Dictum *... the pen is mightier than the sword", "the book is mightier than the bomb" (II. 47-48) Quotation George Bernard Shaw, II. 13-14, John F. Kennedy, Il. 30-31 10 10 Tasks 1. Outline Lagarde's ideas about young people's engagement in a better world. 2. Analyse how Lagarde's ideas are presented. Focus on her choice of words and rhetorical devices as well as the effects created. 3. Choose one of the following tasks: 3a. Comment on Lagarde's belief that the young generation has a "global challenge and a global opportunity to make the world a better place." (II. 54 -55) 3b. The Model United Nations of Lübeck (MUNOL) is an annual student conference simulating the work of the United Nations (UN). Like the real United Nations, MUNOL deals with issues concerning world politics and tries to resemble the UN as authentically as possible. The MUNOL has invited you - as a delegate of the German National Committee - to attend a meeting to debate the following topic: "Opportunities and challenges for the 'global generation' in shaping a common global future". Prepare a speech in which you present and defend your ideas. neproble The lagard uses a repetition." It means " (PP. 33-40) to emphasite the sentences where she says what she means. Also, the information keeps better in mind if she uses a repetition. Then she wes a melaphor: "..their rightful seat at the table of prosperity "(4.36) to visualize that also the poorest countries have a right is of prosperity. In the following A She uses tooo enumerations "great equality and greater aqualets of opportunity, belu "between men and women mily, rich and poor, young and old "lee 40-4₁) and (verb) am our world, in our countries, in our lives?" (1.42). (9) The first enumeration should clarity how many people don't have the same equality of opportunity. The second enumeration should underline C+ whole 1167) P in the world where in the world they have to work for peace. Then Lagarde uses a metaphor: "It's a bridge between peoples and generations" (fl.44-45) to visua that the visualize get A/16 = * no short forms! education connects people and generations. In the last paragraph she uses a personifileation: "don't R forget that hope whispers" (11.57-58) to visualize the sentences and create a mental picture f Lagarde lises in the end often a direct address to so !! ll 49 H 22) make a feeling the attention from the audience. Präp Conclusion zero article. g forget that In the last paragraph she uses a personification: "don't hope whispers" lll. 57-58) to visualize the sentences and create a mental picture. Lagarde often uses in the end a direct addres to get the attention of the audience. In conclusion, I would say that Christine Lagarde has many hopes and expectations in this generation. She wants to convince that the generation can achieve something and change the world and also that they have to do She offen speaks to the audience personally So that you I can feel a bond and closeness between them. I am of the opinion that she was quite convincing through her choice of words and the use of rhetorical devices and that it aroused trust in this generation. task 3al In the following I want to comment on Lagarde's belief, that the young generation a global challenge and a global opportunity has to make the world a better place. In my opinion it is correct that Lagarde belives so much in the young generation, because thanks to globalization there are so many to find out about problems around the world. new ways For example there are post on instagram where people talk about Various problems all over the world, regardless of whether it is about racism, a war, an affack, global warming or poverty in other countries, almost everything is included. Because the majority of the young generation is very much on social media like instagram, they are often automatically confronted with the problems in the world. There are also many people in the young generation who have a lot ● ● • . ● ● ● ● Enumeration communication is cheap, instantaneous, multifaceted, and global" (1. "... to your family, your friends, your colleagues" (1.18-19) "a whole new way of living, of communication, of crossing borders" (11-6-7) V ● Parallelism "a life without learning is a life without meaning" (1.1. 49-50) Direct address to the listeners "You are the generation..." (1. 18), "You are the generation ..." (1. 20), "You are the generation..." (1. 22) UANS Personification "hope whispers" (il. 57-58), an Infinity ...dances" (1.10) Metaphor "the fruits of knowledge and prosperity" (1.8) "global marketplace of goods" (1.15) "The internet brings the global family to the kitchen table "global family" (1. 20) "bridge between peoples and generations" (1.44) "at the table of prosperity" (1. 36): "passport to this new world" (1.46) 3 arbeitet die Funktion dieser sprachlichen Mittel heraus, z.B. make words/ sentences more memorable ✔ Strong nouns "new world" (1.6), "knowledge and prosperity" (1. 8). "infinity" (1.10), "economic insecurity" (1. 28), "self-induced destruction" (1. 37) Strong adiectives "multi-layered and textured process" (1.23) "grave challenges and uncertainties" (1.27) "extreme poverty" (1.35), "urgent action" (1. 37) strong verbs e.g. "condemn future generations" (1l. 38) put emphasis on a statement / focus on sth. appeal to the audience's emotion (✓) make the speech/ description more vivid create a sense of unity/identity ✓ convince the audience of the speaker's position criticize sth. ✓ claim urgency produce an effective contrast erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium rect exotions (2) 16 SUMME Teilaufgabe 2 thet. question 16 2 Tellaufgabe 3a: Evaluation Anforderungen: 3 4 1 2 Die Schülerin/der Schüler... führt mit Bezug zum Text auf das Thema hin und leitet die Diskussion ein. ● ● präsentiert weiter Proargumente ● führt Kontraargumente an erläutert beide Positionen anhand von Beispielen legt die eigene Meinung zum Thema klar dar und erläutert diese anhand von Beispielen ● ● benennt die im Text genannten Argumente und bezieht sich auf sie Fasst die im Hauptteil genannten Argumente zusammen und kommt zu einer logischen Schlussfolgerung und einer eigenen begründeten Stellungnahme. erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabengezogenes Kritérium SUMME Teilaufgabe 3 Tellaufgabe 3b: Creative writing Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/der Schüler ... 1eröffnet die Rede mit einer inhaltsbezogenen Ansprache ans Publikum. ● stellt die Chancen der global generation dar und begründet und erläutert diese anhand von Beispielen. stellt die Herausforderungen und Aufgaben der neuen Generation dar und begründet und erläutert diese. 3 schließt die Rede mit einer deutlichen zusammenfassenden Stellungnahme ab. 4 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabengezogenes Kriterium SUMME Tellaufgabe 3 SUMME INHALT max. Punkt- zahl 2 8 14 or- reichte Punkte er. max. Punkt- reichte zahl Punkte 2 9 3 14 T 42 25 of influence on the internet and this people can also mak other people aware of the problems. But that alone is not enough to make a difference in the world. The • young generation can bring many new ideas with them that maybe only be possible through globalization and the internet. Nevertheless you can't just rely on the young generation, because in order to really change something in the word, everyone has to help and not just the young generation. In addition, there are certainly many older people who have good ideas to do something about the problems and also older people who are good with the internet. But I think the young generation will play an important. role when it comes to making the world a better place. In summary, I am of the opinion that the young generation can achieve a lot and also have many opportunities. This generation has the chance to make the world a better place and should make good use of it and give their best to change the world. I think if all people stick together and work together, the young generation and also the older generation, then we could really achieve something and maybe also make the world a better place. mediation Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the effects that globalization has on germany's economy. The study by the Bertelsmann foundation from germany shows that globalization has a really big effect on Germany and also on other industrial nations. However, only the rich countries have great advantages from globalization and developing countries tend to benefit less from globalization. mistake corrected sentence changed / added es. Inter e some tim ifferent rhe e effects of A Mid S 2 S Charlotte weinaug S Englisch Klausur-Mediation Gesamtschule Münster-Mitte Stadt Gesamtschule Jüdefelder Str. 10 48143 Münster Hello everyone, today i want to talk about the effects that globalization has on Germany's economic. Globalization has a really big effect on Germany and also on other industrialnations. Due the effect of increased by globalization grow, the grass domestic product up to such a ASCO euro per year. The globalization has a so big influence to the Germanys economic, that the per year the gross domestic product in Germany ca. 100 milliarden euro, s decreased, Globalization has advantages and also disadvantages. . For industrive nations. Globalization is a really good thing but due to the globalization is the difference between rich and poor countries higher. In Germany grow the gross domestic product be clue globalization but in countries like Ching or Indient the number den't doesn't R W W/Gr A 86 /Temp A the same A PI grow this like this. It was less than 100 euroes Capita per person. After a longer time may be the difference between rich and poor countries could decrease Z R R/W A Temp 2 Sb zero article St Präp RRZ Präp R get lower but today the difference is huge. In conclusion, the influence of globalization is good for industrial nations like Germany but the influence is not that good for other countries like China, India or mexico. If the inclustre states de expanded would make better their developement politike they could help the other countries a Githe bit. Thank you for your attention! W Temp Pip RW RASL WIA WR 5.0. WSZA Q1, Exam No. 3: Europe and a globalised world 16th March, 2021 name: Part B: Mediation (German → English) (40 minutes / 45 points) Task You are an exchange student at a British school. In an Economics class, the teacher asks you to prepare a short talk on the pros and cons of globalization from a German 's point of view. You have just read the article below. Write the part of your talk in which you summarize the information about the effects of globalization on Germany's economy. Where necessary, add information which may help to avoid possible misunderstandings. Globalisierung nützt vor allem reichen Staaten Industrienationen sind laut Bertelsmann-Stiftung die Gewinner der Globalisierung. Sie wachsen so schnell, dass sich der Abstand zu den Schwellenländern noch vergrößert. Diese bleiben auf der Strecke. Zu den größten Gewinnern der Globalisierung gehören Deutschland und andere Industriestaaten. Rein Rechnerisch nütze die Globalisierung allen Ländern, überall wachse das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen, heißt es in einer Prognos-Studie im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung. Allerdings wachsen die Industrienationen so schnell, dass sich der Abstand zu den Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern noch vergrößert. Wir müssen erkennen, dass die Globalisierung die Schere zwischen Arm und Reich eher noch weiter öffnet", sagte Stiftungsvorstand Aart De Geus. ,,Erst über einen längeren Zeitraum wird sie dazu beitragen, dass Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer die Wohlstandslücke zu den Industrienationen verkleinern können." 42 Länder hatte Prognos genauer untersucht. Demnach hat sich die Wohlstandslücke in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten nicht verkleinert, im Gegenteil: ,,Während durch Globalisierungseffekte das Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf in den Industrienationen um bis zu 1500 Euro jährlich stieg, wuchs es in Ländern wie Mexiko, China oder Indien um weniger als 100 Euro je Einwohner." Finnland profitiert am stärksten Selbst der Abstand zwischen Deutschland und dem wegen seiner Wachstumsraten oft beneideten China hat sich vergrößert. Betrug der Abstand zwischen dem realen Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf 1990 der Studie zufolge 20.879 Euro, so waren es 2011 sogar 25.630 Euro. 2. Sprachliche Leistung/Darstellungsleistung (63 P.) Die Bewertung erfolgt orientiert an den in den Lehrplanen ausgewiesenen Referenzniveaus des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens (GR). Kommunikative Textgestaltung Anforderungen: Der Prüfling... 1 Aufgabenbezug: richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit im der Sinne der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus. (z.B. bei Nr. 2: Beachtung aller Analyseaspekte, nicht nur einiger weniger generell: stringenter Aufgabenbezug, keine unnötigen Exkurse) 2 Textformate: beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. (1: Quellenangabe zum Ausgangstext im Einleitungssatz; keine Zitate + Verweise, stattdessen eigene Worte; keine Analyse/wertende Kommentare; 1+2: sachlich-neutraler Still, verdichtetes Wiedergeben, Darstellen und Erläutern, Präsens als Tempus der Textbesprechung, keine short forms; 3: subjektiv-wertender Stil/Register+ argumentativ sinnvolle Textstruktur)) 3 Textaufbau: erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten leserfreundlichen Text (Geschlossenheit des Gesamttextes, Herstellung eindeutiger Bezüge, Untergliederung in grafisch erkennbare Sinnabschnitte, X leserfreundliche Verknüpfungen der Sinnabschnitte und Gedanken (z. B. durch Konnektoren, Vor-+ Rückverweise, zusammenfassende Wiederaufnahme zentraler Punkte etc.) 4 Ökonomie: gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 6 Belegtechnik: Belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Anforderungen: Der Prüfling... 6 Eigenständigkeit: löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. eigene Worte", keine reine Wiedergabe von Auswendiggelerntem oder Übernahme aus dem Originaltext) max. Punkt- zahl 6 12 3 21 max. Punkt zahl er- reichts Punkts 6 4 J 19 er- reichte Punkte 2 Deutschland hat nach Finnland, Dänemark und Japan am stärksten von der Globalisierung profitiert. „So ließ die Globalisierung zwischen 1990 und 2011 das reale deutsche Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) im Durchschnitt jedes Jahr um rund 100 Milliarden Euro wachsen", haben die Autoren der Studie berechnet. Die Verflechtung auf politischer, wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Ebene sei somit für 20 Prozent des Wachstums der deutschen Volkswirtschaft verantwortlich gewesen, hieß es. Der durchschnittliche jährliche Einkommensgewinn pro Kopf betrug in Deutschland demnach 1240 Euro. Am geringsten waren die absoluten Zuwächse der Pro-Kopf-Einkommen in den großen Schwellenländern Brasilien und Russland (je 120 Euro), Mexiko (100 Euro), China (80) und Indien (20). Der Stiftungsvorsitzende de Geus forderte die Industriestaaten auf, ihre Entwicklungspolitik zu verstärken und ihre Märkte für Produkte aus weniger entwickelten Ländern zu öffnen. (342 words) Annotations From: www.welt.de, 24. März 2014 Bertelsmann-Stiftung group of experts who provide advice on social, economic, etc. issues; created in 1977; largest private non-profit foundation in Germany Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) gross domestic product (GDP) As to the effect of globalization grew, the globalization grew, the gross domestic product annually increased by up to 1500 euro per capita. Globalization has advantages and also disadvantages. For industrial nations globalization is a really good thing but due to globalization the difference between rich and poor countries becomes bigger. That means that the rich countries get richer and the poor countries get poorer. Because in Germany the gross domestic product grew due to globalization but in countries like China or India the number doesn't' the same way. There it was growo less than 100 evroes per capita. In conclusion, the influence of globalization is good for inclustrial. nations like Germany but the influence is not that good for other countries like China, India or Mexico. If the industrial states made expanded their developement policie they could help the weaker countries a little sit. Thank you for your attention! 7 Wortschatz (allgemein/thematisch): verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. (Variation der Wortwahl, Kollokationen und Redewendungen, angemessenes Register, keinerlei umgangssprachliche Floskeln) 8 Wortschatz (analytisch): verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktions- und Interpretationswortschatz. (1: Vokabular zur Wiedergabe/Zusammenfassung von Inhalten; 2: Vokabular der Textanalyse; ✔ 3.1.: Vokabular zur Meinungsäußerung/Bewertung; 3.2.: Anwendung des Wortschatzes des geforderten Textformats] generell: linking words) X 9 Satzbau: verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. (klare Syntax, Verständlichkeit, Eindeutigkeit der Bezüge, Satzlogik) angemessene Satzmuster je nach Zieltextformat (Hypo-, Parataxe, Aktiv-, Passivkonstruktionen, Partizipial- und Infinitivkonstruktionen) Sprachrichtigkeit Anforderungen: Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. 10 Wortschatz Sheures... she uses... (x50) 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographle (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) SUMME SPRACHE SUMME Tell A 6 21 7 4 max. Punkt- zahl 9 8 4 21 63 3 105 2 11 er- reichte Punkte 4 S 3 12 42 67 Part B: Mediation (45 Punkte): Inhaltliche Leistung (18 P.) Anforderungen: Der Schüler/Die Schülerin... 1 erläutert z.B., dass "Die Welt", eine seriöse deutsche Zeitung, über eine Studie der Bertelsmannstiftung aus Deutschland berichtet, die 42 Länder verglichen und bewertet hat: ● A reliable study from Germany (comparing and evaluating 42 countries) proves that only wealthy industrial nations profit from globalization effectively. The social gap widens as industrial nations leave the threshold- and developing countries behind.✔✔ ● 2 erklärt, z.B., dass Länder wie Deutschland (ebenso Dänemark oder Japan) zu den eindeutigen Gewinnern der Globalisierung gehören: In Germany, global political, economic and social activity led to a 20% Increase in the national economy. ● By contrast, the income per person in countries like Brazil or Mexico barely grew at all. V 3 Fasst z.B. zusammen, dass der Vorsitzende der Studie Taten von den Industrienationen (z.B. Deutschland) fordert: . The chairman of the study recommended that industrial countries (like Germany) Introduce stronger development policies. ✔ . Moreover, these countries should open their markets for countries with weaker economies in order to help them. 4 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium. SUMME Sprachliche Leistung/ Darstellungsleistung (27 P.) Kommunikative Textgestaltung max. or- Punkt- reichte zahl Punkte Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler... ● richtet ihren/seinen Text auf die Aufgabenstellung aus und berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext. X . beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats. . erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text.X • gestaltet Ihren/seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 6 6 (2) 18 + max. Punkt- zahl ^^ er. reichte Punkte 3 Ausdrucksvermögen Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler... ● / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien, O verwendet einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. X ● verwendet einen variablen und dem Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau, Sprachrichtigkeit Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) SUMME SPRACHE SUMME Tell B GESAMTPUNKTZAHL KLAUSUR GESAMTNOTE* befriedigend (-) Punkt- Punkt- zahl 3 3 Datum und Paraphe 3 45 1 7 1 27 8 150 04.04.21. er- reichte Punkte 3 reichte Punkte 19 36