


Looking for Alaska







Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin
Reading Log
Looking for Alaska
I Looking for Alaska
Reading Log
Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happenin

Reading Log Novel: Looking for Alaska Name: I Looking for Alaska Reading Log Task: While reading the novel keep track of the events happening in each chapter. Some chapters are very short and there is no change of location or character. You can put chapters together in one line, if you feel the need to. Fill out the table below. You can also write down any comments or questions you have while reading. Keywords are enough. What? Chapter Unit 1 Page 7-9 Page 10-25 Page 25-33 Unit 2 Page 33-38 Page 38-42 Page 42-48 Who? Arriving at Culver Creek Miles Cavalry His mother and father Marie Lawson ->her boyfriend Will Miles Cavalry His mother His father Chip Martin Alaska Coronel Miles Takumi Marya and Paul Kevin Richman Coronel Miles Takumi Kevin Doctor Hyde Miles Coronel Sara(Coronels girlfriend) His mother gave a going-away party for him ->Miles was forced to invite all his "school friends" Miles Alaska Dr.Hyde No one came except Marie and Will but they left after a few minutes ->they only came to say goodbye -The words of Franços Rabelais "I go to seek a Great Perhaps" are the reason why Miles wants to go Unloaded the car and brought it to his new home His parents say goodbye -> Miles makes his parents feel they have nothing to worry about Unpacks his things and is disappointed about his new room Went to shower and when he came out he met his roommate Chip/Coronel) Walks with him through the building to look for a...

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couch He explains to him what group there is in the boarding school (regular boarders or Weekday Warriors) got to know Alaska->Smokes with them at the lake (it was his first time smoking) Sat with her on a swing and talked to her and they made a deal that she would get him a girlfriend and he would find out what the labyrinth is and how to get out of it -Talks with Chip about Alaska(Can't get her out of his head) -Met the friends of Coronel Dr. Hyde and the Smoking Hole Spent the evening surfing and reading Was woken up by three shapes and dragged to the beach ->he was mummified from shoulders to wrists, then he was flung into the water, tried to get ashore ->then he went to Alaskas room to look for help, but she is mody and unfriendly ->So he went home and tells Chip everything what happened -Talk to Coronel about how they take revenge -Miles has his first school day at Calver Greck -He thinks, the teachers are serious and smart -Talked in class with Takumi about Alaska -Because of the fifty minute lessons with Doctor Hyde, he was taught to take religion seriously Alaska apologized to Miles for being unpleasant to him -thinks Docotor Hyde is a genius -Coronel has a date and irons - Miles helps him iron his shirt -Coronel wants to smoke in the shower - The Colonel argues with Sara and stays home -Coronel talks to Miles about his relationship -The Colonel only stays with Lara because she stays with him -Learned a lot to keep up didn't pay proper attention with Dr.Hyde was kicked out of class - Alaska stood up for him -collected shamrocks with Alaska, Coronel and Alska pacing -walks with Alaska, Takumi and Coronel through the forest by a river ->talked about Dr.Hyde and the betrayal (Marya) while they smoke When? The week before he went to boarding school When he arrived at the boarding school The next afternoon The next morning After the last class of the first week of Culver Creek Lessons with Hyde At his home Where? Culver Creek Culver Creek Culver Creek Culver Creek Culver Creek Chapter Overview Questions / Comments What does "I go to seek a great perhaps" mean? Is Miles falling in love with Alaska? Why did he start smoking? Why does Miles talk about a big maybe? Why was Miles almost killed? Why was Alaska so mean? Why does Alaska want to die? Looking for Alaska Unit 3 Page 48-54 Page 54-59 Page 59-63 Unit 4 Page 63-64 Page 65-70 Page 71-83 Unit 5 Page 84-89 A Comet Needs a Tail Miles Alaska Kevin The Colonel Dr Hyde Miles Alaska Chip Lara Miles Alaska Chip Takumi Girlfriends Alaska Miles Lara Alaska Miles Lara Jake Colonel Sara Takumi Miles Colonel Madame O'Malley Alaska Takumi Thanksgiving Miles Alaska akumi Coronel -the Colonel wants miles to attend the annual Culver Creek basketball game -The Colonel makes a deal with Kevin saying if Miles knows the last words of a president chosen by Kevin they don't agree to the truce offered by Kevin -Chip gets kicked out of the gym (miles follows him) because he bothers the players" (he yelled at them to distract them) -After class Dr.Hyde wants to talk to Miles -Alaska invites Miles and a few other kids to study with her for the upcoming precalc test Lara, Miles and Alaska and the other people drove to McDonald's and ate outside somewhere while studying -Alaska smoked while eating and ended up saying I may die young but at least I'll die smart" to Hank because he criticized her excessive smoking -Alaska Explains how she got to chose her own name as a child and choose Alaska -Alaska tells Miles she wants to teach children in the future (children with disabilities) -Chip and Miles go to Alaska for cigarettes -Smoked with Takumi at the lake -the eagle catches them but Alaska continued smoking -Miles, Alaska, Colonel and Takumi had to go to the Jury of Culver Creek -Alaska and Chip got ten hours of work -Alaska wants to set Miles up with Lara She tells him that they are going on a tripple date on Friday -Alaska will be there the whole time before the tripple date they go to a basketball game -Miles was hit by a basketball -Miles handed over such on Lara's lap -Miles is with Takumi and Lara at the hospital Miles and the Conan home and philosophized about e Alask Reading Log Alaska's wooded aku and Mies go for Alaska ked to Miles that Alaska sleeps on the couch with Alaska apologized to Miny Mecalled the Everybody goes home for Thanksgiving while Miles and Alaska drink under the stars Miles being tipsy for the first time ever -Alaska told Miles that "coming out of the labyrinth is not about death or life but about suffering" -he cannot stop thinking about v beautiful Alaska is and how much wants -Miles and Alaska spend the next day trying to find ways to prank the weekend warriors while everyone is away -They break into their dorms and there Alaska comes up with the plan to put blue industrial strength hair dye in their hair products while they're away During the basketball game During the studying The next day Before Friday Friday After the date At the start of thanksgiving break Culver Creek Culver Creek Culver Creek In Miles and Colonels room The gym Culver creek Between the soccer field and the woods, In the dorms of the weekend warriors Chapter Overview Why does she always talk about dying? Why did Alaska continue to smoke? Who was that with Alaska's room and why? Why doesn't Miles want to talk to Lara? Why does Alaska spend so much time with Miles? Does Alaska like Miles? Looking for Alaska Page 89-92 Page 92-99 Unit 6 Page 99-100 Page 100-104 Page 104-114 Unit 7 Page 114-125 Page 126-127 Page 127-135 Miles Alaska The Colonel Alaska Miles Dolores (The Colonels Mother) Pulling a Prank Miles his Parents Miles Alaska Colonel Colonel Miles Takumi The eagle Alaska Lara Police To be Continued? Colonel Miles Alaska Takumi Lara Colonel Miles Lara Takumi Alaska Colonel Kevin Miles Lara Alaska -Miles and Alaska go into other peoples rooms looking for their secret staches of alcohol >cigamets and other stuff -When they find a porn video Alaksa explains how porn makes women seem like objects After that she lays down across from Miles which makes him fall even more for her On the theme The Colonel who intes them to They Due to the packs and Miles have to share a bed which makes The four of them enjoy the Thanksgiving turkey and say what they are for Miles and claim that this was the best thanksgiving meal they ever maks have which makes Meally happy really Shebystans of cigaretes, five bothes of wine and a thor the Ca to Miles domom, and she is a crying d the Colonel about snitching on Marya and Paul and the Colonel told her he couldn't trust her on her own ever again a manages to screw everything up, but Miles can't figure out exactly what she is referring to -Everybody goes home for Christmas, even Alaska - After celebrating it with his family Miles spends most of the break studying and realises how much he had actually missed his parents Everybody comes back to Culver Creek after Christmas break >Alaska tells Miles and the Colonel that she thinks it is necessary to have a pre-prank on the weekend warriors The pre-prank is designed to lull the administration into a false sense of security Alaska tell the Colonel that he will help her figure a prank out Miles feels angry because he feels like he is being excluded The Colonel and Alaska spend a lot of time preparing the pre-prank The only things Miles knew about the pre-prank is that it would be called "The Barn" and that when they are ready for it, he should pack for two days Miles spends the extra time he has working on his religion exam, and trying to find out the answer for t Reading Log -Miles, Takumi and the Colonel tell the Eagle that they will spend the weekend at the colonels trailer in order to go through witch the pre-prank -Alaska says she will be with Jake and Lara claims that shes meeting an old friend in Atlanta - The pre-prank is to light fireworks so that the Eagle comes out to find out who is doing it >>the Colonel breaks into the faculty computer network to send out letters to the weekend warrior's families to tell them they're failing classes. All of them spend their time drinking and talking till the colonel gets the idea to play a drinking game in which everyone has to share their worst and best day ever Whoever wins doesnt have to drink While the colonel wins best day with the day he will buy his mother a house Alaska wins the worst day because she explains how she found her mother lying on the floor, jerking, when she was younger and thought she fell asleep after she stopped moving Later her father got mad cause her mother was dead and she hadn't called 911 since she was in shock Because of this explanation Miles understands a lot more about Alaska At night Miles and Lara share a sleepingbag which leads to them kissing At the end Miles asks her to be his girlfriend and she agrees -Miles wakes up hungover from the night before -they go in seperate groups so the eagle doesn't suspect a thing -Alaska justified her drinking by saying that she was a deeply unhappy person -Miles spends most of the day sleeping due to his hangover. the age with heads Two days later, first actual day of the holidays y Wednesday morning Thanksgiving, Saturday, last day of their vacation Christmas First day back from Christmas Three days before During and after the drinking game After the party Next Monday of the new semester The dorms, The trailerpark, where The Colonel lives The trail At Miles Home Miles and Coronels room Culver creek At the barn Culver Creek Culver Creek Chapter Overview Does Alaska have feelings for Miles? About what is the pre-prank? Is Alaska just doing this for fun or does it have a deeper meaning? Is Miles really serious about Lara or is he just trying to fill the void where Alaska is supposed to be? Why did Alaska have to leave so urgently? Is it because Miles told her he loved her or is there something else behind it? Looking for Alaska Unit 8 Page 139-145 Page145-153 Page 153-160 Unit 9 Page 160-169 Page 169-175 Page 175-183 Straight and Fast Coronel Miles The eagle Kevin Takumi Colonel Miles Hank Lara Takumi Colonel Miles The Eagle Finding Out Colonel Miles Takumi Colonel Miles Colonel Miles They all had to go to th M to be Malf by convincing himself he is not dead the house sorry The Eagle had his hand on Miler shoulders and Mies said he thought it was just a prank the explained that happened it was a car accident Mes and the Colonel go back to the dry -Miles called his parents and told them about Alaska -the Colonel and Miles smoking in the shower >they talk about Alaska -had a meeting in the gym -Miles had a dream about Alaska -Miles and the Colonel were getting ready for Alaska's funeral -talked to Alaska's father Miles and the Colonel were having dinner with the Eagle >he wanted to know if it was them with the fireworks went into Alaska's room and got anything they didn't want her aunt to find -Miles wanted to take a book from Alaska's room "Kevin's prank" think Alaska killed herself->want to know what happened -had first lesson after fate -Dr. Hyde talked to Miles and the Colonel Colonel thinks Alaska Killed her self because she got into a fight with Jake the new Semester topic is, how will we ever get out of this Labyrinth of Suffering they found out that Alaska didn't break and drove right into the obstical she also had a present from jake in the back of the car Colonel and Miles don't think that Alaska killed herself ->a girl sais Alaska gave her a sign with her car before she died Colonel and Miles get into a fight Miles says that things are complicated between Lara and him They think Alaska could have fallen asleep at the weel -Miles and the Colonel discussed the feelings of Miles Takumi, Colonel and Miles decide that they have to ask Jake to find out what he knows >Miles was not in favour at first and start a fight with the Coronel because Miles doesn't want to know what happened between Alaska and Jake Jake said that they didn't fight and Alaska just hung up while talking on the phone Miles and Takumi spends some time together by going to McDonalds after school class >They missed Alaska very much Reading Log -want to get drunk -planning to steal the Breathalyzer from the Eagle -Miles went to the Eagle and started to put the plan into action got drunk and tested how drunk Alaska was ->were caught by the Eagle think Alaska fell asleep while driving After the night Before and during the Funeral Martin Luther King day and the first day of school Nine day's after the fate Twenty days after the fate and twenty one days after the fate Four Sundays after the last Sunday At Culver Creeks gym At Culver Creek and Alaskas funeral Culver creek Culver Creek Sunny Konvenience kiosk McDonalds Culver creek Chapter Overview Why did this happen? Unit 10 Page 184-189 Page 189-194 Page 194-198 Unit 11 Page 198-199 Page 200-209 Unit 12 Page 209-219 A Doodled Flower Miles Colonel Lara Miles Colonel Lara Miles Colonel A Memorial Prank Miles Colonel Miles Colonel The hoal school Out of the Labyrinth Miles Colonel -Takumi tells miles that he's tired of miles acting like he's the only guy that ever liked Alaska and got as close to her as he did -Miles got ignored by Lara and wanted to apologize to her -> he runs into Lara on accident while leaving Religion class -Miles bought cigarettes in the shop where Alaska always bought them -Miles apologised to Lara and took her for a walk to talk to her about everything the friend group remember Alaska while smoking and driving around town -Everyone was getting tired while they investigated Alaska's death -Miles thinks the Colonel has resigned himself to the investigation -Miles spoke to his mother on the phone -Miles found a drawing of Alaska -the school builds ask Remembrance of Alaska would build a playground by the lake -Miles and the Colonel want to do a prank on Remembrance of Alaska -planned the prank -The Colonel explains the prank to the friend group ->the prank goes as planned they pretend to be a doctor at the public speech, but it's actually a Stripper -Miles tells his father about the prank >the eagle spoke to him on the phone They theorised that Alaska forgot the anniversary of her mother's death when she saw the scribbles on the phone and then freaked out and drove away from the police car-straight into the other car -Miles and Chip want to find out what it is like to drive at the place where Alaska died with the same speed but they survive it and are very happy about it ->they find peace -Takumi left a paper in his room that tells Miles that he is leaving to Japan the next day -Miles forgives Alaska for leaving him After classes the next day After classes Fifty-one days later One week after the discovery of the scribbled flower Forty-four days later One and a half weeks later Culver Creek At the streets Culver Creek Culver creek In the gym The streets Does Miles want to apologise to Lara because he feels guilty or because Lara means something to him? Task: While reading the novel keep track of the characters and their relationships. Write down the characters and show their relationships in a mind map. Threw a farewell party for him only a few centimeters taller than Colonel had attended the same boarding school mother father Is in his third year at Culver Creek (since ninth grade). Takumi skinny japanese Short, muscular guy with shock of brown hair Kevin Richman Secondary characters Marya and Paul Maryas boyfriend pr roommate > Marie Lawson Maries boyfriend -Chip Martin (Roommate) His parents are divorced Charakters started to smoke Main characters Alaska During boarding school has the nickname Puge Has a boyfriend Miles Halter has many books impulsiv The words of Franços Rabelais 1 go to seek a Great Perhaps" are the reason why Miles is going Goes to boarding school Is from the Vine Station -Before boarding school likes reading biographies Family Background Mum and Dad lives in Florida his dad was on the same boarding school Kevin Chip Takumi - Miles Alaska Dean ♡ Sed velato Parents Mary + boyfriend Boring mother -can't let off of Miles Looking for Alaska Reading Log Character Profile Task: After reading pp. 7-33, take notes on the following characters and fill in the table below. Write down the pages and the lines where you have found the information. Add the character profile to your reading log. outward appearance family background likes/ dislikes character traits Miles -Skinny S.13 1.7 -six feet tall S.13 1.14 -no mussels S.13 11.9-10 -mum and dad live in Florida p.71.1 -his dad was on the same boarding school p.9 1.6-7 ->had been famous -parents are wealthy P.8 -mother is delusional p.1 1.8-9 ->doe not want to bell that he is not popular at school -likes reading biographies p.15 1.16 -didn't like reading plays p.15 1.15 -does not like Drama people and englisch geeks p.7 1.6 -think Marie Lawson and her boyfriend Will are uninteresting p.8 1.22 -likes artichoke dip p.9 11.29-30 -not good at smalltalk p.8 1.13 -well organized p.16 1.3 -wants to be independent p.111.2 Chip Brown hair muscular/well built -father's a alcoholic -mother lives in a trailer - father was abusive -is not ashamed of his mother -Likes smoking -hate rules Alaska beautiful eyes, curved legs, petit but curvy, good looking, lean built - mother died when she was young -thinks she's to blame for her mother's death -has a boyfriend "Jake" - from Vine Station -never wants to visit "home" -likes smoking -sex -philosophy -reading books -open mindet -friendly - self confident -loyal -does everything for his friends - moody -direct person - intelligent - manipulative -wild -unpredictable -flirty - mysterious -impulsive Alaska Young I quote the following statement about Alaska: Alaska is a selfish and arrogant girl. She is unreliable and doesn't care about others and their feelings. She is over-confiedent and lazy. She will surely fail at Culver Creek. I don't agree about these statements because they are very dramatic with the choice of words, for example the adjective over-confident". Yeah she is confident and what's wrong about this trait. Many people cannot see differences between confident and arrogant, they judge only by one character train. Alaska is self-centred, confident, intelligent as well as honest. She is helpful but sometimes careless and unpredictable. She is kind and cares for her friends. She is opinionated but still fits in at Culver Creek She hides behind ner confidence to seem like a strong person. Her real self is maybe very insecure and not sure about what others think of her. She loves that every one likes her and want not to show her real self. Mn and amalget. She We think that...: Most of the time she is cool and happy, but sometimes she is a little bit depressed and is not so nice to others. I think that she cares about her friends and their feelings. She quends alot of time with thêm and even the thing in the religiour das where she went out with miles. because of human Just selfish you may w She is still sometimes. She is party nice ♡ hies ditch We don't agree the statment but in some way she is a bit others for example she and Chip says that they were the to protect Hiles and Takumi. is not over-confident she cares about only ones that smoked Yea she may be lazy but it is not true that she does not care about the feelings of other people, it seemed like she does not when miles was kicked into the water but she did not know the hole story afterwards when she found out she got very angry. And that she may fail cc is not really true with her confidence she has the capebility she could do it but as i already said she is lazy. She is confident and stands up for others for example when miles was kicked out. She is selfish and arrogant but that is what makes her so sympatic and makes her Look strong and that no one can play with her. and