


Looking For Alaska







EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of
EF Englisch
Date: 2/th mar 2021
1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of

5 EF Englisch Date: 2/th mar 2021 Tasks: 1. Summarize the extract from the chapter forty-four days before and briefly put it into context of the novel's content. (comprehension - 10 points) 10 20 2nd exam - Looking for Alaska Name: eticia Di Nola 2. Characterize Alaska in the given extract. Pay special attention to her behaviour. Consider what you already know about the character. (analysis - 16 points) OR 3a. Write a diary entry from Miles' point of view right after the situation in the extract. Pay special attention to his relationship with Alaska. (re-creation of text - 14 points) Extract from the chapter forty-four days before 1 So I could not have been more surprised when she showed up sobbing at Room 43 just as I was putting the finishing touches on my final paper for English. She sat down on the couch, her every exhalation a mix of whimper and scream. 3b. "Don't you know who you love, Pudge? You love the girl who makes you laugh and shows you porn and drinks wine with you. You don't love the crazy, sullen bitch." (II. 32-33) Comment on the fact that some people would like to ban the novel Looking for Alaska from schools and libraries in the US. (evaluation: comment - 14 points) "I'm sorry," she said, heaving. Snot was dribbling...

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down her chin. "What's wrong?" I asked. She picked up a Kleenex from the Coffee Table and wiped at her face. "I don't..." she started, and then a sob came like a tsunami, her cry so loud and childlike that it scared me, and I got up, sat down next to her, and put my arm around her. She turned away, pushing her head into the foam of the couch. "I don't understand why I screw everything up," she said. "What, like with Marya? Maybe you were just scared." "Scared isn't a good excuse!" she shouted into the couch. "Scared is the excuse everyone has always used!" I didn't know who "everyone" was, or when "always" was, and as much as I wanted to understand her ambiguities, the slyness was growing annoying. "Why are you upset about this now?" "It's not just that. It's everything. But I told the Colonel in the car." 15 She sniffled but seemed done with the sobs. "While you were sleeping in the back. And he said he'd never let me out of his sight during pranks. That he couldn't trust me on my own. And I don't blame him. I don't even trust me." "It took guts to tell him," I said. "I have guts, just not when it counts. Will you - um," and she sat up straight and then moved towards me, and I raised my arm as she collapsed into my skinny cheat and cried. I felt bad for her, chest Brust but she'd done it to herself. She didn't have to rat. "I don't want to upset you, but maybe you just need to tell us all why you told on Marya. Were you scared of going home or something?" She pulled away from me and gave me a Look of Doom that would have made the Eagle proud, and 25 felt like she hated me or hated my question or both, and then she looked away, out the window, toward the soccer field, and said, "There's no home." 30 "Well, you have a family," I backpedaled. She'd talked to me about her mom just that morning. How could the girl who told that joke three hours ago before become a sobbing mess? Still staring at me, she said "I try not to be scared you know. But I still ruin everything. I still fuck up." "Okay," I told her. "It's okay." I didn't even know what she was talking about anymore. One vague notion after another. "Don't you know who you love, Pudge? You love the girl who makes you laugh and shows you porn and drinks wine with you. You don't love the crazy, sullen bitch." And there was something to that, truth be told. Good luck everybody!! E EF (Joe) Erwartungshorizont-2. Klausur,Looking for Alaska' Bewertung: Aufgaben 1, 2 und 3-LV mit Schreiben INHALT (40%) Der/Die Schüler/in... ...fasst die Hauptaussagen des Romanabschnittes korrekt, aber nicht zu ausführlich zusammen. Aufgabe 2 (analysis) [16 P.] ...benennt kurz die Situation, die zu der Situation Aufgabe 1 (comprehension) [12 P.] zwischen Miles und Alaska geführt hat und andere relevante vorweggegangene Ereignisse . Alaska kommt in Miles' Zimmer und ist sehr aufgelöst Sie sagt ihm, dass sie Dinge kaputt macht und dass sie durcheinander ist und bezieht sich hierbei eher auf Allgemeines als auf einzelne Situationen Miles fragt genauer nach, hat Schwierigkeiten mit Alaska und ihren sich schnell ändernden Stimmungen und mehrdeutigen Aussagen klar zu kommen Miles versucht Alaska zu trösten und zu unterstützen Сећна . Alaska hatte Miles kurz zuvor von ihrer Mutter und Witzen, die diese ihr früher erzählt hatte, berichtet Alaska hatte Marya (und ihren Freund Paul) an the Eagle verraten und Chip davon im Auto berichtet ..benennt kurz die folgenden Ereignisse des Romans, die in dem Kontext relevant sind, z.B. . Alaska ist weiterhin unberechenbar und braucht die Unterstützung ihrer Freunde erfüllt ein anderes aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) ..beschreibt Alaskas Charakter basierend auf dem Ausschnitt aus dem Roman, z.B. emotional, aufgelöst, dramatisch unberechenbar, verwirrt über ihr eigenes Verhalten bedauernd, da sie Marya verraten hat manipulativ sehr streng mit sich selbst instabil (trifft mehrdeutige und zur Deutung offenstehende Aussagen) orientierungslos ...beschreibt zusätzliche Charaktereigenschaften Alaskas und erklärt wie diese zur Charakterisierung auf Basis des Ausschnitts zusammenpassen und nennt Beispiele. Die Eigenschaften, die sich aus dem Abschnitt erkennen lassen, passen zu sonstigen direkten und indirekten Charakterisierungen von Alaska Alaska hat zwei Gesichter: -Sie ist zum einen z.B. sensibel und emotional, verwirrt und instabil, orientierungslos, manipulativ, hilflos, einsam, unberechenbar Punkte 7 1 10 He Aufgabe 3a (re-creation of text) [12 P.] ODER Aufgabe 3b (evaluation) [12 P.] Summe TEIL B INHALT -Zum anderen ist sie z.B. selbstbewusst, abenteuerlustig, unterhaltsam, humorvoll, kontaktfreudig. energisch ...fasst die Hauptaussagen der Charakterisierung in einer kurzen conclusion zusammen ...greift zu Beginn des Tagebucheintrags die dargestellte 2 Situation auf und bettet sie in den Kontext ein ...identifiziert Hauptmerkmale der Beziehung zwischen Alaska und Miles und lässt diese in die Textproduktion miteinfließen Miles ist verliebt in Alaska Miles ist zum einen fasziniert von ihr. Er findet ihre Art über das Leben zu denken anziehend Zum anderen ist er häufig überfordert von ihren Stimmungsschwankungen und ihrer Unberechenbarkeit, z.B. bei ihren Gefühlen ihm gegenüber ..bezieht Stellung zu Alaskas Situation und formuliert Probleme, die für ihn aufgrund ihrer Art aufkommen ..greift im Beginn des Kommentars auf einen Einleitungssatz zurück, der zum einen anregend zum anderen rahmengebend ist ..identifiziert relevante/ problematische Themen des Romans, die zu einem Verbot des Romans führen könnten und führt diese passend aus, z.B. Sexualität und sexuelle Handlungen Drogenkonsum ausfälliger Sprachgebrauch (offensive language) möglicher Selbstmord ...bezieht klar Stellung (pro/ contra/ argumentative) zu der Frage, ob ,Looking for Alaska' in US-amerikanischen Schulen verboten werden sollte und nennt dabei weitere Argumente, die für bzw. gegen Verbote von bestimmten Büchern sprechen, z.B. Rassismus, Sexismus in Büchern (ggf. Vorgaben der Gleichberechtigung in demokratischen Gesellschaften) Meinungsfreiheit Geschmacksunterschiede der Leserschaft Jugendliche übernehmen keine Verhaltensweisen, nur weil sie mit diesen im literarischen Kontext konfrontiert werden warnende Funktion von Literaturinhalten 2 5 5 2 1214 SPRACHE (60%) Ausdrucksvermögen/ Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel [20 P.] Der/Die Schüler/in... Aufgabenbezug / Textformate: ... richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus und beachtet die Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate: Aufg.1: u.a. Angabe zum Ausgangstext, keine Zitate/Textverweise, present tense, frei von Deutungen/Interpretation, sachlich-neutraler Stil 18 Aufg. 2: present tense, Korrekte Verwendung von Zitaten und Paraphrasierung, name it-quote it-explain it, sachlich-neutraler Stil Aufg. 3a: Berücksichtigung der Normen des kreativen Schreibens Textgestaltung [22 P.] Aufg. 3b: u.a. subjektiv-wertender Stil bzw. Berücksichtigung der Normen eines comments Kommunikative Sprachrichtigkeit [18 P.] Textaufbau: ... erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten u. leserfreundlichen Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen, Absätze 6 als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte etc. Ökonomie:... formuliert hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten (auch unter funktionaler Verwendung von Verweisen/Zitaten). Eigenständigkeit: ...löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. Wortschatz: ... bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten (allgemeinen, thematischen, analytischen) Wortschatzes. Satzbau: ... bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zielformat angemessenen Satzbaus. Punkte Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie Summe TEIL B SPRACHE Gesamtsumme - LESEN & SCHREIBEN 8 6 8 16 6 8 4 16. 6 5 6 2015110 5 ·។ 3 16 160 78/100 Bewertungsschlüssel Punkte 10 - =% Note 19 26 20- 27- N Kommentar: 32 6 5- 5 NOTE: 2 (OUF) (gut) Sehr sch Toutentr ∙etwas Kapitels Letizia Di Nola EF 2nd exam - Looking for Alaska d. SUMMARIZE The given extract from the novel "Looking for Alaska", written by John Green in 2005, deals with an emotionfully day from the main characters Alaska Young and Miles Hatter. Right before this chapter starts, Alaska and Miles got cigarettes. vine and vodka to enjoy the last day of real vacation. At the beginning Alaska shows up crying at Miles Room. To see Alaska crying shocks him and he tries to comfort her. She feels like she can't do. anything right so nobody can trust her. Meanwhile she can not even trust herself. Next Miles asks her questions. to understand her but her answers are not deary. G A w (baught), Z Z 21th. may 2021 A (no short forms) 7 R G ℗ thoughtful Ⓒalgong rebellion Ⓒsensitive A₁ G 1 3 G₁ down 1 Prap (by) A (that way) Bz 16 close too text t mething what Third, Hiles say some makes Alaska upset. Suddenly their conversation tuins deep when she starts to talk about not having a home. Last, Hiles tries to calm her with saying that is okay to feel So 2 CHARACTERIZATION Alaska Young is one of the main characters in the novel. "Looking for Alaska", written by John Green in 2005. She is a 16 years old. teenager, was called Mary before she chose. and attends Culver her name Creek Preparority School in. Alabama. On one hand she is thoughful, on the other hand she is outgoing and rebelious. 1/ In Chapter forty-four days 41 before she shows her sensitive sobs side. She seabed and d cries So loud and child like that it makes Miles speechless (cf. p. 98 11. 18-19). This line shows that s usually. the funny and strong Alaska, how everbody. knows her, can also have a secret sensitive side, which she do not show often. It demonstrates the she is also just a normal human, who is sometimes lost in minds or self-hatred. in Right before she shows her sensitive side, she express her manipulative side of her personality. "[...]. But I'll flist my way through" (p. 97 11.19-15), shows it perfectly. It means she is able to do anything Further, to get her will. & she thinks things well out to get instantly what she want. It does not even care She if this could bring her into trouble.. For instance uses she her femine side to manipulate the cashier, so she can get contrabands. Additionally this chapter reveal how moody Alaska is. This can be seen on many lines For example at the beginning she does jokes with Miles (cf. p. 98 1.6) Sb G Z, Z Ther, G Bz A St A G 6 - good → Yes good, but the focus should be the extract from the chapter & moody Ter Ⓒmanipulative * (cf. p.99 1.9) J A g 31 es ra -ei nevertheless afthough лед se descriptive ? IR 46 A(Simprecise 6 You R "W (While) (..), A Z 16 Bz GT G ✅ R period of and a short time later she is sobbing and exhates (cf. 98 11. 11-14). Althoug she cries become serious when Miles asks her something. Her mood changes within a few second. It often depends how the outhers treat her. Meanwhile she was upset nevertheless their conversation a deep talk, turns up into where Alaska insults herself. (cf.p.gg 1.24). she starts f where and upset. In conclusion this chapter shows different character traits. many of Alaska Young. She is manipulative to herd will, get it shows her sensitive side, she losts in self-halred and her moody side where she switchs into different moods within a short time.. 3. DIARY ENTRY Dear Diary, Today was a really weird day.... Pay attention because. you will Dever believe what happened today! A short time before the reallyyyy unrealistic thing happend, I drove. with Alaska to COOSA LIQUORS'. It was the last day of real vacation, so we needed to enjoy it with all power. Not to forget: Alcohol and cigarettes ;) Alaska flirted with the cashier to get our stuff without showing the ID card. I was. To be honest with you. land of jealous. I don't know why, do you? No w we come to the most Interesting and weird part of the day! I was chilling in my room Alaska. and thought about All of sudden she showed up at my room. Yeah, nice.... the only problem is that she was :( Sabbing... I was very suprised and I did not R A A (..) A 1 the Leticia Di Nola Z sb I have never seen) R Prap Prap (...) Ther T (comforting) A 17 (...) 6- Chas) St G known how to handle it. I never saw somebody crying execpt of my parents. I felt so bad for her and was trying to figure out what the problem is. I was scared because her cry was so loud and childlike. I sat down to her and to her und put my arm around her. I wanted to comfort.... I know I'm not the best with comfort others but for Alaska I gave my best. I don't want crying again. I promise I will be there for here because she is too important to. to see her ever me. To my questions she gave or rather SHOUTED (?!) short answers, which were difficult for me to follow her Anyways gave she after one. of my question a realllyyy serious look. 1 thought she hates me now. She said something with she has no home. I don't get it LOL a family? but she has T Do you think she hates me? I hope not... :( And if she hates me now I will apologize to her. I'm ready to practise how to comfort perfect !!! someone I feel weird but I hope Alaska. will feel better SOOD because her feelings it matters more then mine for me! Yours, Miles. Z G 19 St R (than), Prap (to)