


Loose Change-Analysis







Analysis ,,Loose Change" by Andrea Levy
The story ,,Loose Change" is written by Andrea Levy and was published in the year
2005. The story is
Analysis ,,Loose Change" by Andrea Levy
The story ,,Loose Change" is written by Andrea Levy and was published in the year
2005. The story is

Analysis ,,Loose Change" by Andrea Levy The story ,,Loose Change" is written by Andrea Levy and was published in the year 2005. The story is about a female narrator who is helped out by a young refugee woman in the bathroom when she needs coins fort he tampon machine, while all other woman in there just leave. In the following part I will analyse the development oft he narrator's attitude towards the young refugee names Laylor. The story has two main characters: The female narrator and the refugee Laylor. The narrator is described as unsociable and vulnerable during Laylor is described as fiving and openhearted. ,,Loose Change" is told by a first-person point of view which is very detailed. This is the reason why the reader gets a direct impression of what the female narrator thinks and experiences. In addition, the story is written in a simple language. The exposition of the story of lines 1-84 describes the first meeting of the narrator and Laylor in the National Portrait Gallery in London. The narrators thoughts of Laylor are already in the beginning very critical and she thinks very reckless about her look. This is made clear by describing Laylors' jawline as solid (1.27) and by thinking...that she looked to have taken a gentle whack from Tom and...

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Jerry's cartoon frying pan" (1.27-29). Also, the narrator thinks kind of ungrateful because she uttered the sentence,...I didn't want a bag full of the stuff myself" (1.32-33). From line 85 starts the Rising Action and it ends by line 169. The two enter into a conversation more and the narrator's interest is aroused a bit. However, after Taylor wipes the sugar from the dirty table into her cup the narrator is disgusted by her behavior (1.129-130). After Laylor tells the narrator she is homeless and poor the narrator starts to realise some things. The narrator clearly shown her discomfort in the situation, but she also cares about Laylor a little bit and feel pity for her in this moment because she think ,,The memory of the bitter cold still tingled at my fingertips..." (1.170-171). After this passage comes the Climax, as the narrator finally learns that Laylor is a refugee. But while Laylor is still telling her story, the narrator thinks she wants to play a trick with her. The author made it clear by the word ,,cunningly" (l.196). These negative and selfish thoughts are carried on by the narrator as she wonders ,,But why me?" (1.199) and by thoughts that her ,,...life was hard enough without this stranger tramping trough it" (1.211-212). She also thinks she can't help Laylor (1.207- 208) and she thinks it is Laylor's own responsibility to get help (comparison 1.209-210 ,,Couldn't she have gone tot he police? Or some charity?". The Climax ends with a thought about her grandmother who also came to England as a refugee. After this long part, the action falls off again. In line 230 to 258, the narrator wanders again with her thoughts, but this time thinks positively. Laylor's story doesn't leave the narrator completely untouched by the fact that she imagines what it would be like if Laylor lived at her home and for a short time she even harbors thoughts like mother to her daughter would do (1.246-258). However, the final part of Loose Change, the Resolution, takes up her negative thoughts about Laylor. She expresses the sentence ,,All Laylor's grandchildren would know my name" (1.259) which makes it clear that she cares more about being a hero than actually helping Laylor. Then she gets up and leaves Laylor (1.269-271)-the narrator is completely overwhelmed with the situation. All in all, it seems the narrator is very moody and can't up with a decision of helping Laylor or not. It seems like the narrator has an inner conflict and can't came up with an answer.