


Loose Change (summary and short character analysis)







Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Richard The Thir

THEMEN: Short Stories -,,Loose Change" -"The Third And Final Continent" -"She Shall Not Be Moved" -"The Escape" Gran Torino Richard The Third Frankenstein "LOOSE CHANGE" → Displacement: question of identity and belonging. Summary -all-day meeting between two women -both with foreign background -one of them has already established her life in the city, the other one hasn't (just arrived as a political refugee from Uzbekistan Ethnic and cultural diversity: cultural clashes, the role of gang culture and violence Role of women, pursuit of power, (fate vs free will). Ethics of science, role of nature, question of (human) identity -takes place in the bathroom of an art gallery (London) -woman with established life needs coins for tampon machine and wants to give the money back to the refugee (Laylor) -protagonist invites her for a cup of tea in a cafe -protagonist assumes woman is refugee from Spain because of the accent -brother of Laylor shows up, they have a short discussion -> in her native language -turns out they're homeless -suddenly protagonists view on girl changes dramatically "dirty fingernails, ugly tooth gap". -inner conflict (in regard to origin) -narrow-minded -easy to influence (by looks) -protagonist wonders why refugee approached her as she has a lot on her plate and others could offer their help -just leaves the cafe and the girl behind Operatorer! + stigliche devices Notes -protagonist may not want to be confronted with emigration as she sees herself as a Londoner -doesn't care...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

about grandmothers background and what challenges she faced because of people like her -behaves the same way which she criticises when she says "all Londoners I assume" -over generations, the emigrational background is being more and more disregarded Laylor -generous and selfless (even tho she hasn't got a lot. of money either; doesn't expect something in return) -good-hearted, pure -easily trusts people (thus maybe naive) -despite the fact that she is homeless and poor, she is very unbothered and seems happy -talkative, open-minded -grateful and humble (doesn't complain about her situation) Protagonist -naive, one-dimensional -trying to shift the responsibility -deflecting blame -unsociable (doesn't want to make friends) -sees herself as the victim -also polite and responsible (automatically wants to give her money back)