


How Global Interconnectedness Affects Production and Our World




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LK Klausur

How Global Interconnectedness Affects Production and Our World

The world today is deeply connected through trade, technology, and shared resources in ways that affect everyone's daily life.

Global interconnectedness shapes how products are made and sold across countries. When you buy a phone or clothing, those items likely traveled through many nations during production. Raw materials might come from Africa, get processed in Asia, be assembled in another country, and finally reach stores near you. This complex system means that decisions made in one place can create ripples worldwide. For example, if a factory in China slows production, stores in America might have fewer products to sell.

Global production and its consequences touch every aspect of modern life. This system brings both benefits and challenges. On the positive side, it provides access to diverse products at lower prices and creates jobs in many countries. However, it also means that problems like pollution, labor conditions, and resource use become shared global concerns. When factories in one country release pollution, it affects the air and water that move across borders. Similarly, when workers in one nation face poor conditions, it raises questions about responsibility and fairness in the global marketplace. Understanding these connections helps us see how our choices as consumers connect to larger worldwide patterns of trade, environmental impact, and human rights. This knowledge is crucial for making informed decisions about what we buy and how we can support positive changes in the global system.

The interconnected nature of our world means that solutions to major challenges require international cooperation. Whether dealing with climate change, economic inequality, or public health crises, no single country can solve these problems alone. This reality has led to the development of international agreements, organizations, and partnerships that work to address shared challenges while balancing the needs and interests of different nations and communities.




The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


Shaping Our Common Global Future

The modern era of globalization demands new approaches to global citizenship and responsibility. Today's generation must balance the benefits of interconnectedness with the need to address pressing global challenges. This includes working toward better living standards for all, ensuring economic growth benefits are shared fairly, and taking urgent action on climate change.

Creating positive change in our interconnected world requires understanding complex global systems and their impacts on different communities. Young people must develop skills to navigate cultural differences, understand global economic systems, and work collaboratively across borders. This includes recognizing how local actions can have global consequences and vice versa.

Highlight: Education plays a vital role in preparing people to be effective global citizens. It provides essential knowledge and skills while fostering cross-cultural understanding and empathy.

The path forward requires embracing both the opportunities and responsibilities that come with global interconnectedness. This means working toward greater equity between nations, genders, and economic classes while preserving our shared environment for future generations. Success depends on combining technological capabilities with strong ethical principles and a commitment to the common good of humanity.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


Opportunities and Challenges in a Globally Connected World

Lagarde's speech delves deeper into the dual nature of our interconnected world, presenting it as a source of both unprecedented opportunities and grave challenges. She emphasizes that the graduates' generation must navigate this complex landscape with courage and innovation.

The speech highlights several key areas where the new generation can make a difference:

  1. Economic security: Addressing the worst economic insecurity in decades.
  2. Equality: Fighting for better living standards and equality between men and women, rich and poor.
  3. Peace: Working towards global peace and understanding.

Highlight: The speech calls for "new ways of thinking, new ways of behaving" to address these global challenges.

Lagarde invokes the words of John F. Kennedy, calling for "profiles in courage" from this new generation. This reference not only pays homage to the school's namesake but also sets a high bar for the graduates' future actions and responsibilities.

Quote: "Your generation must become another 'greatest generation'."

The speech effectively balances acknowledging the difficulties ahead with inspiring confidence in the graduates' ability to overcome them. It presents global interconnectedness not just as a fact of modern life, but as a tool and opportunity for positive change.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


The New World of Global Interconnectedness

Global interconnectedness has transformed how we communicate, trade, and interact across borders. Christine Lagarde's 2012 Harvard graduation speech highlights how modern technology and communication have created unprecedented connections between people, ideas, and economies worldwide. Today's generation faces both extraordinary opportunities and significant challenges in navigating this interconnected landscape.

The rise of instant, affordable global communication has fundamentally changed how people interact across cultures and continents. Digital technologies enable constant connection with family, friends, colleagues, and global events, creating what Lagarde calls "an infinity of little interconnections" that form our modern global society. This technological revolution has made the world simultaneously bigger through expanded access to knowledge and opportunities, yet smaller through shared experiences and destinies.

Definition: Global production and its consequences refers to the worldwide network of manufacturing, trade, and economic activity that creates complex interdependencies between nations and peoples. This system presents both opportunities for prosperity and challenges regarding inequality and environmental sustainability.

Young people today represent the first truly global generation, equipped with tools and perspectives their predecessors never had. They face the task of addressing global challenges like economic inequality, climate change, and social justice while leveraging unprecedented opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration and innovation. Education serves as a crucial bridge between peoples and generations, providing the foundation for understanding and navigating this interconnected world.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


The Internet Generation and Global Citizenship

Lagarde directly addresses the graduates as the "internet generation," highlighting their unique position in a world of unprecedented connectivity. She emphasizes their constant connection to global issues and the potential this offers for positive change.

The speech draws attention to the transformative power of social media, describing it as turning "a simple two-way conversation into a multi-layered and textured process of mutual interaction." This underscores the potential for collaborative problem-solving on a global scale.

Definition: Global citizenship refers to the idea that individuals have responsibilities and rights that transcend national borders, emphasizing our shared humanity and interconnectedness.

Lagarde challenges the graduates to become "good global citizens," recognizing that with great connectivity comes great responsibility. She frames this as both a challenge and an opportunity for the new generation to make a positive impact on the world.

Quote: "Reconciling interconnections and governance with a view to 'making it better' will be a real challenge in the coming years. It will be your challenge."

The speech acknowledges the significant challenges facing this generation, including economic insecurity comparable to the Great Depression. However, it also expresses confidence in their ability to rise to these challenges and become "another 'greatest generation'."

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


Page 1: The New World of Interconnections

Christine Lagarde's speech at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2012 focuses on the changing global landscape and the role of the new generation in shaping it. The speech employs various rhetorical devices to engage the audience and emphasize key points about globalization and interconnectedness.

Highlight: Lagarde uses an inclusive "we" to create a sense of unity with her audience, stating, "We stand at the entrance of a new world, a whole new way of living, of communicating, of crossing borders."

The speaker employs several literary techniques to reinforce her message:

  1. Enumeration: Lagarde lists characteristics of modern communication as "cheap, instantaneous, multifaceted, and global" to emphasize its pervasiveness.

  2. Metaphor: She describes the world as a "dazzling mosaic" formed by interconnections, illustrating the beauty and complexity of global society.

  3. Hyperbole: The internet is referred to as "the screen of a billion dreams, the portal of a billion possibilities," emphasizing its vast potential.

Quote: "You are the generation that is constantly 'plugged in' to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world."

Lagarde challenges the audience to become good global citizens and address the world's pressing issues. She acknowledges the economic insecurity facing the generation but also highlights the opportunities for positive change.

Vocabulary: "Profiles in courage" - A reference to John F. Kennedy's book, suggesting the need for bold and principled leadership in facing global challenges.

This speech serves as an excellent example for students preparing for an Englisch LK Klausur Musterlösung or Englisch Klausur Globalization Analyse, as it provides rich material for analyzing rhetorical devices and themes of globalization.

p2: You are the generation that must fight for a fairer world, where the gap between rich and poor is narrowed, where women have the same opportunities as men, where the sick and vulnerable are looked after, where the environment is protected for future generations. You are the generation that must fight for peace - peace between nations, peace between peoples, peace between religions. You are the generation that must fight against corruption, vested interests, and abuse of power. You are the generation that must fight for freedom - freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of opportunity. You are the generation that must fight for justice - justice for the poor, justice for minorities, justice for those who cannot fight for themselves. You are the generation that must fight for democracy - democracy that is real and meaningful, not an empty shell. You are the generation that must fight for human dignity - dignity that comes from having a job, dignity that comes from having enough to eat, dignity that comes from having a roof over your head. You are the generation that must fight for hope - hope for a better future, hope for a more prosperous world, hope for a safer planet. You are the generation that must fight for values - values of decency and integrity, values of compassion and solidarity. You are the generation that must fight for a common purpose - a purpose that unites humanity, a purpose that transcends national boundaries. You are the generation that must fight to bend the arc of history toward justice. You are the generation that must fight to fulfill the dream of a better world. You are the generation that must fight to make a difference. You are the generation that must fight to leave the world a better place than you found it. You are the generation that must fight to be worthy of the "greatest generation" label. You are the generation that must fight to be remembered as the generation that made a difference. You are the generation that must fight to be the change you want to see in the world. You are the generation that must fight to make your mark on history. You are the generation that must fight to shape the future. You are the generation that must fight to create a new world order based on justice and equality. You are the generation that must fight to build bridges, not walls. You are the generation that must fight to turn challenges into opportunities. You are the generation that must fight to turn dreams into reality. You are the generation that must fight to turn hope into action. You are the generation that must fight to turn ideals into practice. You are the generation that must fight to turn words into deeds. You are the generation that must fight to make the impossible possible. You are the generation that must fight to make a better world not just a dream, but a reality. The choice is yours. The future is in your hands. The world is waiting for you to make a difference. Go forth and change the world!

p2: Equality between men and women or rich and poor. She says that this generation has to fight for peace all over the world. In the following I'm going to analyze how Lagarde's ideas are presented. The text is written in informal language. The choice of words underlines the trust in this generation and the necessary change for many things in the world. Christine Lagarde starts with an inclusive we: "We stand at the entrance..." (ll.6-7). With this inclusive we she wants to give the audience the feeling of unity, that they are part of something. Then she uses an enumeration: "a whole new way of living, of communicating, of crossing borders" (ll.6-7) to underline that we are facing many new opportunities. Moreover she uses the enumeration "today communication is cheap, instantaneous, multifaceted and global" (l.17) to show the various characteristics of communication. Furthermore she uses a metaphor to describe the world as a "dazzling mosaic" (ll.14-15) to show how beautiful the world is. She also uses a hyperbole to describe the internet as "the screen of a billion dreams, the portal of a billion possibilities" (ll.22-23) to show how many opportunities the internet offers. Moreover she uses direct address to the audience: "You are the generation that is constantly 'plugged in' to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world" (ll.18-20) to show that this generation is always connected to the world and its problems. She also uses repetition to emphasize the importance of the audience: "You are the generation that must fight for..." (ll.1-37) to show that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. The language is very emotional and appealing. Lagarde uses many words with positive connotations like "opportunities", "dreams", "possibilities" to show that this generation has many chances to change the world. The structure of the speech is very clear. Lagarde starts with an introduction where she talks about the new world of interconnections. Then she talks about the challenges and opportunities of this new world. In the end she talks about what this generation has to do to make the world a better place. The main message of the speech is that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. Lagarde wants to motivate the audience to take action and change the world.

p3: Correction The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a graduation addressed in 2012 at the John F. Kennedy school of Government at Harvard university is about the ways our generation has to change the world to become a better place. Christine Lagarde talks about that in this new world, communication all over the world is easy and cheap, also that our generation is constantly in contact with many people but also with the current issues in the world. Lagarde says that our generation has the challenge but also the chance. to do something good for the world. She talks about the different opportunities our generation has to fight for, for example for the equality between men and women or rich and poor. says generation has to fight for peace all over the world. She that this -) In the following i'm going to analyze how Lagarde's ideas are presented. The text is written in informal language. The choice of words underlines. the trust in this generation and the necessary change for many things in the world. christine Lagarde starts with an inclusive we: "We stand at the entrance...." (ll.6-7). With this inclusive we she wants to give the audience the feeling of unity, that they are part of something. Then she uses an a whole new way of Giving, of communicating, of crossing borders" (11.6-7) to underlines that we are facing many new opportunities. Moreover she uses the enumeration="today communication is cheap, instantaneous, mulitfaceted and global" (1.17) to show the various enumeration: " at the entrance of a new world, ' characterisics of communication.

p3: Furthermore she uses a metaphor to describe the world as a "dazzling mosaic" (ll.14-15) to show how beautiful the world is. She also uses a hyperbole to describe the internet as "the screen of a billion dreams, the portal of a billion possibilities" (ll.22-23) to show how many opportunities the internet offers. Moreover she uses direct address to the audience: "You are the generation that is constantly 'plugged in' to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world" (ll.18-20) to show that this generation is always connected to the world and its problems. She also uses repetition to emphasize the importance of the audience: "You are the generation that must fight for..." (ll.1-37) to show that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. The language is very emotional and appealing. Lagarde uses many words with positive connotations like "opportunities", "dreams", "possibilities" to show that this generation has many chances to change the world. The structure of the speech is very clear. Lagarde starts with an introduction where she talks about the new world of interconnections. Then she talks about the challenges and opportunities of this new world. In the end she talks about what this generation has to do to make the world a better place. The main message of the speech is that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. Lagarde wants to motivate the audience to take action and change the world. In conclusion, Christine Lagarde uses many rhetorical devices to motivate the audience to take action and change the world. She uses informal language, metaphors, hyperboles, direct address, repetition and words with positive connotations to make her speech more appealing and emotional. The structure of the speech is very clear and the main message is that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu


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How Global Interconnectedness Affects Production and Our World

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The world today is deeply connected through trade, technology, and shared resources in ways that affect everyone's daily life.

Global interconnectedness shapes how products are made and sold across countries. When you buy a phone or clothing, those items likely traveled through many nations during production. Raw materials might come from Africa, get processed in Asia, be assembled in another country, and finally reach stores near you. This complex system means that decisions made in one place can create ripples worldwide. For example, if a factory in China slows production, stores in America might have fewer products to sell.

Global production and its consequences touch every aspect of modern life. This system brings both benefits and challenges. On the positive side, it provides access to diverse products at lower prices and creates jobs in many countries. However, it also means that problems like pollution, labor conditions, and resource use become shared global concerns. When factories in one country release pollution, it affects the air and water that move across borders. Similarly, when workers in one nation face poor conditions, it raises questions about responsibility and fairness in the global marketplace. Understanding these connections helps us see how our choices as consumers connect to larger worldwide patterns of trade, environmental impact, and human rights. This knowledge is crucial for making informed decisions about what we buy and how we can support positive changes in the global system.

The interconnected nature of our world means that solutions to major challenges require international cooperation. Whether dealing with climate change, economic inequality, or public health crises, no single country can solve these problems alone. This reality has led to the development of international agreements, organizations, and partnerships that work to address shared challenges while balancing the needs and interests of different nations and communities.









The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

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Shaping Our Common Global Future

The modern era of globalization demands new approaches to global citizenship and responsibility. Today's generation must balance the benefits of interconnectedness with the need to address pressing global challenges. This includes working toward better living standards for all, ensuring economic growth benefits are shared fairly, and taking urgent action on climate change.

Creating positive change in our interconnected world requires understanding complex global systems and their impacts on different communities. Young people must develop skills to navigate cultural differences, understand global economic systems, and work collaboratively across borders. This includes recognizing how local actions can have global consequences and vice versa.

Highlight: Education plays a vital role in preparing people to be effective global citizens. It provides essential knowledge and skills while fostering cross-cultural understanding and empathy.

The path forward requires embracing both the opportunities and responsibilities that come with global interconnectedness. This means working toward greater equity between nations, genders, and economic classes while preserving our shared environment for future generations. Success depends on combining technological capabilities with strong ethical principles and a commitment to the common good of humanity.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

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Opportunities and Challenges in a Globally Connected World

Lagarde's speech delves deeper into the dual nature of our interconnected world, presenting it as a source of both unprecedented opportunities and grave challenges. She emphasizes that the graduates' generation must navigate this complex landscape with courage and innovation.

The speech highlights several key areas where the new generation can make a difference:

  1. Economic security: Addressing the worst economic insecurity in decades.
  2. Equality: Fighting for better living standards and equality between men and women, rich and poor.
  3. Peace: Working towards global peace and understanding.

Highlight: The speech calls for "new ways of thinking, new ways of behaving" to address these global challenges.

Lagarde invokes the words of John F. Kennedy, calling for "profiles in courage" from this new generation. This reference not only pays homage to the school's namesake but also sets a high bar for the graduates' future actions and responsibilities.

Quote: "Your generation must become another 'greatest generation'."

The speech effectively balances acknowledging the difficulties ahead with inspiring confidence in the graduates' ability to overcome them. It presents global interconnectedness not just as a fact of modern life, but as a tool and opportunity for positive change.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

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The New World of Global Interconnectedness

Global interconnectedness has transformed how we communicate, trade, and interact across borders. Christine Lagarde's 2012 Harvard graduation speech highlights how modern technology and communication have created unprecedented connections between people, ideas, and economies worldwide. Today's generation faces both extraordinary opportunities and significant challenges in navigating this interconnected landscape.

The rise of instant, affordable global communication has fundamentally changed how people interact across cultures and continents. Digital technologies enable constant connection with family, friends, colleagues, and global events, creating what Lagarde calls "an infinity of little interconnections" that form our modern global society. This technological revolution has made the world simultaneously bigger through expanded access to knowledge and opportunities, yet smaller through shared experiences and destinies.

Definition: Global production and its consequences refers to the worldwide network of manufacturing, trade, and economic activity that creates complex interdependencies between nations and peoples. This system presents both opportunities for prosperity and challenges regarding inequality and environmental sustainability.

Young people today represent the first truly global generation, equipped with tools and perspectives their predecessors never had. They face the task of addressing global challenges like economic inequality, climate change, and social justice while leveraging unprecedented opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration and innovation. Education serves as a crucial bridge between peoples and generations, providing the foundation for understanding and navigating this interconnected world.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

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The Internet Generation and Global Citizenship

Lagarde directly addresses the graduates as the "internet generation," highlighting their unique position in a world of unprecedented connectivity. She emphasizes their constant connection to global issues and the potential this offers for positive change.

The speech draws attention to the transformative power of social media, describing it as turning "a simple two-way conversation into a multi-layered and textured process of mutual interaction." This underscores the potential for collaborative problem-solving on a global scale.

Definition: Global citizenship refers to the idea that individuals have responsibilities and rights that transcend national borders, emphasizing our shared humanity and interconnectedness.

Lagarde challenges the graduates to become "good global citizens," recognizing that with great connectivity comes great responsibility. She frames this as both a challenge and an opportunity for the new generation to make a positive impact on the world.

Quote: "Reconciling interconnections and governance with a view to 'making it better' will be a real challenge in the coming years. It will be your challenge."

The speech acknowledges the significant challenges facing this generation, including economic insecurity comparable to the Great Depression. However, it also expresses confidence in their ability to rise to these challenges and become "another 'greatest generation'."

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

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Page 1: The New World of Interconnections

Christine Lagarde's speech at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2012 focuses on the changing global landscape and the role of the new generation in shaping it. The speech employs various rhetorical devices to engage the audience and emphasize key points about globalization and interconnectedness.

Highlight: Lagarde uses an inclusive "we" to create a sense of unity with her audience, stating, "We stand at the entrance of a new world, a whole new way of living, of communicating, of crossing borders."

The speaker employs several literary techniques to reinforce her message:

  1. Enumeration: Lagarde lists characteristics of modern communication as "cheap, instantaneous, multifaceted, and global" to emphasize its pervasiveness.

  2. Metaphor: She describes the world as a "dazzling mosaic" formed by interconnections, illustrating the beauty and complexity of global society.

  3. Hyperbole: The internet is referred to as "the screen of a billion dreams, the portal of a billion possibilities," emphasizing its vast potential.

Quote: "You are the generation that is constantly 'plugged in' to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world."

Lagarde challenges the audience to become good global citizens and address the world's pressing issues. She acknowledges the economic insecurity facing the generation but also highlights the opportunities for positive change.

Vocabulary: "Profiles in courage" - A reference to John F. Kennedy's book, suggesting the need for bold and principled leadership in facing global challenges.

This speech serves as an excellent example for students preparing for an Englisch LK Klausur Musterlösung or Englisch Klausur Globalization Analyse, as it provides rich material for analyzing rhetorical devices and themes of globalization.

p2: You are the generation that must fight for a fairer world, where the gap between rich and poor is narrowed, where women have the same opportunities as men, where the sick and vulnerable are looked after, where the environment is protected for future generations. You are the generation that must fight for peace - peace between nations, peace between peoples, peace between religions. You are the generation that must fight against corruption, vested interests, and abuse of power. You are the generation that must fight for freedom - freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of opportunity. You are the generation that must fight for justice - justice for the poor, justice for minorities, justice for those who cannot fight for themselves. You are the generation that must fight for democracy - democracy that is real and meaningful, not an empty shell. You are the generation that must fight for human dignity - dignity that comes from having a job, dignity that comes from having enough to eat, dignity that comes from having a roof over your head. You are the generation that must fight for hope - hope for a better future, hope for a more prosperous world, hope for a safer planet. You are the generation that must fight for values - values of decency and integrity, values of compassion and solidarity. You are the generation that must fight for a common purpose - a purpose that unites humanity, a purpose that transcends national boundaries. You are the generation that must fight to bend the arc of history toward justice. You are the generation that must fight to fulfill the dream of a better world. You are the generation that must fight to make a difference. You are the generation that must fight to leave the world a better place than you found it. You are the generation that must fight to be worthy of the "greatest generation" label. You are the generation that must fight to be remembered as the generation that made a difference. You are the generation that must fight to be the change you want to see in the world. You are the generation that must fight to make your mark on history. You are the generation that must fight to shape the future. You are the generation that must fight to create a new world order based on justice and equality. You are the generation that must fight to build bridges, not walls. You are the generation that must fight to turn challenges into opportunities. You are the generation that must fight to turn dreams into reality. You are the generation that must fight to turn hope into action. You are the generation that must fight to turn ideals into practice. You are the generation that must fight to turn words into deeds. You are the generation that must fight to make the impossible possible. You are the generation that must fight to make a better world not just a dream, but a reality. The choice is yours. The future is in your hands. The world is waiting for you to make a difference. Go forth and change the world!

p2: Equality between men and women or rich and poor. She says that this generation has to fight for peace all over the world. In the following I'm going to analyze how Lagarde's ideas are presented. The text is written in informal language. The choice of words underlines the trust in this generation and the necessary change for many things in the world. Christine Lagarde starts with an inclusive we: "We stand at the entrance..." (ll.6-7). With this inclusive we she wants to give the audience the feeling of unity, that they are part of something. Then she uses an enumeration: "a whole new way of living, of communicating, of crossing borders" (ll.6-7) to underline that we are facing many new opportunities. Moreover she uses the enumeration "today communication is cheap, instantaneous, multifaceted and global" (l.17) to show the various characteristics of communication. Furthermore she uses a metaphor to describe the world as a "dazzling mosaic" (ll.14-15) to show how beautiful the world is. She also uses a hyperbole to describe the internet as "the screen of a billion dreams, the portal of a billion possibilities" (ll.22-23) to show how many opportunities the internet offers. Moreover she uses direct address to the audience: "You are the generation that is constantly 'plugged in' to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world" (ll.18-20) to show that this generation is always connected to the world and its problems. She also uses repetition to emphasize the importance of the audience: "You are the generation that must fight for..." (ll.1-37) to show that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. The language is very emotional and appealing. Lagarde uses many words with positive connotations like "opportunities", "dreams", "possibilities" to show that this generation has many chances to change the world. The structure of the speech is very clear. Lagarde starts with an introduction where she talks about the new world of interconnections. Then she talks about the challenges and opportunities of this new world. In the end she talks about what this generation has to do to make the world a better place. The main message of the speech is that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. Lagarde wants to motivate the audience to take action and change the world.

p3: Correction The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a graduation addressed in 2012 at the John F. Kennedy school of Government at Harvard university is about the ways our generation has to change the world to become a better place. Christine Lagarde talks about that in this new world, communication all over the world is easy and cheap, also that our generation is constantly in contact with many people but also with the current issues in the world. Lagarde says that our generation has the challenge but also the chance. to do something good for the world. She talks about the different opportunities our generation has to fight for, for example for the equality between men and women or rich and poor. says generation has to fight for peace all over the world. She that this -) In the following i'm going to analyze how Lagarde's ideas are presented. The text is written in informal language. The choice of words underlines. the trust in this generation and the necessary change for many things in the world. christine Lagarde starts with an inclusive we: "We stand at the entrance...." (ll.6-7). With this inclusive we she wants to give the audience the feeling of unity, that they are part of something. Then she uses an a whole new way of Giving, of communicating, of crossing borders" (11.6-7) to underlines that we are facing many new opportunities. Moreover she uses the enumeration="today communication is cheap, instantaneous, mulitfaceted and global" (1.17) to show the various enumeration: " at the entrance of a new world, ' characterisics of communication.

p3: Furthermore she uses a metaphor to describe the world as a "dazzling mosaic" (ll.14-15) to show how beautiful the world is. She also uses a hyperbole to describe the internet as "the screen of a billion dreams, the portal of a billion possibilities" (ll.22-23) to show how many opportunities the internet offers. Moreover she uses direct address to the audience: "You are the generation that is constantly 'plugged in' to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and indeed to the issues of the day and the concerns of the world" (ll.18-20) to show that this generation is always connected to the world and its problems. She also uses repetition to emphasize the importance of the audience: "You are the generation that must fight for..." (ll.1-37) to show that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. The language is very emotional and appealing. Lagarde uses many words with positive connotations like "opportunities", "dreams", "possibilities" to show that this generation has many chances to change the world. The structure of the speech is very clear. Lagarde starts with an introduction where she talks about the new world of interconnections. Then she talks about the challenges and opportunities of this new world. In the end she talks about what this generation has to do to make the world a better place. The main message of the speech is that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place. Lagarde wants to motivate the audience to take action and change the world. In conclusion, Christine Lagarde uses many rhetorical devices to motivate the audience to take action and change the world. She uses informal language, metaphors, hyperboles, direct address, repetition and words with positive connotations to make her speech more appealing and emotional. The structure of the speech is very clear and the main message is that this generation has to fight for many things to make the world a better place.

The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

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The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
which was held by Christine Lagarde on the occasion of a gradu

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The speech "the new world of interconnections: a world in progress
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